Judge calls out Trump’s inaction on Jan 6

And most importantly, they knew he could get them to stop, because they were there on his behest to begin with.

If they were his minions, as you suggest, those minions went against his orders just a couple of hours before when the stated that they should “protest peacefully and patriotically to make their voices heard.” You can’t have it both ways.
If they were his minions, as you suggest, those minions went against his orders just a couple of hours before when the stated that they should “protest peacefully and patriotically to make their voices heard.” You can’t have it both ways.

Even the Judge isn’t buying that argument

If Trump opposed violence he would have actually opposed it while it was happening
Democrats don’t want a Democracy. They want “Democratic Socialism.” Only low IQ’ers haven’t that out yet.
Wasn‘t Democrats who attempted a violent overthrow of the elections
He did condemn it. The judges is a typical leftist partisan, just like the Democratic SCJ justices. They don’t care about anything other than their agenda.

Actually he watched it on TV and giggled
Is that what the zip ties were for?

I have zip ties in my car, but am not prepping for an insurrection or a robbery. If you are preparing for an insurrection, zip ties aren’t the first things on your material list. I guess they remembered the zip ties but forgot the guns. Cheez you guys are dense.
Pretty sure there was 'no cheering' from Harris or Biden, but whatever.
Can you back that up with video or transcript?

Summer of Terror? Is that the new 'buzz word'.
Summer of Terror is an accurate description of the dems summer of love.
History will remember 1/6 as a footnote.

History remember the mess Bidung made of the border.

History will remember the million illegals the walking, talking disaster let into the country.

History will remember that illegals cost America tax payers billions each year.

History will remember the botched fly out in Afghanistan.

History will remember the American left behind along with billions of dollars worth of American military equipment.

History will remember empty shelves.

History will remember high gas prices.

History will remember thousands of ships parked of California unable to unload thousand of containers.

History will remember rising inflation.

History will remember lots but I doubt 1/6 will be at the top of their list. You can bet History will remember what a god damned lousy POTUS Bidung is.
If only Democrat Party terrorists hadn't prevented this deployment again and again and again, in DC, and elsewhere in America.

The Democrats want the nation to be burned to the ground, and have worked tirelessly for that depraved end since 2016.

Bless Trump for doing all he could to prevent Democrat terrorism, and may this sick judge be condemned and removed from the bench.
No one outranks the CIC.
If they were his minions, as you suggest, those minions went against his orders just a couple of hours before when the stated that they should “protest peacefully and patriotically to make their voices heard.” You can’t have it both ways.
That’s the point made by the OP, dope.
A reasonable person would have tried to stop them immediately.

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