Judge allows armed monitoring of Drop Boxes

The evidence proven and circumstantial ARE ALL THERE. It was a very slick tactic to get lib/radical/activist judges/DAs into positions of power to ignore the law.
Do you realize that most of the judges who laughed Powell and Guilliani out of court for lack of evidence were Trump appointed?

And remember....he only hires the BEST people.

Do you realize that most of the judges who laughed Powell and Guilliani out of court for lack of evidence were Trump appointed?

And remember....he only hires the BEST people.

Are they like the appointees the deep state rinos recommended to President Trump before he realized 'his own party' was busy stabbing him in the back at the same rate the democrats were.

It’s clear based on the evidence that republican extremists are not interested in election fairness. It’s about making sure republicans win.​

We know it happened in the 2020 election, turd.

I love how conveniently all the fraud is happening in swing states. If republicans actually cared about election integrity, they would investigate voter fraud in red states.

Of course, blue state, red state, or swing, voter fraud is statistically very rare and all the court cases have thrown out your election challenges. Face it, you’re losers in more ways than one lol
"It’s clear based on the evidence that republican extremists are not interested in election fairness. It’s about making sure republicans win."

Undoubtedly. But does any sane person think it's any different for the Democrats?

Partisans gonna party.
It is the right's fault they keep snowflake whining about a stolen election while not being able to produce ONE SHRED of credible evidence to PROVE IT.

Just whining about it non-stop does not make it so.
Dims never tire of repeating that lie.
Uh no you’re just sore whiny little bitch loser.
righteously so. The Dems...your side, Stole an election, blame us for your failings, set up a double standard law system, set up a money laundering scheme of a war, put us in great jeopardy and shame with the afghanistan cowardly withdrawal leaving our enemies with billions in supplies. and yet. nothing beats the volume and degree of whiny bitch sore losers of the 2016 election. Still.
I love how conveniently all the fraud is happening in swing states. If republicans actually cared about election integrity, they would investigate voter fraud in red states.

Of course, blue state, red state, or swing, voter fraud is statistically very rare and all the court cases have thrown out your election challenges. Face it, you’re losers in more ways than one lol
Where else would Dims want to swindle the vote if not in swing states?

Progs are such fucking morons.
Are they like the appointees the deep state rinos recommended to President Trump before he realized 'his own party' was busy stabbing him in the back at the same rate the democrats were.

Have you ever considered though, just for a moment....if EVERYONE on the planet is involved in some "deep-state" nefarious plot to undermine/get Trump....them MAYBE....just maybe....TRUMP is the problem?
What does a liberal look like?
Wow do you not know?! That seems shocking. I mean you whine about woke college student douches, feminists, black people, and transgendered people all the time. Surely you would know!

Your attempt at a gotcha question was a huge failure lol

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