Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

Isn't there a single fucking Democrat Progressive Liberal that is starting to feel like their Ring of Power just got tossed into Mount Doom?




It's funny when you guys use the same jokes we used on the Boy King 2+ years ago. Reminds me of Mike Barnicle when he stole George Carlin's material.
"What Williams said was NOTHING that hasn't gone through the minds of the majority of non-muslim Americans regardless of race creed or color."

NPR is low to have done what they have, and in the manner in which they executed the fatal delivery of this man's job, who has worked for them for ten years. On the frigging phone!!!!!

And here is what Juan also said, after the remark that is being touted: ( remark included )

"But when I get on a plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they're identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous." ( Juan explaining his honest feelings )

Williams also commented on remarks by Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad warning Americans that the fight is coming to the U.S."He said the war with Muslims, America's war is just beginning, first drop of blood. I don't think there's any way to get away from these facts," Williams said.

FoxNews.com - NPR Fires Juan Williams; Fox News Expands His Role

Ahhh, but he says this post O'Reilly's bullhorning about his latest run in with The View crowd. Essentially, Williams gives sideways credence to O'Reilly's neocon based rants about the cultural center/mosque proposed construction near Ground Zero in New York. He's been doing a similar verbal dance on the Fox News Sunday morning shows for years now.

Since NPR is predominantly a news/feature news station.....it does NOT lean hard to the left of politics, nor does it lean hard to the right of politics either. I suspect the NPR management has been growing impatient with Williams performance for years...but if you're going to fire someone, pick and choose the right and proper time, so when you give a reason, it won't come off like a blatant political partisan attack, as O'Reilly and the rest of the neocon punditry will now state loudly and often for the next few weeks, if not months.

Real bonehead move by NPR.

:confused: You're teasing us, correct??

Nope! I've YET to see any valid, documented proof that NPR is the rabid left wing propoganda machine that the neocon parrots and pundits have been wailing about for decades. I mean, I've listened to NPR programs for YEARS, and I kind of consider them like the audio version of Reader's Digest (before Reader's Digest went more conservative in the last 25 years or so). I hardly consider The Prairie Home Companion radical leftist programming!
I wonder how Whoopie and Joyless feel now? Their assinine behavior led to the conversation that got a black man fired from a libturd organization funded by we the people. Wonder how that shit sits in their craws? :lol::lol: oh the irony! :lol::lol::lol:

Thought I heard Whoopi say Juan's firing was wrong today.

Williams' firing has triggered a backlash against NPR with people ranging from comedian Whoopi Goldberg to conservatives like Sarah Palin and William Kristol arguing that dismissing Williams for that comment was wrong.

Juan Williams Calls Firing 'Chilling Assault on Free Speech' - ABC News
Ahhh, but he says this post O'Reilly's bullhorning about his latest run in with The View crowd. Essentially, Williams gives sideways credence to O'Reilly's neocon based rants about the cultural center/mosque proposed construction near Ground Zero in New York. He's been doing a similar verbal dance on the Fox News Sunday morning shows for years now.

Since NPR is predominantly a news/feature news station.....it does NOT lean hard to the left of politics, nor does it lean hard to the right of politics either. I suspect the NPR management has been growing impatient with Williams performance for years...but if you're going to fire someone, pick and choose the right and proper time, so when you give a reason, it won't come off like a blatant political partisan attack, as O'Reilly and the rest of the neocon punditry will now state loudly and often for the next few weeks, if not months.

Real bonehead move by NPR.
O'Reilly is a neocon now?

when are you going to actually show that you know what the fuck a neocon actually is
cause your post show you are too fucking stupid about the subject

LOL You say it so much better than I.

I had lengthy exchanges with Dive Con before, in which I gave dictionary definitions and historic documentations of what a "new conservative" or "neocon" is. DiveCon just doesn't like the label because of the negative actions that have been attached to those who fulfill the definition by their actions and words, so he rejects the definition. Subsequently, I placed him on IA...as it's pointless to try and have a rational discussion with people who just deny what they don't like and then proceed as if their supposition and conjecture is a replacement for those facts.

If you are of a similar mindset as Dive Con, then please state so now, so time won't be wasted. If not, then we'll have a rational exchange.
How do you people feel about Helen Thomas getting fired for saying something stupid?

I bet you'll find you're being totally hypocritical.

Think about it.
How do you people feel about Helen Thomas getting fired for saying something stupid?

I bet you'll find you're being totally hypocritical.

Think about it.

Making excuses instead of defending free speech I see.
O'Reilly is a neocon now?

when are you going to actually show that you know what the fuck a neocon actually is
cause your post show you are too fucking stupid about the subject

LOL You say it so much better than I.

I had lengthy exchanges with Dive Con before, in which I gave dictionary definitions and historic documentations of what a "new conservative" or "neocon" is. DiveCon just doesn't like the label because of the negative actions that have been attached to those who fulfill the definition by their actions and words, so he rejects the definition. Subsequently, I placed him on IA...as it's pointless to try and have a rational discussion with people who just deny what they don't like and then proceed as if their supposition and conjecture is a replacement for those facts.

If you are of a similar mindset as Dive Con, then please state so now, so time won't be wasted. If not, then we'll have a rational exchange.
you NEVER did that
Oh, and just to keep things on an even keel.......don't anyone think that Fox News won't dump ANY of their on-air talent in a heartbeat if they dare to break ranks and NOT preach the party mantra of the GOP/Tea Bag election committees more than once and/or on a "liberal"/"progressive" show.

Remember how the GOP threw McCain under the bus? Did Fox punditry stand up for him in earnest?


Okay, if you don't have the will or the information to rationally debate someone elses viewpoint, then do continue to react with cartoons or insult laden generalities like a jr. high schooler.

If not, then please tell me how you consider how the GOP treated McCain in his 2000 bid for the Presidential nomination candidate.
How do you people feel about Helen Thomas getting fired for saying something stupid?

I bet you'll find you're being totally hypocritical.

Think about it.
she actually said something bigoted
Juan did NOT
When will Soros have NPR do a story that Juan Williams was part of the PNAC?

These Right Wing disciples of Saul Alinsky just keep parroting their programming. :lol:

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.
How do you people feel about Helen Thomas getting fired for saying something stupid?

I bet you'll find you're being totally hypocritical.

Think about it.
she actually said something bigoted
Juan did NOT


She said Jews should get out of Palestine and go home to Poland and Germany.

He said he's afraid of Muslims in Muslim garb, on planes.

So you admit your a big hypocrite then?
When will Soros have NPR do a story that Juan Williams was part of the PNAC?

These Right Wing disciples of Saul Alinsky just keep parroting their programming. :lol:

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.

Isn't it weird? We have one billionaire who gives to liberal causes. They have ALL THE REST even in China and India giving to conservative causes.

Why are they so greedy and selfish to constantly mock our one little billionaire?
How do you people feel about Helen Thomas getting fired for saying something stupid?

I bet you'll find you're being totally hypocritical.

Think about it.
she actually said something bigoted
Juan did NOT


She said Jews should get out of Palestine and go home to Poland and Germany.

He said he's afraid of Muslims in Muslim garb, on planes.

So you admit your a big hypocrite then?

You have a creative, yet wrong version of both incidents. Educate yourself.
How do you people feel about Helen Thomas getting fired for saying something stupid?

I bet you'll find you're being totally hypocritical.

Think about it.
she actually said something bigoted
Juan did NOT


She said Jews should get out of Palestine and go home to Poland and Germany.

He said he's afraid of Muslims in Muslim garb, on planes.

So you admit your a big hypocrite then?
Queen, your argueing two different issues, and they are not the same
When will Soros have NPR do a story that Juan Williams was part of the PNAC?

These Right Wing disciples of Saul Alinsky just keep parroting their programming. :lol:

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.

Isn't it weird? We have one billionaire who gives to liberal causes. They have ALL THE REST even in China and India giving to conservative causes.

Why are they so greedy and selfish to constantly mock our one little billionaire?

Because tax dollars of liberals and conservatives are paying into NPR

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