Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

How do you people feel about Helen Thomas getting fired for saying something stupid?

I bet you'll find you're being totally hypocritical.

Think about it.
she actually said something bigoted
Juan did NOT


She said Jews should get out of Palestine and go home to Poland and Germany.

He said he's afraid of Muslims in Muslim garb, on planes.

So you admit your a big hypocrite then?

Juan having a visceral reaction of fear to seeing Muslims in Muslim garb on a plan is not remotely similar to Helen Thomas suggesting that Jews return to concentration camps and gas chambers.
A man truthfully confesses that he is concerned for his safety when flying with people who are openly displaying their allegiance to a faith that declared war on America on Sept. 11, 2001
Dang, I must be out of the loop, cause I didn't get the memo about war being declared. :doubt:

Dance, Ed, dance. Defend the power behind the throne

October 11, 2010, 8:38 am
Soros: I Can’t Stop a Republican ‘Avalanche’

Soros: I Can't Stop a Republican "Avalanche" - NYTimes.com

Billionaire Soros Funds 100 Reporters for NPR
Oct 22, 2010 6:10 PM EDT

FOX News - Top Stories - Billionaire Soros Funds 100 Reporters for NPR

Dance, you fool!
How do you people feel about Helen Thomas getting fired for saying something stupid?

I bet you'll find you're being totally hypocritical.

Think about it.
Helen Thomas was the one who got a raw deal.

All she did was tell the Truth. :cool:
He wasn't a show host. He was a news analyst. There are black show hosts at NPR.

Name them.
Michele Norris, for one. You are welcome to peruse their website and look at skin colors of various show hosts.


You went thru big deal of finding black host on NPR. Actually, if you look at their Staff & Contributors page, you can hardly find any... Ratio could be better if you count Baxter Black, David Brown, Paul Brown and Lloyd Schwartz (black in German). :eusa_whistle:

BTW, you're right...

Michele Norris​

How rich coming from an asshole that is scared shitless by Rush Limbaugh, what would you call the syndrome you suffer from?
Your MessoahRushie is the biggest sufferer from

Friday Quotes: It's Open Line Friday!
October 22, 2010

RUSH: Right now, George Soros is trying to figure out who he can pay to get me fired.
can you find any clinical examples?
she actually said something bigoted
Juan did NOT


She said Jews should get out of Palestine and go home to Poland and Germany.

He said he's afraid of Muslims in Muslim garb, on planes.

So you admit your a big hypocrite then?

Juan having a visceral reaction of fear to seeing Muslims in Muslim garb on a plan is not remotely similar to Helen Thomas suggesting that Jews return to concentration camps and gas chambers.

hey, but she got that life time achievement award from CAIR...whats that compared to some ashes floating around eh?
megan kelly kicked that sanctimonious jackasses butt from CAIR as well.
Ohhhhh goodie, he's gonna hammer them on taxpayer funding now. This should be fun! I hope the right dog pile in behind Juan.

It would be cool to get him to speak at a TEA Party or two... that should REALLY piss the left off!
I have been watching him too. He has been very ''forceful''. Much more so than usual. Loving it!

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