Kamala's Campaign Has Been Destroyed By Their Own October Surprise

The issue isn’t how many dumb liberals or how many illegal migrants vote for them. The issue is how effectively they can cheat the system.
Just curious...but I have something you should muse on:

Citizens were forced to get the vax or lose their job..even in the military....but this government let in 17 million illegal immigrants that were not vaxed nor were forced to get vaxxed. That sound reasonable to you? And do you have a legit explanation why its just okey dokey to you?

I hear it was 117 million they let in. Just awful.
What a cop-out. When you say something is the government's responsibility, you're demanding the taxpayers pay for it. (You do know where the government's money comes from, right? They take it from people with jobs.)

And when you demand the government take care of immigrants, they have to be put somewhere. And that somewhere is in people's neighborhoods. But not yours, oh, no!

So, you're feeling all warm and fuzzy and generous with other people's money and other people's neighborhoods, while not giving a nickel of your own.

Typical leftist.
I swear! You people remind me of a 5 cranky 5 year old who throws a tantrum had to share his candy bar. The fact that these are human beings in need seems to be lost on you or you are just too selfish-or blinded by xenophobia -to care I suspect that you are a MAGA Republican. The cruelty to not an unintended consequence. The cruelty is the point

We are talking about people who fled their homelands due to famine, war social unrest or natural disasters. In many case this countries policies over decades destabilized those countries setting the stage for mass migration. Most are here legally and most have jobs, pay taxes, contribute to the economy and are law abiding.

I suspect that your selfishness and propensity for cruelty goes beyond migrants- but they do provide a convenient scapegoat. You people think the everyone can and must fend for themselves. Maybe you’ve been fortunate enough . Others have not. But forgive me. I digress from the topic which is the lies being told about the use of FEMA funds for migrants as a means to disparage the Democrats as well as to stoke fear and loathing of the migrants.

Here is more. Not one of you Jadrools pushed back on any of the lies. You’re either stupid enough to believe them or so vicious and cruel that you knowingly perpetuate the lies

I swear! You people remind me of a 5 cranky 5 year old who throws a tantrum had to share his candy bar. The fact that these are human beings in need seems to be lost on you or you are just too selfish-or blinded by xenophobia -to care I suspect that you are a MAGA Republican. The cruelty to not an unintended consequence. The cruelty is the point

We are talking about people who fled their homelands due to famine, war social unrest or natural disasters. In many case this countries policies over decades destabilized those countries setting the stage for mass migration. Most are here legally and most have jobs, pay taxes, contribute to the economy and are law abiding.

I suspect that your selfishness and propensity for cruelty goes beyond migrants- but they do provide a convenient scapegoat. You people think the everyone can and must fend for themselves. Maybe you’ve been fortunate enough . Others have not. But forgive me. I digress from the topic which is the lies being told about the use of FEMA funds for migrants as a means to disparage the Democrats as well as to stoke fear and loathing of the migrants.

Here is more. Not one of you Jadrools pushed back on any of the lies. You’re either stupid enough to believe them or so vicious and cruel that you knowingly perpetuate the lies

And that relieves you of your responsibility -- the same one you claim I'm shirking -- how, exactly?

Spoiler alert: Voting for people who will take money from one group and give it to another is in no way generosity on your part.

But damn if you don't feel all good inside.

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