Judge blocks parts of Arizona immigration law

Also calling it pollitics when a judge goes agaist you and a good ruling when they are with you is fabulously hacktastick.

unfortunately, there is more politiking in judges decisions that you would like to believe

for example:

though fed judges are appointed for life, many aspire to become an appellate judge....more prestige and money...but guess what, your decisions will influence the appointer...lean left and a rightie will not appoint you, and vice versa
I don't know anyone who was in favor of amnesty when bush was talking about it either. Besides Bush is history; we learn from that. At least some of us do.

Just more proof that the dems and reps are the same. Neither party is for the good of American, all our leaders are just in favor of filling their pocket books and continuing to get elected so they can continue to fill their pocket books.
Boltondelayed provisions that required immigrants to carry their papers

There is already a federal law that requires immigrants to carry their papers, is she gonna block that one too?
Excellent point. What is going to happen is that it will go to the loons in the 9th circuit. They will no doubt uphold Boltons ruling, being the good lil' far lefties they are. It will then make it to the SCOTUS, and as they have done 75% of the time throughout the years, they will reverse the 9th circuit, and Arizona will be on their way to doing the right thing!

This is a political disaster for Obama and the dem's. Wait and see!

The supreme court gets to pick and choose what cases they hear, they sure as heck aren't gonna hear this one.

why do you say that? i think they will hear this one....
Boltondelayed provisions that required immigrants to carry their papers

There is already a federal law that requires immigrants to carry their papers, is she gonna block that one too?
Excellent point. What is going to happen is that it will go to the loons in the 9th circuit. They will no doubt uphold Boltons ruling, being the good lil' far lefties they are. It will then make it to the SCOTUS, and as they have done 75% of the time throughout the years, they will reverse the 9th circuit, and Arizona will be on their way to doing the right thing!

This is a political disaster for Obama and the dem's. Wait and see!

The supreme court gets to pick and choose what cases they hear, they sure as heck aren't gonna hear this one.
BS!....This is a landmark case. Those justices are going to want to get in on this action.
Excellent point. What is going to happen is that it will go to the loons in the 9th circuit. They will no doubt uphold Boltons ruling, being the good lil' far lefties they are. It will then make it to the SCOTUS, and as they have done 75% of the time throughout the years, they will reverse the 9th circuit, and Arizona will be on their way to doing the right thing!

This is a political disaster for Obama and the dem's. Wait and see!

The supreme court gets to pick and choose what cases they hear, they sure as heck aren't gonna hear this one.

why do you say that? i think they will hear this one....

Because they don't care about America anymore than our leaders do. It became obvious when they refused no less than 5 times to hear the case about Obama not being a natural born citizen. Truth is, if they wanted what was right, they would have heard that case. Think about it. This was a case that affects all of us and it would have taken, what, 12 minutes of their time?

American is dead, long live Cascadia. <gonna have to think up a national anthem for my new country>
Boltondelayed provisions that required immigrants to carry their papers

There is already a federal law that requires immigrants to carry their papers, is she gonna block that one too?
Because...it makes EVERYONE have to carry their papers, not just immigrants.
Excellent point. What is going to happen is that it will go to the loons in the 9th circuit. They will no doubt uphold Boltons ruling, being the good lil' far lefties they are. It will then make it to the SCOTUS, and as they have done 75% of the time throughout the years, they will reverse the 9th circuit, and Arizona will be on their way to doing the right thing!

This is a political disaster for Obama and the dem's. Wait and see!

The supreme court gets to pick and choose what cases they hear, they sure as heck aren't gonna hear this one.
BS!....This is a landmark case. Those justices are going to want to get in on this action.
Hope you're right. I just don't have any faith left in our justice system. Believe it or not, sometimes, I'm happier when I'm proven wrong.
I don't know anyone who was in favor of amnesty when bush was talking about it either. Besides Bush is history; we learn from that. At least some of us do.

exactly....and let's not forget how many on the right were against mcshamnesty....

mccain didn't lose just because obama ran on nothing but - mccain is bush - mccain lost because he had a shitty platform and record....
hey ravi.....too scared to address post 98 and 102?

apparently when you are asked to substantiate your claims, you conveniently don't see those posts....

must be nice to make claims without ever having to bother supporting them
Were they your posts? Then I probably didn't read them.

Sometimes I enjoy discussing things with people whose opinion I seek and not the right wing loons.
I don't know anyone who was in favor of amnesty when bush was talking about it either. Besides Bush is history; we learn from that. At least some of us do.

exactly....and let's not forget how many on the right were against mcshamnesty....

mccain didn't lose just because obama ran on nothing but - mccain is bush - mccain lost because he had a shitty platform and record....

The republican party called me for a donation. They wanted to save their "sinking ship". I pointed out you can't save a sinking ship with the wrong captain, and hung up.
AZ discriminates against legal citizens plain and simple.

Why should any legal citizen show any ID? If I were in AZ I'd enter a Federal building, refuse to show papers then sue for discrimination.

Goose meet gander

When I went into the courthouse in Kent, they never asked me for ID, until I got to the person who I was there to pay my fine for being caught driving without proof of insurance.

Why have ID if we don't have to show it?

You must be white. If you are white you have to show your ID. This law only portends to brown people.
I don't know anyone who was in favor of amnesty when bush was talking about it either. Besides Bush is history; we learn from that. At least some of us do.

exactly....and let's not forget how many on the right were against mcshamnesty....

mccain didn't lose just because obama ran on nothing but - mccain is bush - mccain lost because he had a shitty platform and record....

The republican party called me for a donation. They wanted to save their "sinking ship". I pointed out you can't save a sinking ship with the wrong captain, and hung up.

I must have got 20 emails and 10 letter asking me for a donation. I ignored all of them though I did vote for McCain it was in reality a vote against Obama. What pissed me off was, by the time we had our primaries McCain was already the candidate.
The judges ruling was more or less a washing of the hands of the issue, but the stay was on making it a requirement to check status. However that does not mean an officer cannot check status if that person has not been arrested, if this was so then the entire ICE database that the Federal Govt. shares with state and local law enforcement would have to be dismantled. The other portion that was stayed was the portion that required documentation. Basically SB-1070 has been rendered mute as a result of this of this stay for the time being leaving Arizona back where it started, where the Federal Govt. looks the other way, while the drugs, traffic in human beings, murder, and American job loss continues.

Isn't crime down in Arizona and Texas? I saw one report done about a border town in Texas who said crime was down and the number of illegals crossing the border was down due to more border patrol.
People keep saying we need to do something, but it seems we are.

While I really cannot answer Luissa for Texas, and it's true that crime has come down in Arizona since our economy has fallen on hard times. In fact it points to a direct relationship in my opinion between illegal immigration and crime. As the number of of those cheap labor jobs dry up then then number of those comming here illegally tends to fall as does the crime rate. However it does support Luissa a part of the arguement that I agree with that wants to focus on those that look for this cheap labor.

In what officials caution is now a dangerous and even deadly crime wave, Phoenix, Arizona has become the kidnapping capital of America, with more incidents than any other city in the world outside of Mexico City and over 370 cases last year alone. But local authorities say Washington, DC is too obsessed with al Qaeda terrorists to care about what is happening in their own backyard right now.
Kidnapping Capital of the U.S.A. - ABC News

Things such as the above do not help the situtation though.
hey ravi.....too scared to address post 98 and 102?

apparently when you are asked to substantiate your claims, you conveniently don't see those posts....

must be nice to make claims without ever having to bother supporting them
Were they your posts? Then I probably didn't read them.

Sometimes I enjoy discussing things with people whose opinion I seek and not the right wing loons.

oh....you admit you're a coward


too bad, because you and i agree on some issues, but when you spout lies you turn into an ugly far left wing hack....i would actually like to see you substantiate your claims, to back up your assertions....

unfortunately, i will never see this and you will only respond positively to me when i post something that supports your world view....

that is hackish behavior ravi
The ruling may be temporary, but it's still baseless. There is NO chance of any irreparable harm had the judge not approved the temporary restraining order. Indeed, it is fantasy to claim that there is a likelihood that opponents of the legislation will ultimately prevail.

The ruling was a spineless and gutless abrogation of her actual judicial responsibility.

Let's not kid ourselves. The liberal bias of the judicial branch is quite clear and this is a political question that is being treated (invalidly) as though it were properly justiciable. In her eventual (final) ruling she, like the Higher Courts (with the possible exception of the SCOTUS) are likely going to rule by judicial fiat along the very same lines.

What possible legal justification can exist to prevent a cop from finding out if some illegal immigrant is an illegal immigrant?

It really is insane. Libs and other kooks have clearly taken over the asylum.
Why should local police officers be mandated to enforce federal immigration law? And why should everyone be forced to carry identification?

Those two things clearly run up against the constitution.

please point out where in the constitution these two things run up against....


ravi can't back up her assertions....


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