Ha! 12 more to go.
And then you'll get to marry your goat.

Why are Conservatives always so excited about the idea of marrying or having sex with barnyard animals?
I'm no conservative. You are. I'm a proto-progressive.
The animal analogy is the logical progression from homo marriage. Take it up with the homo agenda.

Oh I am sorry if I misidentified you.

It is normally the Conservatives who get excited about the idea of marrying or having sex with barnyard animals. I guess you prove that it happens to 'proto-progressives also.
All these disgusting fags should be sent to the hospital for shock treatment.


Wow- that is telling those f*ggots!. And then you can have all the disgusting n*ggers sent to the hospital for shock treatment. And then all of the k*kes and c*nts too!
You can marry a camel, which is slightly better than marrying Ann Coulter.
You sound like you speak from experience.
I'm not Turkish: Man Accused Of Raping Duck
The Hurriyet Daily News reports that a man was arrested in Bursa, Turkey for allegedly raping a duck.

The unidentified man’s father-in-law said he found "feathers and blood" in a bed with the duck, which is unable to walk and now under the care of a veterinarian.

The man dismissed the allegations as "slander."
So, if it was consensual it would be OK?
Incest and forcing rape victims to marry their rapists is okay as long as god commands you to do so.

So you would have to ask your god on that, as those passages are just as important as the ones that apparently 'prohibit gay relationships'.
Want are you talking about?
Some people might object to legal homo marriage on logic grounds.
BS. There is nothing 'logical' about forbidding something just because some obscure passage in the bible apparently 'says so'.

Just like it isn't logical to stop people getting divorced, stop people eating shellfish, allow incest, make rape victims marry their rapists, or stop people wearing mixed fabrics.
Ha! 12 more to go.
Who the fuck cheers for judicial tyranny? All this does is show the people their voice and vote doesn't matter...it just pushes us one step closer to either 100% tyranny where we are literal slaves or it pushes us to armed warfare.

Just for everyone's information. This gentleman thinks Timothy McVeigh is a hero. For some of you... that's whose on your side. Enjoy.
Just for everyone's information. This "gentleman" thinks the government is allowed to murder its citizens indiscriminately but when a citizen attacks the government its bad.

You gotta love him, guys. Take him into your fold.
You WISH there was others like me. I am unique and the only one like this. NO ONE thinks EXACTLY as I do.
Classical narcissism.
Ha! 12 more to go.
Who the fuck cheers for judicial tyranny? All this does is show the people their voice and vote doesn't matter...it just pushes us one step closer to either 100% tyranny where we are literal slaves or it pushes us to armed warfare.

No, it just proves that democracy doesn't always equal freedom.

If you had put the relocation of Japanese Americans on the ballot in 1942, that would have won overwealming support. If you had put the rounding of of Muslims on the ballot in 2001, that would have won overwealming support.

You can't put people's rights up to a vote.

At the end of the day, all anti-Gay Marriage arguments boil down to "I think it's icky" and "My Magic Fairy In the Sky Says it's Bad". Neither of these are compelling reasons to deny people their rights.
Ha! 12 more to go.
Who the fuck cheers for judicial tyranny? All this does is show the people their voice and vote doesn't matter...it just pushes us one step closer to either 100% tyranny where we are literal slaves or it pushes us to armed warfare.

No, it just proves that democracy doesn't always equal freedom.

If you had put the relocation of Japanese Americans on the ballot in 1942, that would have won overwealming support. If you had put the rounding of of Muslims on the ballot in 2001, that would have won overwealming support.

You can't put people's rights up to a vote.

At the end of the day, all anti-Gay Marriage arguments boil down to "I think it's icky" and "My Magic Fairy In the Sky Says it's Bad". Neither of these are compelling reasons to deny people their rights.
Once a society starts down the path of depravity it doesn't stop until it collapses under its own corruption or is conquered.
Once a society starts down the path of depravity it doesn't stop until it collapses under its own corruption or is conquered.

No society ever fell because they were having the "Wrong kind of sex", dude.

I know that you guys all like to cite the Roman empire as an example of a country sodomizing itself out of existence. But the "Roman Orgy" was largely a myth, as much as "throwing Christians to the Lions" were.

The reality- Rome was a Christian Empire for 200 years before it fell to other Christians who worshiped a different flavor of Jesus. It fell because it's economic model was based on conquering other countries and enslaving the people, and they ran out of places to conquer.
You sound like you speak from experience.
I'm not Turkish: Man Accused Of Raping Duck
The Hurriyet Daily News reports that a man was arrested in Bursa, Turkey for allegedly raping a duck.

The unidentified man’s father-in-law said he found "feathers and blood" in a bed with the duck, which is unable to walk and now under the care of a veterinarian.

The man dismissed the allegations as "slander."
So, if it was consensual it would be OK?
Incest and forcing rape victims to marry their rapists is okay as long as god commands you to do so.

So you would have to ask your god on that, as those passages are just as important as the ones that apparently 'prohibit gay relationships'.
Want are you talking about?
Some people might object to legal homo marriage on logic grounds.

I have yet to see an objection based upon logic.

Feel free to show us some.

There is no objection based upon logic. Only fear.
Rome fell because it was too corrupt to survive. The people no longer had loyalty to or faith in Rome. Acceptance of the normalcy of homosexuality wasn't a cause. It was a symptom.
It collapsed because it had more people it conquered than actual Romans. It destroyed its self.It committed its own genocide by expanding its borders to include non Romans.
It collapsed because it had more people it conquered than actual Romans. It destroyed its self.It committed its own genocide by expanding its borders to include non Romans.
Another symptom. The systemic disease is that Rome fell of an internal rot.
Rome fell because it was too corrupt to survive. The people no longer had loyalty to or faith in Rome. Acceptance of the normalcy of homosexuality wasn't a cause. It was a symptom.

No, not really.

Rome fell for the same reason all empires fall, eventually. The people doing the ruling don't see the benefit of it, and neither do the people being ruled.

It wasn't because they were having the butt-sex, because they were having the butt-sex all along.
A federal judge blocked Nebraska’s gay marriage ban on Monday, but the decision will not take effect for a week and the attorney general’s office immediately appealed to the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Nebraska sued the state in November on behalf of seven same-sex couples challenging the ban, which passed with the approval of 70 percent of voters in 2000. In addition to prohibiting gay marriage, the ban also forbids civil unions and legalized domestic partnerships.
The ban means that same-sex couples miss out on medical and financial benefits available to heterosexual married couples, U.S. District Judge Joseph Bataillon said as he issued the injunction.
Nebraska same-sex marriage ban blocked by federal judge - CBS News
I can't give you an argument against same sex marriage, but I can give you the reason. When the question is "Why don't they", the answer is almost always the same, money.
If SSM were the common law of the US, Uncle Sugar would be on the hook for billions in medical, social security, and other benefits to same sex couples. Right now you are hearing about veterans benefits after the repeal of don't-ask-don't-tell. Veterans benefits are just the tip of the iceberg. What about retirement benefits for federal employees? Right now they stop whenever a person without legal spouse dies. If they were married the payments would continue to a survivor.
I haven't seen a total of the costs, but it would be staggering. Not an argument, but the reality. The US and states governments do not want it because it would cost them a bundle.
I guess that's why straights marry too.
There will be only whining resistance, nothing else.
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Ha! 12 more to go.
Who the fuck cheers for judicial tyranny? All this does is show the people their voice and vote doesn't matter...it just pushes us one step closer to either 100% tyranny where we are literal slaves or it pushes us to armed warfare.

No, it just proves that democracy doesn't always equal freedom.

If you had put the relocation of Japanese Americans on the ballot in 1942, that would have won overwealming support. If you had put the rounding of of Muslims on the ballot in 2001, that would have won overwealming support.

You can't put people's rights up to a vote.

At the end of the day, all anti-Gay Marriage arguments boil down to "I think it's icky" and "My Magic Fairy In the Sky Says it's Bad". Neither of these are compelling reasons to deny people their rights.
Once a society starts down the path of depravity it doesn't stop until it collapses under its own corruption or is conquered.

Absolutely- just look at the American history of 'depravity'
  • People were told that they couldn't own slaves anymore
  • African American men were allowed to vote
  • Women were allowed to vote
  • Women were allowed to use contraceptives.
  • Mixed race couples were allowed to marry
  • Laws preventing consenting adults from having sex in private were overturned.
And now same gender couples are getting married.

The Depravity!

Clearly this is the signal for the END- look how the stock market is collapsing and how people are fleeing America!
So, if it was consensual it would be OK?
Incest and forcing rape victims to marry their rapists is okay as long as god commands you to do so.

So you would have to ask your god on that, as those passages are just as important as the ones that apparently 'prohibit gay relationships'.
Want are you talking about?
Some people might object to legal homo marriage on logic grounds.

I have yet to see an objection based upon logic.

Feel free to show us some.

There is no objection based upon logic. Only fear.
How many times does it have to be explained that homos cannot procreate with each other and only heteros can? This is the only dynamic that should require any legal intervention. Otherwise it is completely a personal issue. It doesn't get any more logical than that.

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