Judge calls out Trump’s inaction on Jan 6

Why would he transfer power in a stolen election. I sure wouldn't. Oh and I'd say history will look on Trump as a great POTUS. Not so for your walking, talking disaster Bidung.
Why would he transfer power in a stolen election. I sure wouldn't. Oh and I'd say history will look on Trump as a great POTUS. Not so for your walking, talking disaster Bidung.

Sorry, but I don’t engage in Stolen Election Fantasies and neither will history.

While the Trump presidency was a disaster, his actions after badly losing the election will solidify his position as our worst modern President by far.
Oh I'd bet the stolen election will be mentioned throughout history.

His presidency was far from a disaster. If you want to see disaster check out your boy Bidung. Now there's a disaster.
Oh I'd bet the stolen election will be mentioned throughout history.

His presidency was far from a disaster. If you want to see disaster check out your boy Bidung. Now there's a disaster.
Like Bill Murray said……It is hard to win an argument with an intelligent person, it is damned near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person

That is why I don’t engage in stolen election fantasies. Arguing facts, logic and the truth has no impact.
Of course you don't cause you don't want to believe the election was stolen. There is plenty of proof of it. You just refuse to see it.

You backed a walking, talking disaster and if you were honest with yourself you would admit it.

Oh and stupid fits you to a tee. You can't fix stupid and boy do you prove it.
Of course you don't cause you don't want to believe the election was stolen. There is plenty of proof of it. You just refuse to see it.

You backed a walking, talking disaster and if you were honest with yourself you would admit it.

Oh and stupid fits you to a tee. You can't fix stupid and boy do you prove it.
America selected Joe Biden over an inept, corrupt Trump who tried to steal the election

It has proven to be a wise choice
History will not call it a nothingburger

Unless Trump can provide some explanation of his lack of concern…….He will be accountable
History will indeed call it that. In fact it already does. It was a violent mob act which resulted in damage to the building some injuries and one dead rioter. It was a one time incident unlike the massive and relentless, deadly riots by antifa / blm.

The perpetrators are being prosecuted. convicted and sentenced left and right. Again not so much for the left wing riots nationwide. Members of congress such as the stupid bitch AOC and others have to manufacture tales of being in danger while they were no where near the mob. Just to get points like a fake veteran.

The gtruth is most people no longer care because it was a minor incident. Unlike the major upheaval defended and condoned by the left. Only half dead media outlets like MSNBC are desperately trying to use Jan 6 as a means of staying afloat as they lose ratings and are ignored.
Sorry, but I don’t engage in Stolen Election Fantasies and neither will history.

While the Trump presidency was a disaster, his actions after badly losing the election will solidify his position as our worst modern President by far.
I seriously think that trump has a major mental problem...and anyone, including Claudette, who buys into it is slipping into a non-existent orb....trump has that affect on lots of his cult.
Of course it was a wise selection. LMAO.

All one has to do is look at the mess he made of the border and another million illegals in our country. Illegals that cost us billions each year.

Trump had the border handled quite well and Bidung made a mess of that. Not to mention many of them have the Chinese virus and he's bussing and flying them all over the country. Dumping them on towns and cities.

And lets not talk about the high gas prices that Bidung caused with his green shit. Empty shelves in grocery stores and rising inflation.

Oh he's done a great job. Not. Of course you wouldn't admit that you made a mistake voting for the walking, talking disaster because that's the kind of Trump hating idiot you are. Congrats.
Of course it was a wise selection. LMAO.

All one has to do is look at the mess he made of the border and another million illegals in our country. Illegals that cost us billions each year.

Trump had the border handled quite well and Bidung made a mess of that. Not to mention many of them have the Chinese virus and he's bussing and flying them all over the country. Dumping them on towns and cities.

And lets not talk about the high gas prices that Bidung caused with his green shit. Empty shelves in grocery stores and rising inflation.

Oh he's done a great job. Not. Of course you wouldn't admit that you made a mistake voting for the walking, talking disaster because that's the kind of Trump hating idiot you are. Congrats.
The Amazing Biden has added 6.4 million jobs, has a GDP over 6 percent, A stock market that gained 27 percent last year

He passed a historic Infrastructure bill and got us out of Afghanistan. He has also patched relations with our allies.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Trump wanted protection for Congress, Nazi Pallousy prevented that.

Blood on her hands; history will judge her harshly.
Oh? How did Pelosi revent it?

Prove Pelosi was ever asked for that protection...
Why would he transfer power in a stolen election. I sure wouldn't. Oh and I'd say history will look on Trump as a great POTUS. Not so for your walking, talking disaster Bidung.
Great, good to know all the Democrat in the next election has to do is cry, the election was stolen from me, and Democrats can retain the Executive branch.
Of course you don't cause you don't want to believe the election was stolen. There is plenty of proof of it. You just refuse to see it.

You backed a walking, talking disaster and if you were honest with yourself you would admit it.

Oh and stupid fits you to a tee. You can't fix stupid and boy do you prove it.
Post the proof...

Oops, you can't because there is no such proof.
Great, good to know all the Democrat in the next election has to do is cry, the election was stolen from me, and Democrats can retain the Executive branch.
According to Trump, VP Harris has the authority to overturn the states if she thinks their elections are compromised

So she is justified to claim that voter suppression in Texas and Florida invalidates their Electoral Votes
According to Trump, VP Harris has the authority to overturn the states if she thinks their elections are compromised

So she is justified to claim that voter suppression in Texas and Florida invalidates their Electoral Votes
Conservatives never think these things through.

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