Judge calls out Trump’s inaction on Jan 6

Pelosi was in charge of security.

"no one person oversees USCP -- the oversight apparatus includes representation from the Architect of the Capitol, the House and Senate Sergeants at Arms, as well as committees from both Houses of Congress,” Bee Barnett, director of communications and programs for the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, said in an email.

While the Capitol Police budget is approved by both chambers of Congress, Pelosi does not control day-to-day operations or officer assignments.

^ Deranged fantasy.

See above.

Trump did everything is his power to prevent the chaos and death the Democrats yearned for and created; Democrats are dangerously deranged Nazi psychopaths.

Trump’s actions are well-documented that day. Even as the violent mob was breaking into the building, Trump was still bashing Pence through Twitter instead of calling for peace.
Let’s see your outcry.

Okay I have two I'll share.
- The capital police were offered national guards support two days before Jan 6: They refused. The Judge *should* be asking "why did they refuse?"
- Trumps words were "We will walk to the steps of the capital". I believe he even said somewhere in his speech "Peacefully protest"
- There was no communication between the rioters, or any sort of leadership directing them what to do or when (that would have shown up in cell phone records...they found nothing)
- Even if some of the people who instigated the physical breech *weren't* Antifa, they acted on their own without instruction. At least 727 people were charged with crimes in the break-in, we may never know if the real instigators were set free and those being held in prison are only there as political prisoners.

Trump did not create a riot. Congress and the Courts created a riot by not taking seriously the thousands of sworn affidavits about voting irregularities. Voting irregularities that have now been fully substantiated and proven true in many instances.
You sure talk a lot of shit. Too bad that it is just what you want to believe and may have little or nothing to do with reality. Let me remind you the 1.6 is still being investigated and the issues that you rais here will be addressed in the final report. It might be wise to shut up until then. And that election fraud shit is really old and tired
"no one person oversees USCP -- the oversight apparatus includes representation from the Architect of the Capitol, the House and Senate Sergeants at Arms, as well as committees from both Houses of Congress,” Bee Barnett, director of communications and programs for the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, said in an email.

While the Capitol Police budget is approved by both chambers of Congress, Pelosi does not control day-to-day operations or officer assignments.

Trump requested more guardsmen and was denied.
Trump is being sued for his actions on Jan 6. The Judge asks why Trump failed to act

What do I do about the fact the President didn't denounce the conduct immediately ... and sent a tweet that arguably exacerbated things?" the judge asked. "Isn't that, from a plausibility standpoint, that the President plausibly agreed with the conduct of the people inside the Capitol that day?"
Wasn‘t Democrats who attempted a violent overthrow of the elections
Right, they undermined the integrity to allow for fraud, just like they are attempting to do again. It is also the Democrats starting the push at the local level to allow non-citizens to vote and opening the border. It is very clear that it is the Democrats who are interfering with the Democratic process.
Trump is being sued for his actions on Jan 6. The Judge asks why Trump failed to act

What do I do about the fact the President didn't denounce the conduct immediately ... and sent a tweet that arguably exacerbated things?" the judge asked. "Isn't that, from a plausibility standpoint, that the President plausibly agreed with the conduct of the people inside the Capitol that day?"
Yup, trump was waiting to see if his coup attempt was going to succeed. When it was obvious that it was going to fail he made...after numerous attempts to avoid....a video that told them to go home and that he "loved" them. The man is a two legged weasel....vermin....snake....cancer.
Trump is being sued for his actions on Jan 6. The Judge asks why Trump failed to act

What do I do about the fact the President didn't denounce the conduct immediately ... and sent a tweet that arguably exacerbated things?" the judge asked. "Isn't that, from a plausibility standpoint, that the President plausibly agreed with the conduct of the people inside the Capitol that day?"
More important is why did leadership in Congress and Capitol Police ignore warnings from three different law enforcement agencies well in advance and not only did not staff more security, but had an unusual LOW NUMBER of police on duty that day.
A question that the media ignores and the faux investigation ignores as well.
You can bet your ass if Trump was responsible for capital police staffing - Democrats would be screaming about it.
Right, they undermined the integrity to allow for fraud, just like they are attempting to do again. It is also the Democrats starting the push at the local level to allow non-citizens to vote and opening the border. It is very clear that it is the Democrats who are interfering with the Democratic process.
Right, they undermined the integrity to allow for fraud, just like they are attempting to do again. It is also the Democrats starting the push at the local level to allow non-citizens to vote and opening the border. It is very clear that it is the Democrats who are interfering with the Democratic process.

The federal law does not prohibit noncitizens from voting in state or local elections, but no state has allowed noncitizens to vote in state elections since Arkansas became the last state to outlaw noncitizen voting in 1926. However, in some states, local governments have the power to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections. As of December 2021, fourteen local jurisdictions allow non-citizen voting,

Yup, trump was waiting to see if his coup attempt was going to succeed. When it was obvious that it was going to fail he made...after numerous attempts to avoid....a video that told them to go home and that he "loved" them. The man is a two legged weasel....vermin....snake....cancer.
Not true actually. The Insurrectionists HAD succeeded in stopping the Electoral count. The coup failed because Congress went back into session and finished the count.

Had they not....democracy in this country would have failed
This thread belongs in THE FLAME ZONE. Pelosi and Congress run The Capital Police, and both The Capital Police offered more officers on that day and Pelosi turned them down. The President offered reinforcements on that day in the form of The National Guard and Pelosi turned it down.

Nancy Pelosi should be subpoenaed and so should her cell phone and she should be prosecuted. She knows when the gig is up and would rather retire than face criminal prosecution. I believe SHE PLANNED the attack with Antifa and BLM plants as was reported initially. They tried to infiltrate the group.

I was at a million man march in DC where Trump spoke, and both BLM and Antifa tried to blend in and stir up trouble there too. It is a common tactic of theirs.

This Lame Thread is another shameless attempt to spam the board with flamebait and belongs in The Flame zone as no person has been charged with insurrection and there have been 100s of these threads spamming the board. "tresspassing," "disrupting official business," and "parading" is not insurrection and rebellion.

So much for The Left's "Lone Fire Extinguisher take over of America!"
A boatload of bizarre bovine excrement.

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