Judaism 101

Lol....Trust in Jesus hardly..Isaiah 45 says it all esp verse 17 where gd states Israel will be saved world without end...Interestingly the worship of Jesus and his WOOD is mentioned in Isaiah 45 verse 20 The Jews are told to leave and get away from such nonsense... If one reads Isaiah 45 truthfully all the answers are in there for all to see..

Jews accept that Jesus existed but do not believe he is the messiah or Son of God.
Under Judaism, there is only ONE divine being-God Himself
Victor I am Jewish I will clarify this for you...There is no proof outside the New Testament that the persona Jesus exsisted...Yes there were certain individuals that did exsist to make up some of the stories in the New Testament but they were all combined by the writers of the New Testament to give this “Jesus”a life... Basically their pens gave him breath and life and stories but he as a single human did not exist besides nothing he did would have ever qualified him to be a messiah he failed on all accounts and son of gd is not literal which was a pagan Greek or Roman etc concept...

Do you think he really did exist? Or was a myth created by the scribes?

Even the gospels contradict themselves over his origins.
I will be honest here and as gentle as possible... Jesus is a myth at least what is claimed for him...He was indeed created by the scribes but you must decide that for yourself.. Even the name is bogus as the letter J did not come into exsistance till the 16 th century...In my opinion Rome needed to keep their empire together so they took the concept of the Jewish messiah sprinkled in Greek mythology and took the Gaulish concept of Esus or Hesus who was placed on a tree and ritually pierced with a spear and created or fabricated the persona so that they could continue to expand their empire and control the people in it through their mask of Jesus which closely resembles the 16 crucified saviours from other cultures based on sun/ son worship...It was actually brilliant as instead of sending in garrisons of soldiers and feeding them and looking after them which would be expensive... They sent in missionaries to convert the peoples and the money flowed back to Rome making them incredibly rich and powerful so what if they lost a few missionaries along the way as long as their empire expanded unchecked....

I was drawn to the Greek mythology influence. It's full of stories concerning liaisons between humans and Gods. (The Danae painting for example) And then Mary's Virgin birth. Though I was told by a Catholic that it referred to her. She was the immaculate conception.

I am also Jewish, btw.
Many people know very little about Judaism and many are curious. This website can answer many of your questions. I can answer any others you may have.

Judaism 101
My only question would be why did G-D (the Jewish English abbreviation for YHVH) abandon the Jews to the Nazi's?

6 million dead is more than all the Hebrews that left Egypt during the Exodus.

It took Eisenhower and Stalin to free the surviving Jews from the Nazi concentration camps. So does this make Ike and/or Joe G-D then ?!

God does not protect us from everything. If He did, we'd have no need for doctors and hospitals or police or armies and navies.
Exactly! Which is why it's our duty to impoverish our neighbors so all those soup kitchens don't go to waste.
Victor I am Jewish I will clarify this for you...There is no proof outside the New Testament that the persona Jesus exsisted...Yes there were certain individuals that did exsist to make up some of the stories in the New Testament but they were all combined by the writers of the New Testament to give this “Jesus”a life... Basically their pens gave him breath and life and stories but he as a single human did not exist besides nothing he did would have ever qualified him to be a messiah he failed on all accounts and son of gd is not literal which was a pagan Greek or Roman etc concept...

Actually there is proof and most scholars accept that a Jewish man named Jesus in fact did exist, and in fact did have quite a following. Writers of that time (outside of New Testament authors) were disgusted by the Last Supper and what they thought it represented (cannibalism). They thought people who believed a man could rise from the dead had to be crazy, ignorant--and atheists (for not believing in Roman/Greek gods).
Many people know very little about Judaism and many are curious. This website can answer many of your questions. I can answer any others you may have.

Judaism 101

Thank you. As a cradle Catholic who attends Episcopalian services when I wish for liturgy, and Quaker services when I don't, I wish for deeper spirituality. I believe in Tikkun Olam, repairing the world.
For a giggle: way back when I had a boss who was Jewish. I remember that she said to me that I was Jewish and just didn't know it yet.
For a giggle: way back when I had a boss who was Jewish. I remember that she said to me that I was Jewish and just didn't know it yet.
Really? You believe Europe should be flooded with Africans, that Africans should be expelled from Israel, that Israel should have a yuge border wall, that the US should have no borders at all, that AIPAC should run US military policy, that the US military should start a war with Russia, and that every public monument in the US should be of Founding Mother Emma Lazarus?
I will be honest here and as gentle as possible... Jesus is a myth at least what is claimed for him...He was indeed created by the scribes but you must decide that for yourself.. Even the name is bogus as the letter J did not come into exsistance till the 16 th century...In my opinion Rome needed to keep their empire together so they took the concept of the Jewish messiah sprinkled in Greek mythology and took the Gaulish concept of Esus or Hesus who was placed on a tree and ritually pierced with a spear and created or fabricated the persona so that they could continue to expand their empire and control the people in it through their mask of Jesus which closely resembles the 16 crucified saviours from other cultures based on sun/ son worship...It was actually brilliant as instead of sending in garrisons of soldiers and feeding them and looking after them which would be expensive... They sent in missionaries to convert the peoples and the money flowed back to Rome making them incredibly rich and powerful so what if they lost a few missionaries along the way as long as their empire expanded unchecked....

Sorry, Shimon, but as someone who has carefully studied first and second century Roman history, not to mention Greek and Roman mythology, what you are pushing doesn't fly. It would be better to accept that the New Testament does give an accurate description of Jesus' life and teachings, but that his followers were wrong in their conclusions.

It is too easy for scholars to show that Christianity clearly has its roots in Judaism and huge differences in "similarities" people try to find in Greek and Roman mythologies.

I am not arguing that Jews should say Jesus is the messiah, that he rose from the dead, that he is the son of God. I understand the reasons that you don't--and for that matter, cannot. I am saying chasing red herrings and constructing straw men is fruitless, a waste of time, energy, and intelligence. True strength lies (and is best used) in presenting one's own religious beliefs and truths. Stick with that, and ignorance about another religion won't eclipse what you say about Judaism.

By the way, all of us Christians would do well to do the same. Some of the things I am hearing Christians say about Judaism are fully as wrong and ignorant.
For a giggle: way back when I had a boss who was Jewish. I remember that she said to me that I was Jewish and just didn't know it yet.
Really? You believe Europe should be flooded with Africans, that Africans should be expelled from Israel, that Israel should have a yuge border wall, that the US should have no borders at all, that AIPAC should run US military policy, that the US military should start a war with Russia, and that every public monument in the US should be of Founding Mother Emma Lazarus?
You are, actually, nuts.
Who's Jesus?
There are at least 7 Yeshuas in the Talmud and they were all disrespectful to their teachers.
Plus Paul was a dunce.

Yeshua being such a common name, I'm betting there were thousands of Yeshua's never mentioned in the Talmud, one of which would be who we now call Jesus.

Can you point us to a specific passage where you believe Paul displays his duncehood?
Lol....Trust in Jesus hardly..Isaiah 45 says it all esp verse 17 where gd states Israel will be saved world without end...Interestingly the worship of Jesus and his WOOD is mentioned in Isaiah 45 verse 20 The Jews are told to leave and get away from such nonsense... If one reads Isaiah 45 truthfully all the answers are in there for all to see..

Jews accept that Jesus existed but do not believe he is the messiah or Son of God.
Under Judaism, there is only ONE divine being-God Himself
Victor I am Jewish I will clarify this for you...There is no proof outside the New Testament that the persona Jesus exsisted...Yes there were certain individuals that did exsist to make up some of the stories in the New Testament but they were all combined by the writers of the New Testament to give this “Jesus”a life... Basically their pens gave him breath and life and stories but he as a single human did not exist besides nothing he did would have ever qualified him to be a messiah he failed on all accounts and son of gd is not literal which was a pagan Greek or Roman etc concept...

Do you think he really did exist? Or was a myth created by the scribes?

Even the gospels contradict themselves over his origins.
I will be honest here and as gentle as possible... Jesus is a myth at least what is claimed for him...He was indeed created by the scribes but you must decide that for yourself.. Even the name is bogus as the letter J did not come into exsistance till the 16 th century...In my opinion Rome needed to keep their empire together so they took the concept of the Jewish messiah sprinkled in Greek mythology and took the Gaulish concept of Esus or Hesus who was placed on a tree and ritually pierced with a spear and created or fabricated the persona so that they could continue to expand their empire and control the people in it through their mask of Jesus which closely resembles the 16 crucified saviours from other cultures based on sun/ son worship...It was actually brilliant as instead of sending in garrisons of soldiers and feeding them and looking after them which would be expensive... They sent in missionaries to convert the peoples and the money flowed back to Rome making them incredibly rich and powerful so what if they lost a few missionaries along the way as long as their empire expanded unchecked....
Noah was a pedophile. He porked his own infant daughter in the drunken orgy after the fall of Troy.
In the bit about "seeing through a glass darkly". Clearly a clumsy attempt to incorporate Plato's cave without attribution.

Keep in mind that clear glass was not invented until the third century. Paul's reference was to the glass of his day, which would be like looking through dark bottle glass. In this instance, I don't think Paul was thinking of Plato's cave.
For a giggle: way back when I had a boss who was Jewish. I remember that she said to me that I was Jewish and just didn't know it yet.
Really? You believe Europe should be flooded with Africans, that Africans should be expelled from Israel, that Israel should have a yuge border wall, that the US should have no borders at all, that AIPAC should run US military policy, that the US military should start a war with Russia, and that every public monument in the US should be of Founding Mother Emma Lazarus?
You are, actually, nuts.
Abraham had his cross to bear. I have mine. Shalom, bitch.
In the bit about "seeing through a glass darkly". Clearly a clumsy attempt to incorporate Plato's cave without attribution.

Keep in mind that clear glass was not invented until the third century. Paul's reference was to the glass of his day, which would be like looking through dark bottle glass. In this instance, I don't think Paul was thinking of Plato's cave.
Paul was a Platonist to the core. Slam. Dunk.
For a giggle: way back when I had a boss who was Jewish. I remember that she said to me that I was Jewish and just didn't know it yet.
Really? You believe Europe should be flooded with Africans, that Africans should be expelled from Israel, that Israel should have a yuge border wall, that the US should have no borders at all, that AIPAC should run US military policy, that the US military should start a war with Russia, and that every public monument in the US should be of Founding Mother Emma Lazarus?
You are, actually, nuts.
Abraham had his cross to bear. I have mine. Shalom, bitch.
So you don't believe in being spiritual in your life, in leaving your earth better than the way you found it and your fellow human beings more secure. I pity you. At least from this day forward, try to believe in something good.
Who's Jesus?
There are at least 7 Yeshuas in the Talmud and they were all disrespectful to their teachers.
Plus Paul was a dunce.

Yeshua being such a common name, I'm betting there were thousands of Yeshua's never mentioned in the Talmud, one of which would be who we now call Jesus.

Can you point us to a specific passage where you believe Paul displays his duncehood?
Too many to list.
Every verse he references.
Look up the original and he got it wrong.

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