Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

I'd say the racist, screw you conservatives. After all, he was bashing Muslims.

He did NO SUCH THING. He expressed the same thing most Americans have since 9/11/2001.

But you plod on, umkay?
Wrong. He was being a bigot by criticizing people for how they dress....
if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims

He made an observation...AND?
The backlsh against this recent round of libtard stupidity is going to be enormous. Right at election time too. :lol:
:lol: It has nothing to do with freedom of speech.

It has everything to do with free speech.

Not only freedom of speech, but also, freedom of thought
No it doesn't...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Firing someone for sticking his foot in his mouth is not a freedom of speech issue.
It has everything to do with free speech.

Not only freedom of speech, but also, freedom of thought
No it doesn't...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Firing someone for sticking his foot in his mouth is not a freedom of speech issue.

But a Government entity that the TAXPAYERS pay for cannot handle ANY alternate thought from that of the Leftists that run that entity.

Taxpayers should demand NPR/PBS be shut down for this.

The backlsh against this recent round of libtard stupidity is going to be enormous. Right at election time too. :lol:

Which proves the axiom? If you place a flaming bag of bullsqueeze at a Statists' doorstep? They go way out of their way to step in it.

It was Mike Huckabee who has called for de-funding NPR. Now when the Republicans get the House and the Senate and are faced with budget cuts.. it may come time to put NPR on the shelf or let the libtards fund it on their own dime. then,, as Air America went so goes NPR.
The backlsh against this recent round of libtard stupidity is going to be enormous. Right at election time too. :lol:

Which proves the axiom? If you place a flaming bag of bullsqueeze at a Statists' doorstep? They go way out of their way to step in it.

It was Mike Huckabee who has called for de-funding NPR. Now when the Republicans get the House and the Senate and are faced with budget cuts.. it may come time to put NPR on the shelf or let the libtards fund it on their own dime. then,, as Air America went so goes NPR.

No question. It needs to go. The taxpayers should not be forced to fund PC crap funded by their dollar that is intolerant of opposing views.
So....who's coming to the defense of Juan Williams?
Is it the racist, I got mine, screw you, Conservatives?
Or is it the party of diversity, out for the little guy, and champion of the Black man, Liberals?

But remember, once they are perceived to have strayed off the reservation, the black man is no longer 'black' and therefore and therefore is no longer of the protected class; the smart, capable woman is no longer a smart, capable woman but is bat shit crazy, hill billy, stupid, ignorant, and ridiculous; the Hispanic is a discredit to his race or a pawn of the rightwingnuts, etc.

And if they dare say anything critical of anybody perceived to be part of the new protected class, Muslims, they must be destroyed as racists, bigots, and close minded hatemongerers intent on denying them of their legal and civil rights and relegating them to second class or no class as well as being willing to destroy the Constitution.

At least that's what I've been accused of if I dare criticize anything Muslim, even Muslim extremists. And I am nowhere near as high profile as Juan Williams.

I actually watched the segment on The View where members snottily and emphatically bashed Bill O'Reilly for saying that it was Muslims who flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Those were not Muslims these sanctimonious pinheads said. They were extremists.

So, you got that? Not Muslims. Extremists. And just like we aren't allowed to use the President's middle name without being accused of being racist, we are no longer allowed to associate Muslims with extremists.

Interesting world we live in. And it is getting crazier and crazier.
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So....who's coming to the defense of Juan Williams?
Is it the racist, I got mine, screw you, Conservatives?
Or is it the party of diversity, out for the little guy, and champion of the Black man, Liberals?

But remember, once they are perceived to have strayed off the reservation, the black man is no longer 'black' and therefore of the protected class; the start, capable woman is no longer a smart, capable woman but is bat shit crazy, hill billy, stupid, ignorant, and ridiculous; the Hispanic is a discredit to his race or a pawn of the rightwingnuts, etc.

And if they dare say anything critical of anybody perceived to be part of the new protected class, Muslims, they must be destroyed as racists, bigots, and close minded hatemongerers intent on denying them of their legal and civil rights and relegating them to second class or no class as well as being willing to destroy the Constitution.

At least that's what I've been accused of if I dare criticize anything Muslim. And I am nowhere near as high profile as Juan Williams.

Trying to squash you...shut you up..PC you. I will never be PC..and never allow a group of ANY think for me.

For people that claim to worship the constitution you sure don't know much about it.

We do. And ODD that people that "worship" the Constitution? Know
how it should be played. *YOU* have shown that you do not with all the certainy you can muster.

Juan is on TV today attacking the Tea Party...and within his right as being a citizen of this Republic in the public realm. And we will meet him with equal velocity on this issue to the negative as we have here defending him.

See how that works? *I doubt it*
So....who's coming to the defense of Juan Williams?
Is it the racist, I got mine, screw you, Conservatives?
Or is it the party of diversity, out for the little guy, and champion of the Black man, Liberals?

But remember, once they are perceived to have strayed off the reservation, the black man is no longer 'black' and therefore of the protected class; the start, capable woman is no longer a smart, capable woman but is bat shit crazy, hill billy, stupid, ignorant, and ridiculous; the Hispanic is a discredit to his race or a pawn of the rightwingnuts, etc.

And if they dare say anything critical of anybody perceived to be part of the new protected class, Muslims, they must be destroyed as racists, bigots, and close minded hatemongerers intent on denying them of their legal and civil rights and relegating them to second class or no class as well as being willing to destroy the Constitution.

At least that's what I've been accused of if I dare criticize anything Muslim. And I am nowhere near as high profile as Juan Williams.

Trying to squash you...shut you up..PC you. I will never be PC..and never allow a group of ANY think for me.

Well I've been on a one-woman anti-PC campaign for some time now. Wanna make it a two-woman campaign? I shouldn't have all this fun getting into all the trouble I do because of it. :)
But remember, once they are perceived to have strayed off the reservation, the black man is no longer 'black' and therefore of the protected class; the start, capable woman is no longer a smart, capable woman but is bat shit crazy, hill billy, stupid, ignorant, and ridiculous; the Hispanic is a discredit to his race or a pawn of the rightwingnuts, etc.

And if they dare say anything critical of anybody perceived to be part of the new protected class, Muslims, they must be destroyed as racists, bigots, and close minded hatemongerers intent on denying them of their legal and civil rights and relegating them to second class or no class as well as being willing to destroy the Constitution.

At least that's what I've been accused of if I dare criticize anything Muslim. And I am nowhere near as high profile as Juan Williams.

Trying to squash you...shut you up..PC you. I will never be PC..and never allow a group of ANY think for me.

Well I've been on a one-woman anti-PC campaign for some time now. Wanna make it a two-woman campaign? I shouldn't have all this fun getting into all the trouble I do because of it. :)

:lol::lol: Sure, why not.

But remember, once they are perceived to have strayed off the reservation, the black man is no longer 'black' and therefore of the protected class; the start, capable woman is no longer a smart, capable woman but is bat shit crazy, hill billy, stupid, ignorant, and ridiculous; the Hispanic is a discredit to his race or a pawn of the rightwingnuts, etc.

And if they dare say anything critical of anybody perceived to be part of the new protected class, Muslims, they must be destroyed as racists, bigots, and close minded hatemongerers intent on denying them of their legal and civil rights and relegating them to second class or no class as well as being willing to destroy the Constitution.

At least that's what I've been accused of if I dare criticize anything Muslim. And I am nowhere near as high profile as Juan Williams.

Trying to squash you...shut you up..PC you. I will never be PC..and never allow a group of ANY think for me.

Well I've been on a one-woman anti-PC campaign for some time now. Wanna make it a two-woman campaign? I shouldn't have all this fun getting into all the trouble I do because of it. :)

Mind if I watch? ;)


BTW? Mara Liasson had better watch her back too since she holds jobs at NPR...and FOX...:eek:
I wonder how Whoopie and Joyless feel now? Their assinine behavior led to the conversation that got a black man fired from a libturd organization funded by we the people. Wonder how that shit sits in their craws? :lol::lol: oh the irony! :lol::lol::lol:
From within. One of the complaints:

CAIR Asks NPR to Address Analyst's Remarks on Muslims

CAIR Asks NPR to Address Analyst's Remarks on Muslims
Oct 20 03:26 PM US/Eastern
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Juan Williams says airline passengers in 'Muslim garb' make him 'nervous'

WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A prominent national Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization today called on National Public Radio (NPR) to address analyst Juan Williams' statement that airline passengers in "Muslim garb" make him "nervous." (Williams is a news analyst for both NPR and Fox News.)

SEE: Juan Williams - News Analyst

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The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said that during an appearance Monday on Fox's "O'Reilly Factor," Williams backed Bill O'Reilly's recent claim that "Muslims killed us on 9/11" and then said: "[W]hen I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."

Video: NPR Analyst Says 'Muslim Garb' Make Him 'Nervous'


"NPR should address the fact that one of its news analysts seems to believe that all airline passengers who are perceived to be Muslim can legitimately be viewed as security threats," said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad. "Such irresponsible and inflammatory comments would not be tolerated if they targeted any other racial, ethnic or religious minority, and they should not pass without action by NPR."

He noted that media commentators who launch rhetorical attacks on Islam and Muslims normally do not suffer the professional consequences of those who similarly target other racial, ethnic or religious groups.

SEE: Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Triggers Little Fallout (ABC)

Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Triggers Little Fallout - ABC News

Awad said CAIR publishes a pocket guide, called "Your Rights and Responsibilities as an American Muslim," with a section that deals with the right of airline passengers to "courteous, respectful and non-stigmatizing treatment by airline and security personnel."

SEE: Know Your Legal Rights as an Airline Passenger

Know Your Rights

CAIR recently announced the launch of a department devoted to addressing the alarming rise of Islamophobic sentiment in American society.

SEE: CAIR Launches Islamophobia Dept. at Sold-Out Banquet

CAIR Launches Islamophobia Dept. at Sold-Out Banquet - Yahoo! News

CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-488-8787 or 202-744-7726, E-Mail: [email protected]; CAIR Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin, 202-488-8787, 202-341-4171, E-Mail: [email protected]

SOURCE Council on American-Islamic Relations
But remember, once they are perceived to have strayed off the reservation, the black man is no longer 'black' and therefore of the protected class; the start, capable woman is no longer a smart, capable woman but is bat shit crazy, hill billy, stupid, ignorant, and ridiculous; the Hispanic is a discredit to his race or a pawn of the rightwingnuts, etc.

And if they dare say anything critical of anybody perceived to be part of the new protected class, Muslims, they must be destroyed as racists, bigots, and close minded hatemongerers intent on denying them of their legal and civil rights and relegating them to second class or no class as well as being willing to destroy the Constitution.

At least that's what I've been accused of if I dare criticize anything Muslim. And I am nowhere near as high profile as Juan Williams.

Trying to squash you...shut you up..PC you. I will never be PC..and never allow a group of ANY think for me.

Well I've been on a one-woman anti-PC campaign for some time now. Wanna make it a two-woman campaign? I shouldn't have all this fun getting into all the trouble I do because of it. :)
Christians are responsible for millions of deaths and pedophile acts. :thup:

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