Judge calls out Trump’s inaction on Jan 6

Exactly what I said.
Lots of people donate to Bail Funds.

If you don't like people getting out on BAUIL, that a Judge offered, then blame the Judge.
Rittenhouse had people offer to donate to his bail fund. Did they?
What is wrong with that, you are OK with people donating to Kyle's bail fund.

And, look up the FACTS about who got released using those specific funds and exactly how many committed violent crimes upon release.

So riot isn't a violent crime, they also bailed out a dude that murdered someone and a sex offender. You commies are really retarded.

That is one question they ALL run away from. If Trump wanted this to happen, why did he offer extra security, only to have or refused by both Pelosi AND the DC Mayor? Almost as if they knew something was going to happen.....
It was not refused by Pelosi or the mayor. It was refused by Trumps acting defense secretary

Miller testified that he was concerned in the days before Jan. 6 that sending National Guard troops to Washington would fan fears of a military coup or that Trump advisers were advocating martial law.

And Trumps request was to protect the "demonstrators" Not the capital

Trump told Miller to "fill" the request, the former defense secretary testified. Miller said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."
Trump created a riot and then refused to stop it

The Judge wants to know why

- The capital police were offered national guards support two days before Jan 6: They refused. The Judge *should* be asking "why did they refuse?"
- Trumps words were "We will walk to the steps of the capital". I believe he even said somewhere in his speech "Peacefully protest"
- There was no communication between the rioters, or any sort of leadership directing them what to do or when (that would have shown up in cell phone records...they found nothing)
- Even if some of the people who instigated the physical breech *weren't* Antifa, they acted on their own without instruction. At least 727 people were charged with crimes in the break-in, we may never know if the real instigators were set free and those being held in prison are only there as political prisoners.

Trump did not create a riot. Congress and the Courts created a riot by not taking seriously the thousands of sworn affidavits about voting irregularities. Voting irregularities that have now been fully substantiated and proven true in many instances.
It was not refused by Pelosi or the mayor. It was refused by Trumps acting defense secretary

And Trumps request was to protect the "demonstrators" Not the capital
[edit Sorry this was intended g5000] if the extra support had been put in place, don't you think they would have protected *everyone equally*? Now you're saying the national guards would have somehow allowed a riot to take place?
No you uneducated moron. Proven fact. Both Pisslosi AND the DC Mayor have been proven to have REFUSED Trump’s offer to send in extra security. Cry harder,
Before you call somw one a moron, you should make sure that you know what your talking about least you have egg on your face

Facts First: The Speaker of the House is not in charge of Capitol security. That's the responsibility of the Capitol Police Board, which oversees the US Capitol Police and approves requests for National Guard assistance.
Looking at his actions, it becomes clear that he liked what was happening on that day.

He's a narcissistic sociopath.
Trump wanted protection for Congress, Nazi Pallousy prevented that.

Blood on her hands; history will judge her harshly.
The CIC could have ordered the NG to the Capitol at any time. They were already deployed elsewhere in the city. There could have been a substantial element in place within 30 min.
It was not refused by Pelosi or the mayor. It was refused by Trumps acting defense secretary

And Trumps request was to protect the "demonstrators" Not the capital
False news. The defense secretary has no role in capital security. Below is a story that was widely published last January/February, but since has been censored from many MSM (including Microsoft News msn, a government pawn). This is the truth:

"The building’s security is manned by the U.S. Capitol Police, which is small: The force provides roughly 2,000 officers (with 2,300 employees total, including civilian employees) and is “responsible for protecting Congress and the public, and maintaining order while protecting the U.S. Capitol.” It is overseen by the four members of the Capitol Police Board, with Congressional oversight. The Capitol building covers more than 16 acres large and on Wednesday was surrounded by many thousands of armed rioters."

That is absolutely false.

You got that from what...a Trump tweet?
You should try reading the news for yourself and not getting it second hand from your watered-down editorials your socialist protectors spin for you.

Try to keep up.
Trump is being sued for his actions on Jan 6. The Judge asks why Trump failed to act

What do I do about the fact the President didn't denounce the conduct immediately ... and sent a tweet that arguably exacerbated things?" the judge asked. "Isn't that, from a plausibility standpoint, that the President plausibly agreed with the conduct of the people inside the Capitol that day?"
You do realize Pelosi was in charge of security? Another liberal fail.
Pretty sure there was 'no cheering' from Harris or Biden, but whatever.
Can you back that up with video or transcript?

Summer of Terror? Is that the new 'buzz word'.
Harris offered to help with bail, in that summer of love! Of course with other people's money.

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