Juan Williams: GOP Should Have Done What DNC (Did in 2016 &) Is Doing In 2020

Juan Williams: Dems doing what
never-Trumper GOP should have done in 2016

"The way I think of it is if 2016...if we were doing a re-run, you would see the Republican Party assert itself to say, 'Let's come together to stop Donald Trump,'" he explained. "They never did. The party, as a result, blew apart and it's now the party of Trump.'

One thing, Juan - the GOP doesn't rig their Primaries and openly declare to GOP Voters, 'Your vote is meaningless because the Party will pick its own candidates no matter what'.

Republicans actually allow their voters to pick the candidate.

Democrats screwed Bernie in 2016...and still lost. Democrats are going to screw Bernie again in 2020...how's that working out for them, Juan?

Juan Williams: Democrats are doing what anti-Trump Republicans should have done in 2016
Juan Williams is Insane and Infected with TDS. If you listen to him regularly he can still not accept the results of 2016, rages against The President every chance he gets, and never gives The President credit. He's as nuts as Chris Matthews.
Juan Williams: Dems doing what
never-Trumper GOP should have done in 2016

"The way I think of it is if 2016...if we were doing a re-run, you would see the Republican Party assert itself to say, 'Let's come together to stop Donald Trump,'" he explained. "They never did. The party, as a result, blew apart and it's now the party of Trump.'

Juan Williams: Democrats are doing what anti-Trump Republicans should have done in 2016
Yep, Juan is right. They coulda, and they shoulda. Now they're stuck making more and more ridiculous excuses for a reality TV assclown.
that the people voted for. too funny your insanity

I don't worship democracy. It produces all kinds of idiocy.
I believe in my country. It's better than any other place you've visited.
Juan Williams: Dems doing what
never-Trumper GOP should have done in 2016

"The way I think of it is if 2016...if we were doing a re-run, you would see the Republican Party assert itself to say, 'Let's come together to stop Donald Trump,'" he explained. "They never did. The party, as a result, blew apart and it's now the party of Trump.'

He's right. They should have coalesced around Rubio. I would have voted for him.
Juan Williams: Dems doing what
never-Trumper GOP should have done in 2016

"The way I think of it is if 2016...if we were doing a re-run, you would see the Republican Party assert itself to say, 'Let's come together to stop Donald Trump,'" he explained. "They never did. The party, as a result, blew apart and it's now the party of Trump.'

Juan Williams: Democrats are doing what anti-Trump Republicans should have done in 2016
Yep, Juan is right. They coulda, and they shoulda. Now they're stuck making more and more ridiculous excuses for a reality TV assclown.
that the people voted for. too funny your insanity

I don't worship democracy. It produces all kinds of idiocy.
I believe in my country. It's better than any other place you've visited.
What is that supposed to mean?
Bernie loves the Democratic party's way of running Primaries and Elections because it reminds 'Castro FanBoy' of Cuba....he just doesn't like when they use the process against HIM.

Juan Williams: Dems doing what
never-Trumper GOP should have done in 2016

"The way I think of it is if 2016...if we were doing a re-run, you would see the Republican Party assert itself to say, 'Let's come together to stop Donald Trump,'" he explained. "They never did. The party, as a result, blew apart and it's now the party of Trump.'

He's right. They should have coalesced around Rubio. I would have voted for him.
so no one should vote?
Juan Williams: Dems doing what
never-Trumper GOP should have done in 2016

"The way I think of it is if 2016...if we were doing a re-run, you would see the Republican Party assert itself to say, 'Let's come together to stop Donald Trump,'" he explained. "They never did. The party, as a result, blew apart and it's now the party of Trump.'

He's right. They should have coalesced around Rubio. I would have voted for him.
so no one should vote?

According to Democrats about their own Primaries, it doesn't matter if they do or not. The Party is going to make the final decision anyway.

Juan Williams: Dems doing what
never-Trumper GOP should have done in 2016

"The way I think of it is if 2016...if we were doing a re-run, you would see the Republican Party assert itself to say, 'Let's come together to stop Donald Trump,'" he explained. "They never did. The party, as a result, blew apart and it's now the party of Trump.'

One thing, Juan - the GOP doesn't rig their Primaries and openly declare to GOP Voters, 'Your vote is meaningless because the Party will pick its own candidates no matter what'.

Republicans actually allow their voters to pick the candidate.

Ummmmm...... no Sprinkles. They did it when a bloviating New Yorker whose critics called him an egomaniac came sauntering in to the party convention with a dominating lead in the primaries. They told him to go sit on a tack, we're going with the establishment guy from Ohio.

You may have heard of him. His name was Teddy Roosevelt.

Now, TR went down the street (literally), formed his own party and took enough votes in the general election to send the Republican down to third place, saddling us with Woodrow Wilson who got in with under 42% of the vote. But once Wilson was done the RP came back with the biggest landslide victory in history, so the effect was strictly temporary.

Williams is right. There's *NO* -- ZERO -- requirement for any party to hold primaries at all, let alone to follow their results if they do. A political party is its own entity, the prime directive of which is self-perpetuation. As such, it's going to nominate whoever it wants to nominate. If you think the bread and circus of "primaries" have an influence on that, rather than being a great big exhibition game, then you're one of that party's useful idiots.

Hell the RP has already CANCELLED several primaries even though there are nationally-prominent challengers. I'm about to go vote for one of them today in fact, even though I already know it has all the impact of a mosquito sneezing in Sir Lanka.
I used to think Juan was a lot smarter than how I see him today.
He caught the TDS and is all in on the insanity towards our president.

Whelp -- he seems to know more about how political parties work than you do sooooooooooooo.........
I do not like Trump but this is a horrible argument. The idea that people should only be able to pick from the insiders chosen few is a terrible idea.

It's been way we have done things but the people have grown tired of it.

We call it a Duopoly because it's a monopoly. As long as it survives, there is no other door. There is only illusion.
I used to think Juan was a lot smarter than how I see him today.
He caught the TDS and is all in on the insanity towards our president.

Whelp -- he seems to know more about how political parties work than you do sooooooooooooo.........
that's something to be proud of? LOL, I'm laughing.

Juan Williams: Dems doing what
never-Trumper GOP should have done in 2016

"The way I think of it is if 2016...if we were doing a re-run, you would see the Republican Party assert itself to say, 'Let's come together to stop Donald Trump,'" he explained. "They never did. The party, as a result, blew apart and it's now the party of Trump.'

One thing, Juan - the GOP doesn't rig their Primaries and openly declare to GOP Voters, 'Your vote is meaningless because the Party will pick its own candidates no matter what'.

Republicans actually allow their voters to pick the candidate.

Democrats screwed Bernie in 2016...and still lost. Democrats are going to screw Bernie again in 2020...how's that working out for them, Juan?

Juan Williams: Democrats are doing what anti-Trump Republicans should have done in 2016

1. Bernie Sanders is not Democrat.

2. I agree with the establishment if they boot Sanders.

3. Jaun Williams is wrong because Trump registered as a Republican and ran as one like Bloomberg as a Democrat!

Utterly meaningless. "Registering'" as a "Republican" or as a "Democrat" means ----- what? NOTHING.

I don't know (or care) what Rump's registration affiliation may say but I do know that in Vermont, you just register -- you don't declare a party. And what would be the point anyway?

Get this through your collective skull peeps ---- a political party is nothing more than a vehicle. You can get to Point B with this car or that car ---- it's the same Point B. That's ALL it is. "Joining" a political party is nothing more than endorsing one brand of vehicle over another. If it meant any more than that ---- you could never change your mind.
Taking political advice from Juan Williams is akin to taking investment advice from G5000

Juan Williams: Dems doing what
never-Trumper GOP should have done in 2016

"The way I think of it is if 2016...if we were doing a re-run, you would see the Republican Party assert itself to say, 'Let's come together to stop Donald Trump,'" he explained. "They never did. The party, as a result, blew apart and it's now the party of Trump.'

One thing, Juan - the GOP doesn't rig their Primaries and openly declare to GOP Voters, 'Your vote is meaningless because the Party will pick its own candidates no matter what'.

Republicans actually allow their voters to pick the candidate.

Ummmmm...... no Sprinkles. They did it when a bloviating New Yorker whose critics called him an egomaniac came sauntering in to the party convention with a dominating lead in the primaries. They told him to go sit on a tack, we're going with the establishment guy from Ohio.

You may have heard of him. His name was Teddy Roosevelt.

Now, TR went down the street (literally), formed his own party and took enough votes in the general election to send the Republican down to third place, saddling us with Woodrow Wilson who got in with under 42% of the vote. But once Wilson was done the RP came back with the biggest landslide victory in history, so the effect was strictly temporary.

Williams is right. There's *NO* -- ZERO -- requirement for any party to hold primaries at all, let alone to follow their results if they do. A political party is its own entity, the prime directive of which is self-perpetuation. As such, it's going to nominate whoever it wants to nominate. If you think the bread and circus of "primaries" have an influence on that, rather than being a great big exhibition game, then you're one of that party's useful idiots.

Hell the RP has already CANCELLED several primaries even though there are nationally-prominent challengers. I'm about to go vote for one of them today in fact, even though I already know it has all the impact of a mosquito sneezing in Sir Lanka.

That is an awfully long-winded way to distract from the fact that the DNC admitted to rigging its primaries, screwing Bernie, and imposing their own candidate on their voters in 2016.....and a black former Obama advisor declared days before the SC Primary that voters' actual votes are meaningless in 2020, that the PARTY makes the final call...

Unlike the GOP, where the people actually picked their nominee in 2016....and are sticking with him in 2020.
Get this through your collective skull peeps ---- a political party is nothing more than a vehicle.


When you get in the GOP vehicle you get to say where you want to go....and you get there...as opposed to getting in the DNC vehicle, where you get in, tell them where you want to go, and they take you wherever the hell THEY want to.


Juan Williams: Dems doing what
never-Trumper GOP should have done in 2016

"The way I think of it is if 2016...if we were doing a re-run, you would see the Republican Party assert itself to say, 'Let's come together to stop Donald Trump,'" he explained. "They never did. The party, as a result, blew apart and it's now the party of Trump.'

One thing, Juan - the GOP doesn't rig their Primaries and openly declare to GOP Voters, 'Your vote is meaningless because the Party will pick its own candidates no matter what'.

Republicans actually allow their voters to pick the candidate.

Ummmmm...... no Sprinkles. They did it when a bloviating New Yorker whose critics called him an egomaniac came sauntering in to the party convention with a dominating lead in the primaries. They told him to go sit on a tack, we're going with the establishment guy from Ohio.

You may have heard of him. His name was Teddy Roosevelt.

Now, TR went down the street (literally), formed his own party and took enough votes in the general election to send the Republican down to third place, saddling us with Woodrow Wilson who got in with under 42% of the vote. But once Wilson was done the RP came back with the biggest landslide victory in history, so the effect was strictly temporary.

Williams is right. There's *NO* -- ZERO -- requirement for any party to hold primaries at all, let alone to follow their results if they do. A political party is its own entity, the prime directive of which is self-perpetuation. As such, it's going to nominate whoever it wants to nominate. If you think the bread and circus of "primaries" have an influence on that, rather than being a great big exhibition game, then you're one of that party's useful idiots.

Hell the RP has already CANCELLED several primaries even though there are nationally-prominent challengers. I'm about to go vote for one of them today in fact, even though I already know it has all the impact of a mosquito sneezing in Sir Lanka.

That is an awfully long-winded way to distract from the fact that the DNC admitted to rigging its primaries, screwing Bernie, and imposing their own candidate on their voters in 2016.....and a black former Obama advisor declared days before the SC Primary that voters' actual votes are meaningless in 2020, that the PARTY makes the final call...

Unlike the GOP, where the people actually picked their nominee in 2016....and are sticking with him in 2020.

It ain't "distracting" from that at all --- it's bellowing it from the rooftops. Kind of like I did on this board four years ago while observing Hillary Clinton being awarded delegates while the freaking polls were still open.

*AGAIN* --- political parties have no restrictions on who they give their own endorsement. NONE. They will engineer anyone they want toward, or away from, that endorsement, at will. What Williams is saying here, and he's hardly the first, is that the Republican Party didn't have the will. They bought the "feelings". But they could have bounced him out. And he's correct. They've done it before.

And again, they did that because a political party's prime directive is self-perpetuation. That's it, full stop, end of list, period, cue fat lady.
*AGAIN* --- political parties have no restrictions on who they give their own endorsement. NONE. They will engineer anyone they want toward, or away from, that endorsement, at will. What Williams is saying here, and he's hardly the first, is that the Republican Party didn't have the will. They bought the "feelings". But they could have bounced him out. And he's correct. They've done it before.

You are 'projecting'.

The GOP has and continues to demonstrate its voters - the people - get to decide who their candidate is while hypocritical, self-appointed ruling class Democrats continue to impose their will on their idiot voters, who keep coming back for the 'pinch in the face', even when ex-Obama advisors tell them in advance it's coming....

2016 was not a case in which the Never-Trumpers did not attempt to make sure Trump did not win - they did. He defeated them.

Hell, in 2016 President Obama, his criminal administration, the Deep State - they initiated a freakin' political coup during which they violated both Constitution and existing Laws in an attempt to prevent him from winning....and he beat them all to become President.

To try to claim THEY did not have the 'will' to try to deny him the nomination / Presidency is ridiculous.
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Juan Williams is a Fox Stooge/ Token "Liberal" who wants to keep his job.


Juan Williams: Dems doing what
never-Trumper GOP should have done in 2016

"The way I think of it is if 2016...if we were doing a re-run, you would see the Republican Party assert itself to say, 'Let's come together to stop Donald Trump,'" he explained. "They never did. The party, as a result, blew apart and it's now the party of Trump.'

One thing, Juan - the GOP doesn't rig their Primaries and openly declare to GOP Voters, 'Your vote is meaningless because the Party will pick its own candidates no matter what'.

Republicans actually allow their voters to pick the candidate.

Democrats screwed Bernie in 2016...and still lost. Democrats are going to screw Bernie again in 2020...how's that working out for them, Juan?

Juan Williams: Democrats are doing what anti-Trump Republicans should have done in 2016
Williams is a lib

so naturally h3 wants to subvert the popular will

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