Judge Cannon has blown it.

Do you have a source for that claim?

If you are correct, then judge, Cannon will tell them the law, and they will decide whether the facts fit the law for a conviction or an acquittal.

Actually if Judge Cannon errs in determining a Question of Law, then the Special Council can attempt to remedy the situation in the same way that he has done twice already.

Take the issue to the Circuit Court of Appeals since he's done so twice already and won with the 11th Circuit correcting Judge Cannon.



If so many DEMs are making that claim that you make, then they should actually read the law.

The PRA of 1978 requires the President to turn over Presidential Records at the end of his time in office. The PRA pretty clearly defines what documents the President can take with him when he leaves office.

It doesn't because FPOTUS#45 is charged with willful retention of classified documents (i.e. national defense information) and since the ONLY documents he is charged with retaining are classified and therefore the property of the United States Government as no reasonable person believes they fall under the definition of "Personal Records" contained in the PRA.

As I explained in another post, the authority to determine what is personal and what is presidential is not a "reasonable person" standard. The sole authority is the president's.
Actually if Judge Cannon errs in determining a Question of Law, then the Special Council can attempt to remedy the situation in the same way that he has done twice already.

Take the issue to the Circuit Court of Appeals since he's done so twice already and won with the 11th Circuit correcting Judge Cannon.



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Ok, then.

Judge Cannon will decide, when it is appropriate for her to decide.
Actually if Judge Cannon errs in determining a Question of Law, then the Special Council can attempt to remedy the situation in the same way that he has done twice already.

Take the issue to the Circuit Court of Appeals since he's done so twice already and won with the 11th Circuit correcting Judge Cannon.



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Smith will continue to delay and delay with appeal after appeal he’s scared of s jury actually hearing his case
As I explained in another post, the authority to determine what is personal and what is presidential is not a "reasonable person" standard. The sole authority is the president's.


The PRA clearly defines what documents fall into the personal category and which records are Presidential.

Smith will continue to delay and delay with appeal after appeal he’s scared of s jury actually hearing his case

Smith's not the one delaying the beginning of trial. it's FPOTUS#45 attempting to inject irrelevant material into the case hoping to get into the Oval Office before he can be convicted.

He's not running for President.

He's running hoping not to go to prison.

Smith's not the one delaying the beginning of trial. it's FPOTUS#45 attempting to inject irrelevant material into the case hoping to get into the Oval Office before he can be convicted.

He's not running for President.

He's running hoping not to go to prison.

He keeps appealing to the 11th circuit
Correct, because Judge Cannon is deviating from the law and he has to have her corrected either her bias or inexperience.

Two appeals and he won both times. Maybe Judge Cannon should run her court correctly.

He keeps delaying and delaying because his scared of a jury actual hearing his “case”
He keeps delaying and delaying because his scared of a jury actual hearing his “case”

No, he keeps having to go to 11th because Judge Cannon has erred as a Question of Law and she's been over ruled twice (so far).

Most of you on the right probably haven't figured this out, judging from some of your comments which clearly indicate you do not understand the forces that are in play, i.e.,, what the actual dynamics are, (it's way in Smith's favor, FYI) because they right wing echo chamber isn't telling you, but Judge Cannon fucked up on the law, royally. Jack will file a motion in limine, and if she ignores it, he'll have grounds for a petition for writ of mandamus, and he'll either get the 11th circuit to straighten her out on the law (which she has turned on it's head), or get her ass off the case. She's bitten off far more than she can chew.

Let's see if I'm right. We'll know in a day or two. One thing is certain, Jack's not going to let the last 2 page order where she wrote 'unprecedented and unjust', he's not going to let that slide.

This is really an interesting case, particularly because we have an extremely wet behind the ears judge handling a case who is in way way way over her head. But, that's the system, whoever is next on the rotation, regardless of experience matching, is the one assigned, and she got it. Clearly, the system is ripe for reform.
Jack Smith fucked up on the law.
justice cannon is assured a lifetime position on the supreme court if she can get this delayed enough for a second coming of the annointed one.; hallelujah.

trump placed her in his home court for a reason.
She is neither wet nor inexperienced. Perhaps she sees this for the political witch hunt that it really is.

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