Judge allows armed monitoring of Drop Boxes

is that your only piece of 'evidence'? That alleged rightwingers are showing up at drop boxes to make sure that there is no 2020 cheating? Is that it??

Perhaps you are making this bogus claim to distract from the fact of democrat violence against their opposition.

Dressed up for Halloween in their Army Surplus wanna-be-warrior costumes.

No need for that.

What are these people so afraid of?
Why are you trying to deflect from your own topic? The judge said they have a 1st and 2nd amendment right to do what they are doing. So just stop whining.

I never even claimed this was illegal activity. It definitely needs to be though.
They got Trent Lott the day he became Senate leader...
Even though, according to victim Virginia Robert's testimony, Jeffery Epstein was pimping out underaged girls to the previous Senate Majority leader George Mitchell...

Notice that you will never hear the Democrats say a damn thing about that.
I guess you have a second amendment right to bring your gun while you monitor Arizona Drop Boxes. How can THAT be voter intimidation?

“A federal judge Friday refused to bar a group from monitoring outdoor ballot boxes in Arizona’s largest county where watchers have shown up armed and in ballistic vests, saying to do so could violate the monitors’ constitutional rights.”
Funny how the election hasn't even happened yet and already you lefties are screaming election fraud.
Well Trump spent four years brainwashing them telling them that they couldn't trust anyone but him and that if he didn't win it had to mean he was cheated.

And being the rubes that they are they fell for it.
And it started long before him. Limbaugh told them the same thing, and they did the same thing.

Trump just took advantage of what had been built before him. To steal a line from another poster, he took one look at the talk radio crowd and said "THIS is gonna be EASY".
Yeah, you commies want everything you don't like made illegal. Once again, stop whining.

If this was black panther wannabes doing this in red states you would be throwing a tantrum of epic proportions. Don’t pretend you wouldn’t. Laughable white guys with micropenis syndrome dressing in tactical gear with no actual military experience is okay by you to guard ballot drop off boxes.

Can’t you appreciate how dumb it is? What kind of moron gets up in the morning, arms himself, dresses in fake military clothing, and decides to guard a DROP OFF BOX. It’s fucking batshit crazy and pathetic.
If this was black panther wannabes doing this in red states you would be throwing a tantrum of epic proportions. Don’t pretend you wouldn’t. Laughable white guys with micropenis syndrome dressing in tactical gear with no actual military experience is okay by you to guard ballot drop off boxes.

Can’t you appreciate how dumb it is? What kind of moron gets up in the morning, arms himself, dresses in fake military clothing, and decides to guard a DROP OFF BOX. It’s fucking batshit crazy and pathetic.

Poor little billy know nothing, they are monitoring, not guarding. They're really no different than poll watchers that get up at 4-5AM to be at the polls by 6:30. And they are armed for self protection. They know how violent you radical leftist can be.

Poor little billy know nothing, they are monitoring, not guarding. They're really no different than poll watchers that get up at 4-5AM to be at the polls by 6:30. And they are armed for self protection. They know how violent you radical leftist can be.

Lol that is so fucking moronic. Do you actually believe the non sense you spout.
Here are some questions you won’t answer:

1) Why should we trust these particular random people to do this? Does anyone qualify for this as long as they show up armed and in tactical gear?

2) How, specifically, should they handle someone committing voter fraud?

3) How will they know someone is committing voter fraud? You’ll probably say multiple ballot envelopes but that really wouldn’t be the only way it could be done.

4) For their protection? They can’t go toe to toe in a fair fight? What pussies.

5) Why are you concerned with leftist violence when clearly the news is full of rightwing violence?
Lol that is so fucking moronic. Do you actually believe the non sense you spout.
Here are some questions you won’t answer:

1) Why should we trust these particular random people to do this? Does anyone qualify for this as long as they show up armed and in tactical gear?

2) How, specifically, should they handle someone committing voter fraud?

3) How will they know someone is committing voter fraud? You’ll probably say multiple ballot envelopes but that really wouldn’t be the only way it could be done.

4) For their protection? They can’t go toe to toe in a fair fight? What pussies.

5) Why are you concerned with leftist violence when clearly the news is full of rightwing violence?

1) Why should we trust these particular random people to do this? Does anyone qualify for this as long as they show up armed and in tactical gear?

Well aren't you still being your typical drama queen self. The only real qualification is the ability to run a video camera. Something I'm sure you find challenging.

2) How, specifically, should they handle someone committing voter fraud?

Report it, damn your not very good at this, are ya?

3) How will they know someone is committing voter fraud? You’ll probably say multiple ballot envelopes but that really wouldn’t be the only way it could be done.

The same vehicle or person showing up at multiple drop boxes.

4) For their protection? They can’t go toe to toe in a fair fight? What pussies.

There's no such thing as a fair street fight.

5) Why are you concerned with leftist violence when clearly the news is full of rightwing violence?


1) Why should we trust these particular random people to do this? Does anyone qualify for this as long as they show up armed and in tactical gear?

Well aren't you still being your typical drama queen self. The only real qualification is the ability to run a video camera. Something I'm sure you find challenging.

2) How, specifically, should they handle someone committing voter fraud?

Report it, damn your not very good at this, are ya?

3) How will they know someone is committing voter fraud? You’ll probably say multiple ballot envelopes but that really wouldn’t be the only way it could be done.

The same vehicle or person showing up at multiple drop boxes.

4) For their protection? They can’t go toe to toe in a fair fight? What pussies.

There's no such thing as a fair street fight.

5) Why are you concerned with leftist violence when clearly the news is full of rightwing violence?


Lol oh really? A video camera? A video camera is going to detect voter fraud? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? We are talking about sealed envelopes here. If all these morons had to do was report it they wouldn’t show up with rifles. It’s pointless, juvenile, and moronic all in one.

lol the same vehicle. That’s funny. So all this surveillance in the off chance someone comes back twice. How often would this happen? Oh wait pretty much never because voter fraud is statistically rare in any form. You believe otherwise because you believe any thing Trump tells you.

Fun fact: there were a few cases in 2020 of republicans committing voter fraud.

Why would I bother with a link? We both know you know about the Pelosi incident.
Lol oh really? A video camera? A video camera is going to detect voter fraud? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? We are talking about sealed envelopes here. If all these morons had to do was report it they wouldn’t show up with rifles. It’s pointless, juvenile, and moronic all in one.

lol the same vehicle. That’s funny. So all this surveillance in the off chance someone comes back twice. How often would this happen? Oh wait pretty much never because voter fraud is statistically rare in any form. You believe otherwise because you believe any thing Trump tells you.

Fun fact: there were a few cases in 2020 of republicans committing voter fraud.

Why would I bother with a link? We both know you know about the Pelosi incident.

As usual you spew commie talking points, my only question is why you object to folks trying to make sure elections are fraud free? And spending a ton of money in the process, I might add. I also know palousey is refusing to release security cam footage, I wonder why that is? Never mind, I know all you'll do is come up with more commie bullshit.

As usual you spew commie talking points, my only question is why you object to folks trying to make sure elections are fraud free? And spending a ton of money in the process, I might add. I also know palousey is refusing to release security cam footage, I wonder why that is? Never mind, I know all you'll do is come up with more commie bullshit.

I’m totally okay with a fraud free election but it’s extremely rare and those morons are not qualified to detect it. For all I know, they domt actually care about a fair election. Maybe they want to prevent ANY democrat from voting. Why should I trust them?

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