Judge allows armed monitoring of Drop Boxes

Where else would Dims want to swindle the vote if not in swing states?

Progs are such fucking morons.
So to be clear, you think republicans in red states do not cheat? See there were several voter fraud cases in 2020 that came directly from republicans thus squashing your juvenile narrative in spectacular fashion.
Are they like the appointees the deep state rinos recommended to President Trump before he realized 'his own party' was busy stabbing him in the back at the same rate the democrats were.
So easy just to ignore the implications of that and just roll them right into the conspiracy against Trump. :cuckoo:
Armed RWers are showing up at ballot drop off boxes in Arizona. Obviously it goes without saying that they lack any qualification whatsoever to detect voter fraud. Clearly what they are doing is looking for any who “looks” liberal and if they are, they just intimidate them not to vote. How else would they even do it?

Seriously, how big of a pathetic man child do you have to be to show up at a ballot box armed with a rifle and tactical gear? Clearly such people are deeply insecure and are a complete joke.

Tissue? A federal judge said they aren't doing anything wrong.


Have you ever considered though, just for a moment....if EVERYONE on the planet is involved in some "deep-state" nefarious plot to undermine/get Trump....them MAYBE....just maybe....TRUMP is the problem?
Not everyone. Just bootlicking toads like you.
Why would they do that? Are they trying to intimidate voters? Ballots are stil private. Are they morons.. like the crackpot militia people?

How do you intimidate someone who isn't there?
What does a liberal look like?

Have you ever considered though, just for a moment....if EVERYONE on the planet is involved in some "deep-state" nefarious plot to undermine/get Trump....them MAYBE....just maybe....TRUMP is the problem?
Yes i 've thought of that. But then.....I realize that is nothing but a lie. You haven't been able to get him in anything...because there isn't anything. But the left keeps trying....they have to....to keep their own criminality out of the public eye. Old George Bush said it. If we ever find out what the left and right deep state have done to the american people, they're in deep shit.
I think it's that arrogance...thinking you have gotten away with something that no one can counter. That air of moral superiority, the virtue signalling, the hatred of good, of God. You're not so hidden as you think you are.
Republicans having a majority in the legislative branch is worthless without a strong leader....like Newt Gingrich was a strong leader. Of course the leader has to be able to withstand the scrutiny...Newt got hounded day and night until they got him on the most trivial stuff. They got Trent Lott the day he became Senate leader...

I don't see anything changing unless there's a leader in the mix.
Trump is going to control the herd or their careers are over.
Tissue? A federal judge said they aren't doing anything wrong.

Interesting how you pick and choose what judges you like. I mean clearly you aren’t happy with the judges that tossed out all the lawsuits challenging the election.
Yes i 've thought of that. But then.....I realize that is nothing but a lie. You haven't been able to get him in anything...because there isn't anything. But the left keeps trying....they have to....to keep their own criminality out of the public eye. Old George Bush said it. If we ever find out what the left and right deep state have done to the american people, they're in deep shit.
So when they finally DO drop the hammer on Trump.....
and that is going to be very soon.
And the indictments come out.
And you see ALL the evidence of his criminality,

The you'll be able to change your mind?

Or will you just dig in deeper with your denial?
Armed RWers are showing up at ballot drop off boxes in Arizona. Obviously it goes without saying that they lack any qualification whatsoever to detect voter fraud. Clearly what they are doing is looking for any who “looks” liberal and if they are, they just intimidate them not to vote. How else would they even do it?

Seriously, how big of a pathetic man child do you have to be to show up at a ballot box armed with a rifle and tactical gear? Clearly such people are deeply insecure and are a complete joke.

is that your only piece of 'evidence'? That alleged rightwingers are showing up at drop boxes to make sure that there is no 2020 cheating? Is that it??

Perhaps you are making this bogus claim to distract from the fact of democrat violence against their opposition.

They believe this is their country. Literally. Anyone who doesn't agree with them is not a real American.

I don't know what to say to something that delusional.
Well Trump spent four years brainwashing them telling them that they couldn't trust anyone but him and that if he didn't win it had to mean he was cheated.

And being the rubes that they are they fell for it.
Interesting how you pick and choose what judges you like. I mean clearly you aren’t happy with the judges that tossed out all the lawsuits challenging the election.

Why are you trying to deflect from your own topic? The judge said they have a 1st and 2nd amendment right to do what they are doing. So just stop whining.


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