Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

NPR LIKES black people, they just don't necessarily want to...you know...work with them. Particularly when they won't fit into the stereotype.

Come on...It's not about the color of his skin AT ALL.

IMO the fact that he made that statement reinforces their letting him go.

"I don't fit in their box. I'm not a predictable, black liberal," he told Fox News' Bill O'Reilly.

Uh-uh, no he di'int. Did Juan just play the race card?

Seems like there's plenty of race-baiting going on about this topic anyways. :doubt:
I find it difficult to believe that if Williams said he was nervous in a "typical southern town" or maybe when he is "stopped by a cop for a traffic stop" and may be worried about racial profiling, he would have been fired. I see many black people today blame white people for slavery but not a single white person in the US today owned a slave.

It seems that demands are we tamp down natural instincts and not speak of them. The nervousness is a reaction and perhaps a warning system in place by our brain to watch out for thing that warn us of past experiences IMO. They teach us to be on heightened awareness because of history. I believe it is a natural reaction.
It doesn't matter what they appear to be. What they believe in and how they run their operation is the issue here.

They seem to be "running their operation" like any other government agency: with complete and total political correctness.

What else do you expect?

If any bureaucratic wonk even hints at uttering anything less that total PC IN PUBLIC, then they're eliminated.

Unless you happen to be Harry Reid.

Elected officials can say whatever they want: They may or may not be reelected.
I don't know if this has been posted yet, but this is an answer to Ravis exact question, as to past offense towards a grp. on NPR etc and how that went down....

National Public Radio Issues Apology for Rapture Remark
December 23, 1995|Associated Press

WASHINGTON — National Public Radio made an on-air apology Friday evening for a commentator's remark on the return of Christ, after the Christian Coalition complained that the comment was anti-Christian.

The remark by humorist Andrei Codrescu occurred Tuesday during a commentary on NPR's popular program "All Things Considered."

Codrescu, who is on contract with NPR but not a full-time employee, said on his program: "The evaporation of 4 million [people] who believe in this crap would leave the world a better place."

The apology broadcast Friday evening on NPR's national feed of "All Things Considered" said Codrescu's "remarks crossed a line of taste and tolerance that we should have defended with greater vigilance."

NPR spokeswoman Kathy Scott said: "We spoke to Andrei, who told us he would like to apologize for what, in hindsight, he regards as an inappropriate attempt at humor. It is one that he regrets and so does NPR."

National Public Radio Issues Apology for Rapture Remark - Los Angeles Times

Condrescu DID NOT lose his contract.....he was given a stern talking too by NPR staff.....:rolleyes:
Guess what happens to any Black that gets out of line. See Clarence Thomas

It's his fault. He married a white woman. :lol::lol:

that's not the biggest crime. Being conservative is. Now they're getting them for being sociable to conservatives. George Soros and others don't like that. They hate their message being muddle up with confusing truth.

Juan a conservative? Hardly. He is a moderate Liberal, and for that they hate him. because in their world only the Far left should be heard.
So, unfolding information since earlier.

We already posted that George Soros gave $1 million to Media Matters this past week and apparently it was to scrutinize anybody on Fox News and do whatever is necessary to destroy those people.

And apparently George Soros gave $1.8 million to NPR this past week or at least recently and you don't give that kind of donation without some strings being attached.

Coincidence you think?
So, unfolding information since earlier.

We already posted that George Soros gave $1 million to Media Matters this past week and apparently it was to scrutinize anybody on Fox News and do whatever is necessary to destroy those people.

And apparently George Soros gave $1.8 million to NPR this past week or at least recently and you don't give that kind of donation without some strings being attached.

Coincidence you think?

I just wonder who would get to play Soros if they did a remake of "The Godfather".
So, unfolding information since earlier.

We already posted that George Soros gave $1 million to Media Matters this past week and apparently it was to scrutinize anybody on Fox News and do whatever is necessary to destroy those people.

And apparently George Soros gave $1.8 million to NPR this past week or at least recently and you don't give that kind of donation without some strings being attached.

Coincidence you think?
So, unfolding information since earlier.

We already posted that George Soros gave $1 million to Media Matters this past week and apparently it was to scrutinize anybody on Fox News and do whatever is necessary to destroy those people.

And apparently George Soros gave $1.8 million to NPR this past week or at least recently and you don't give that kind of donation without some strings being attached.

Coincidence you think?

Of course that's all it is....:cuckoo:

I'm sure you would give away millions and expecting nothing in return. :cuckoo:
NPR can lie all they want. George Soros and Media Matters were behind this fiasco. Soros is the primary funding source for Media Matters and Media Matters was created to attack Fox News. Soros gives NPR a $1.8 Million contribution and a couple days later a Fox News commentator gets fired and we're supposed to believe that it's just coincidence? What a scam. I really do think our Government should investigate this firing. Something just stinks about it. Either way,NPR should no longer receive Taxpayer funding. They have lost all credibility with this one.
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