Judge Dismisses Fulton County Ballot Review Case.

You're in Nebraska it's already happening most of our people are working together our governor's an a****** that we can't help it he's a trump Republican. Despite him we don't unemployment is all but non-existent. Wages of soaring, people are working together again. The most important thing is we got our hope back. Things aren't hopeless like they were with trump. We need more workers, that's the biggest problem. I think we're short 30,000 workers in the states jobs that go unfilled that are needed. More immigrants will help the situation and everybody knows it here.
It's not lack of peeps in this country to fill the job.......its peeps who have been sucking on the gov't tit since the pandemic. We have signs down here for 500 sign on bonuses here to flip burgers......plenty of people to fill these positions but they still getting money off the covid shutdown via loop holes in unemployment.

It's not lack of peeps in this country to fill the job.......its peeps who have been sucking on the gov't tit since the pandemic. We have signs down here for 500 sign on bonuses here to flip burgers......plenty of people to fill these positions but they still getting money off the covid shutdown via loop holes in unemployment.

You got a conspiracy theory for everything. Good luck with that I'm going to bed good night I should say try to have a good night I don't think people like you ever do have good nights
You got a conspiracy theory for everything. Good luck with that I'm going to bed good night I should say try to have a good night I don't think people like you ever do have good nights
Nite.......and I don't care about your opinion. You are with the left your post shows it.
There has been 0 transparency from Dominion. If they are going to run elections they have to show us how they did it.
At least 20 years ago I read a book about conspiracy theories. I don’t remember the title.

The book contained a chapter on computer voting and how it could be hacked to win elections. That conspiracy theory bothered me more than any of the other ones.

This video made before the 2020 election by CNN shows my concerns may be justified. Foreign nations and even (or especially) our deep state may be interested in hacking our elections and putting the candidates they want into office. If so the voters would still believe their votes are what determines the outcome of elections.

You can bet the Russians, the Chinese, Rocket Man in North Korea and our wonderful deep state really didn’t want to see Trump get a second term. If our voting machines are vulnerable it is quite possible some in key states were tampered with.

I realize that those who despise Trump will laugh and say it could never happen but be aware if it has it will happen again and sometime in the future a candidate you support will lose an election because the voting machines were hacked.

One of the most important items in a representative democracy is accurate and honest elections. If that doesn’t exist you live in a banana republic at best.

Nite.......and I don't care about your opinion. You are with the left your post shows it.
Good morning, the fact that you think I'm on the left and you think that is something bad means that you are not only right but far right and have a problem. It's your problem deal with it.
Fascism is criminalizing women for no good reason, fascism is attempting to subvert elections, fascism is terrorizing immigrants, fascism is stripping away rights from minorities, making a public health mandate requiring vaccines or being tested every week and wearing a mask while at work to protect themselves and others is just common sense. With appropriate measures in place is pandemic will be over independent and the economy will bounce back better than ever cuz we got the right people in charge people are willing to do the hard work not think up schemes like trump did, and you all fell for it that's what it is so incredible let's give more money to the super rich more money to corporations why should they pay taxes at all let them get let the millionaires become billionaires and a billionaires become trillionaires and the rest of the people can put the bill that makes total sense doesn't it yes if you're insane it does.
Facism is corporations pushing the same agenda as the government. Fascism is the political arrests and a dual justice system that punishes dissent and ignores the rule of law. That is the present administration.

Your bullshit post does not come anywhere near what fascism is. Immigrants are not terrorized, they terrorize citizens. Mandates that take away a personal choice over your own body is fascism. In short, you do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
Facism is corporations pushing the same agenda as the government. Fascism is the political arrests and a dual justice system that punishes dissent and ignores the rule of law. That is the present administration.

Your bullshit post does not come anywhere near what fascism is. Immigrants are not terrorized, they terrorize citizens. Mandates that take away a personal choice over your own body is fascism. In short, you do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
Like I said you are a conspiracy-filled nut case. End of story. Good bye, sorry you have to live with that. I live in the real world and I don't like making personal attacks, people like you seem to be looking for a fight all the time and I'm not going to waste any more of my time with you, you'll just have to find someone else to get your sick desires from, I'm tired of dealing with loser extremists.
Like I said you are a conspiracy-filled nut case. End of story. Good bye, sorry you have to live with that. I live in the real world and I don't like making personal attacks, people like you seem to be looking for a fight all the time and I'm not going to waste any more of my time with you, you'll just have to find someone else to get your sick desires from, I'm tired of dealing with loser extremists.
You said nothing about the fascist actions of the illegitimate administration in power. Why not?
Good morning, the fact that you think I'm on the left and you think that is something bad means that you are not only right but far right and have a problem. It's your problem deal with it.
I interpret your words............You sure as hell aren't on any dang fence........Just go to them
You said nothing about the fascist actions of the illegitimate administration in power. Why not?
I already said fascism is when the minority tries to dominate what the majority wants. That's not the case, the people are tired of COVID-19 they understand this is the best way to get rid of it if that is possible. The anti-vaccine people, anti-mask people and the Covid-19 naysayers are a very vocal very small minority. I have the uneasy feeling that we've waited too long and the virus has already mutated into the most deadly form yet and it will be a game changer as far as the world population problem goes. It's only killed four and a half million worldwide so far but if a killer strain have time to develop because people are unvaccinated that number could easily be multiplied by a hundred or a thousand. However I try to be optimistic, hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. I've done all I can for my part. Cases are going up here in Nebraska, most people have stopped wearing masks, it is concerning, I wish they'd reinstate to mask mandate before it's too late. Omaha lost four more people yesterday, it was unusual that they were all vaccinated, one guy was in his thirties. Up till now it's been mostly on vaccinated people that are dying. The killer strain may be here already. I don't think people ever really learn and change until they're forced to. I do not have any regrets, I'm old I've had a good life and if it is to be it it will be. I hope you can say the same. Have a good day. Once again goodbye.
ATLANTA (AP) — A judge on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit alleging fraud in Georgia’s most populous county during the 2020 election. The suit sought a review of some 147,000 absentee ballots to see if any were illegitimate.

The lawsuit was originally filed in December and alleged evidence of fraudulent ballots and improper ballot counting in Fulton County. It was filed by nine Georgia voters and spearheaded by Garland Favorito, a longtime critic of Georgia’s election systems.

Henry County Superior Court Chief Judge Brian Amero’s order dismissing the case says the voters who brought the lawsuit “failed to allege a particularized injury” and therefore lacked the standing to claim that their state constitutional rights to equal protection and due process had been violated.

Amero also noted that Georgia’s secretary of state’s office had provided a “substantive and detailed response” to his request for an update on any investigations into allegations of fraudulent or counterfeit ballots in Fulton County.

Number 2 with a Bullet.

Investigators: No Evidence of Fulton County Ballot Fraud​

ATLANTA (AP) — Investigators in Georgia haven’t found any evidence to substantiate claims that fraudulent or counterfeit ballots were counted in Fulton County during the 2020 general election, according to a court filing.

Henry County Superior Court Chief Judge Brian Amero is presiding over a lawsuit that alleges fraud in Fulton County during last year’s election. He’s weighing a request from county officials to dismiss the lawsuit. At a hearing last month, he asked for an updat
e into any investigations by the secretary of state’s office and Georgia Bureau of Investigation into allegations of fraudulent or counterfeit ballots in the state’s most populous county.

Lawyers with the state attorney general’s office on Tuesday filed a response brief that details investigative steps taken in response to the claims.

Former President Donald Trump fixated on Georgia, and particularly on Fulton County, after the November general election, claiming without evidence that fraud in the county contributed to his narrow loss in the state.

I know that Georgia is the Great White Whale for the Q-Publicans. In these two cases, you people just cannot beach that whale.
The fraud is in the supposed VOTERS------the dems and swamp are fighting an audit of the VOTERS as they hope that recounting fraudulent ballots from fraudulent voters will be enough to conceal that it is the voters that are the source of the fraud.
The fraud is in the supposed VOTERS------the dems and swamp are fighting an audit of the VOTERS as they hope that recounting fraudulent ballots from fraudulent voters will be enough to conceal that it is the voters that are the source of the fraud.
I repeat, in all the investigations of this alleged fraud, there was no widespread fraud, the only fraud they found was people who voted twice for trump and in most cases they found out that Biden actually had more votes than had been recorded. All this means that pathetic trump's efforts totally backfired on him. He had people committing fraud for him and he lost even worse than he thought he did.
At fucking last....I mean at MOTHER FUCKING LAST....VOTER FRAUD.....IN VIRIGINA.



Per your own link:
Officials emphasized that the teen did not cast a ballot, did not make any false statements and did not violate any election laws in his attempt to cast a ballot

The claim he did this is being made by a Democrat as well.
Not even half actually. But more importantly is the fact The Traitor became the first President to lose the Popular Vote Twice. He also lost the Electoral College. HE FUCKING LOST.
The popular vote is like the number of yards gained in a football game. Your team can lose the game by the score but argue they should have won becasue they gained more yards.
Per your own link:
Officials emphasized that the teen did not cast a ballot, did not make any false statements and did not violate any election laws in his attempt to cast a ballot

The claim he did this is being made by a Democrat as well.
Only one question, this teen attempted to vote. If you attempted to murder someone don't you think that would be a crime. This is as well, it's called voter fraud.
Only one question, this teen attempted to vote. If you attempted to murder someone don't you think that would be a crime. This is as well, it's called voter fraud.
Asking if you are eligible to vote isn’t voter fraud.
He didn't just ask to vote, he attempted to vote fraudulently twice.
No, he attempted to register to vote, allegedly.

He never got a ballot so he never attempted to vote even once.
The Orange Fuck Faced Traitor is the only President to LOSE THE POPULAR VOTE TWICE!

He lost the Electoral College. HE FUCKING LOST.

Can you type larger? I can’t hear your anger and hate.
No, he attempted to register to vote, allegedly.

He never got a ballot so he never attempted to vote even once.
Semantics. Okay, have it your way, he attempted to register fraudulently, that's voter fraud.

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