Judge Democrats by their actual acts

Watching media is like shutting your eyes. We see the Media praising Biden. We see the victims giving him the finger. We see the Government lying and it's normal when Democrats are in power. Today on the View they recalled Trump tossing paper towels to victims in Puerto Rico and making a lot of fuss blaming Trump. Will the nuts in the Media blame Biden? Supposedly Biden tossed the victims $750. Problem is the victims say they have not got any money at all. That is not told by the media. In fact more Walmart trucks show up than even a jeep of Fema. Millions of flood victims no doubt will not vote for Harris.

Kamala serves the donor class not the people.

You know this because you watched some Trumper whining on Twitter?

Anyone can say anything on Twitter … and they do

Go change your diaper old man
No you mean person. I saw proof by watching youtube videos of those helping the victims and not seeing any FEMA there at all. I also contributed to the victims as you refuse to do. Because in your diaper is what babies put there daily.
No you mean person. I saw proof by watching youtube videos of those helping the victims and not seeing any FEMA there at all. I also contributed to the victims as you refuse to do. Because in your diaper is what babies put there daily.
Christ you’re an idiot. Do you think FEMA is everywhere in every possible video angle across five states

Go change your diaper old man
Christ you’re an idiot. Do you think FEMA is everywhere in every possible video angle across five states

Go change your diaper old man
No, I know a lot about FEMA. When Bush was president, Democrats lied and said he did not care. When did Biden show up in flooded areas?
No, I know a lot about FEMA. When Bush was president, Democrats lied and said he did not care. When did Biden show up in flooded areas?
You don’t know shit about FEMA.. or pretty much anything else
You don’t know shit about FEMA.. or pretty much anything else
You proved over and over how stupid you are.

Show proof FEMA is in the NC mountains where victims are.
Well you see, RW, here's the thing. Your government is a fraud.

It is like a store with a bunch of shelves full of empty box fronts. From a distance it really looks fully stocked. But the reality is that government only takes care of government. They have spent trillions on all kinds of special plans to protect themselves. An asteroid could hit and they've got bunkers, beds, TVs, phones, food, healthcare and communication for anything. But for you, all they have is an empty box.

Fort Knox has no gold in it, they sold it all off.
The Federal Reserve has no money, they borrow it all from China.
FEMA is nothing but a bunch of fat, lazy people who sleep around 99.99% of the time.
Our military is now an undermanned, understaffed, under-prepared bunch of fruits wearing lipstick and dresses.

The government has three boxes full of corm meal. When one agency is called upon, they remove an empty box there and put a box of corn meal in its place so they have /something/ to show while the rest of the shelves are still empty. It is like how a magician shows his hand full of cards when he only really has one. But you don't know this until the government is actually called upon to really do something. All they really do is steal from Peter to pay Paul.

The government is just a front now for an international conglomerate. They suck up all your tax dollars and spread it around the globe to their buddies. This is why they so hate and fear Trump. Because they know Trump isn't someone they can buy, threaten or fool. They know if he gets back in again, he will break up their merry ol' game of robbing America. Now you know.
Well said. FEMA does not have a complete staff of experts. I hired one of their appraisers to handle the San Francisco Bay area and he was a dud. I got rid of him.

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