Judge Chutkan Has Trump’s Jan. 6 Case Back And Is Ready To Roll

There will be no delay after his defeat. Back to court.

trump old.jpg
Why would the state of Miissouri have a say in the verdict of the state of New York against a private citizen doing business in New York that is NOT a citizen of Missouri?

Seems like a helluva stretch....and I ain't a judge. Or hell, even a lawyer.
Give it time....Harris is an empty suit.
Putting aside my disagreement with that assertion.......you make it sound as though trump is a person of substance. He isn't. He's a traitor who raped a woman, cheated on his taxes, stole money from a charity, and was convicted in what was essentially an election interference case.
After its ponderous sojourn at the Supreme Court, the Jan. 6 case against Donald Trump was officially returned Friday to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan in Washington, D.C., and she immediately picked it back up again and started moving it forward.

Among her initial actions, notably undertaken over the weekend, Chutkan:

  1. set a Friday, Aug. 9 deadline for the parties to submit a proposed scheduling order for pretrial proceedings;
  2. set a status conference for next Friday, Aug. 16,
  3. denied a pending Trump motion to dismiss the case on statutory grounds, but gave him the chance to re-up it once the immunity questions in the case are resolved.
  4. denied a pending Trump motion to dismiss the case on the grounds of selective and vindictive prosecution.
And just like that, the case was up and running again. But don’t hold your breath that this will go to trial before the election. Time is simply too short at this point.

But, and this is a big but, the SCOTUS successfully dragged its feet..........delaying the immunity ruling for months........making it impossible for the case to come to trial before the election..........just like the majority wanted.

There has been some specious discussion about Biden weaponizing the DoJ. Between trump's SC's active assistance in delaying this case, and of course his sock puppet Aileen trying to block his prosecution in the docs case, no prez in history has been so advantaged by the corrupt result of judicial appointments.
Awesome, let’s get this party started!
Why would the state of Miissouri have a say in the verdict of the state of New York against a private citizen doing business in New York that is NOT a citizen of Missouri?

Seems like a helluva stretch....and I ain't a judge. Or hell, even a lawyer.
It’s meritless political theater from the right; another example of Republicans’ contempt for the rule of law and the will of the people.
First, this ain't an attempt to pick-the-pocket of poster Tommy Tainant.
He has a thread just started about Elite Strike Force Jenna too.
From the Guardian.

I copy & pasted it from his thread (and, I will go back to his thread with a sense of gratitued and humility and inform him I trespassed. Still, my point in doing so is to expand more on this Ellis news and too, the WaPo piece I linked to might be behind a paywall for some of the readers here.

From TT's link:

"“Her insights are invaluable and will greatly aid the state in proving its case in court,” Mayes said. “As I stated when the initial charges were announced, I will not allow American democracy to be undermined — it is far too important. Today’s announcement is a win for the rule of law.”
Putting aside my disagreement with that assertion.......you make it sound as though trump is a person of substance. He isn't. He's a traitor who raped a woman, cheated on his taxes, stole money from a charity, and was convicted in what was essentially an election interference case.
Clearly we are not putting our best foot forward as a Nation.

The supply of sainted candidates seems to be lacking.

Unfortunately, as undesirable as Trump is, he understands basic business.

Universal egalitarianism is not a plan for success going forward.

It's a plan for Oblivion.

Finally, a competent Federal Judge who can actually issue a ruling without taking months to do it unlike that MAGAT hack from Florida who was in the tank for Trump from day one.
Oh please.....most judges are in the tank. If you don't know that you're a child.
Putting aside my disagreement with that assertion.......you make it sound as though trump is a person of substance. He isn't. He's a traitor who raped a woman, cheated on his taxes, stole money from a charity, and was convicted in what was essentially an election interference case.

and was convicted in what was essentially an election interference case.

I know, those bookkeeping misdemeanors, worse than Watergate!!! LOL!
"Unfortunately, as undesirable as Trump is, he understands basic business."

I'm not so sure.
Call me a skeptic.

I spent 30yrs in business as a President, CEO, COO, investor, worker bee. I ain't a business guru...but long long ago lost my farm kid inexperience and naivete'.

Don Trump from my perspective operated more as a business predator than as a business trusted partner and contributor.

I mean by that, he's long earned a reputation for stiffing his contractors, suppliers, vendors, partners, and customers. Of course, not every one of the many folks encompassed by those parties was cheated all the time.....but the stories are many and credible that he did it as an SOP....standard operating practice.

Same with his taxes and his charities. He systematically cheated ...(see the recent New York judgement, see the Trump University settlement, see the judgement about him ever again operating a charity).

And then for a man who allegedly "understands basic business" there are those bankruptcies ... at least 6. There are also those failed business....Trump water, Trump steaks, Trump shuttle, Trump vodka, Trump mortgage, Trump University.

"The S-4 cites....... “over the previous three decades President Trump and his businesses had been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts. ... In the 1,300 cases where the record establishes the outcome, President Trump settled 175 times, lost 38, won 450, and had another 137 cases end with some other outcome. In the other 500 cases, judges dismissed plaintiffs’ claims against President Trump.”
After its ponderous sojourn at the Supreme Court, the Jan. 6 case against Donald Trump was officially returned Friday to U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan in Washington, D.C., and she immediately picked it back up again and started moving it forward.

Among her initial actions, notably undertaken over the weekend, Chutkan:

  1. set a Friday, Aug. 9 deadline for the parties to submit a proposed scheduling order for pretrial proceedings;
  2. set a status conference for next Friday, Aug. 16,
  3. denied a pending Trump motion to dismiss the case on statutory grounds, but gave him the chance to re-up it once the immunity questions in the case are resolved.
  4. denied a pending Trump motion to dismiss the case on the grounds of selective and vindictive prosecution.
And just like that, the case was up and running again. But don’t hold your breath that this will go to trial before the election. Time is simply too short at this point.

But, and this is a big but, the SCOTUS successfully dragged its feet..........delaying the immunity ruling for months........making it impossible for the case to come to trial before the election..........just like the majority wanted.

There has been some specious discussion about Biden weaponizing the DoJ. Between trump's SC's active assistance in delaying this case, and of course his sock puppet Aileen trying to block his prosecution in the docs case, no prez in history has been so advantaged by the corrupt result of judicial appointments.
It's a lose situation for the left. That said, the left seek to win battles, not necessarily wars, primarily because their stunts are simply stunts aimed to fuck your mind up for their power gain. It will die a natural death like most of the left's BS, but guys like you have short memories, and somehow fail to learn from history.
Idiocracy, that makes no sense. But you know that on November 6, Trump will be back in court.
I'm not so sure.
Call me a skeptic.

I spent 30yrs in business as a President, CEO, COO, investor, worker bee. I ain't a business guru...but long long ago lost my farm kid inexperience and naivete'.

Don Trump from my perspective operated more as a business predator than as a business trusted partner and contributor.

I mean by that, he's long earned a reputation for stiffing his contractors, suppliers, vendors, partners, and customers. Of course, not every one of the many folks encompassed by those parties was cheated all the time.....but the stories are many and credible that he did it as an SOP....standard operating practice.

Same with his taxes and his charities. He systematically cheated ...(see the recent New York judgement, see the Trump University settlement, see the judgement about him ever again operating a charity).

And then for a man who allegedly "understands basic business" there are those bankruptcies ... at least 6. There are also those failed business....Trump water, Trump steaks, Trump shuttle, Trump vodka, Trump mortgage, Trump University.

"The S-4 cites....... “over the previous three decades President Trump and his businesses had been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal and state courts. ... In the 1,300 cases where the record establishes the outcome, President Trump settled 175 times, lost 38, won 450, and had another 137 cases end with some other outcome. In the other 500 cases, judges dismissed plaintiffs’ claims against President Trump.”

Good post....I appreciate the civility. If I'm not mistaken Michael Bloomberg dwarves Donald Trump in number bankruptcies filed.

I worked for GE for a long time. It was one of their favorite business practices in their sub businesses. It's just a fact of American business.

You might be right about predation however. Having said that I'm fine with it he turns that predation against the nations that have been suckering us for decades.

I see no evidence whatsoever that Harris can even put this car in gear never mind drive it.
Populism does absolutely nothing for the country or the economy.

Finally it seems like a bad dream we have arrived here at a choice between Boorish and clueless. Our selection process is seriously fucked up.

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