Judge: Employers Don't Have To Cover HIV Meds If They Oppose 'Homosexual Behavior'

I doubt that there are any plans that have a blanket exclusion for HIV treatment. I think that these people are trying to cut side deals with insurers to deny coverage for HIV or to "certain people" with HIV. Doing so is not only unconstitutional but they may well find that they have run afoul of insurance regulators

Actually, you are showing your ignorance here, PP.

Many employers are "self insured". The employees get a card from Blue Cross, Aetna, or other insurance company. But those outfits are only hired to process claims- any claims paid to providers are paid by the employer himself.

The insurer is the employer, and the deals they make are for processing services only.
If employers don't like it, of course they should be able to deny coverage.

BTW, I'd say the same if a Homo Employer denied some broad coverage for pregnancy as well- since that is apparently caused by heterosexual activity which he opposes.
You have a pretty sick perspective on things. You must sleep with a copy of Atlus Shruged inder you pillow
Actually, you are showing your ignorance here, PP.

Many employers are "self insured". The employees get a card from Blue Cross, Aetna, or other insurance company. But those outfits are only hired to process claims- any claims paid to providers are paid by the employer himself.

The insurer is the employer, and the deals they make are for processing services only.
It is still discrimination any way you cut it
You have a pretty sick perspective on things. You must sleep with a copy of Atlus Shruged inder you pillow

I don't see it as a "sick perspective" at all. In fact, I'd say the opposite.

Employers are free people, entitled to their own views, whether you agree with them or not.
I don't see it as a "sick perspective" at all. In fact, I'd say the opposite.

Employers are free people, entitled to their own views, whether you agree with them or not.
They are entittled to their views. They are not entittled to impose their views on others.
Anal on your mind I see. Are you anal retentive or anal expulsive? I would think retentive. Kind of uptight

There are various causes for anal trauma including crazy shit that heterosexuals do. Should employers, insurance carriers be able to decide coverage based on cause? THINK!
only person here lusting after anal is you....

This is outragious! Not everyone who contracts HIV is a homosexual. It can be the result of heterosexual sex as well, or a blood transfusion, or maybe from being attacked by someone with HIV. So if they are going to refuse coverage to gay people with HIV, they had better damned well refuse coverage to all workers with HIV or it's discrimination and in conflict with Obergefell

As far as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act goes, discrimination is not a free excercise of religion. It is DISCRININATION

Employers don't have the power or the authority to tell an insurance company what it can or cannot cover under any policy an employee is current on paid premiums.

This is outragious! Not everyone who contracts HIV is a homosexual. It can be the result of heterosexual sex as well, or a blood transfusion, or maybe from being attacked by someone with HIV. So if they are going to refuse coverage to gay people with HIV, they had better damned well refuse coverage to all workers with HIV or it's discrimination and in conflict with Obergefell

As far as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act goes, discrimination is not a free excercise of religion. It is DISCRININATION
Remember what they did to anyone with AIDS back in the 80s. Remember they burned Ryan White and his family out of their home and drove him from his school.
Should employers be required to provide medical coverage for major anal trauma as well?
Are the employers not allowed to choose the plans they want to provide to employees or should the govt force them to cover everything?

Not everything can be covered under a medical insurance plan, not even with socialized medicine like Obamacare.
It is cost prohibitive
How about if they overdid their ball tanning? Would lil'tucker get medical coverage for a sunburn down there?
Wrong. Religions get to choose what they do. just like people get to choose to work for a corporation or not. It is only fascists who force people to work for specific organizations and control all aspects of those organizations as well.

In other words,

lighten up.
Time for some religions to declare their members don't have to give medical help to those wearing MAGA hats.

"Hey! My religion forbids it. Sorry."
Wrong. Religions get to choose what they do. just like people get to choose to work for a corporation or not. It is only fascists who force people to and control all aspects of those organizations as well.

In other words,

lighten up.
Welcome to Fascist America! Theocratic Fascism. Religion telling forcing people to work for a specific organization least they are denied life saving health care.

The problem with you people is that you have a warped and demented view of what religious freedome is. Religious freedom is that you can practice your religion openly and without fear and you have that. But religioud freedome does not give you the right to dictate how others live or the right to weaponise your religion inorder to punish those who you disapprove of.
Welcome to Fascist America! Theocratic Fascism. Religion telling forcing people to work for a specific organization least they are denied life saving health care.

The problem with you people is that you have a warped and demented view of what religious freedome is. Religious freedom is that you can practice your religion openly and without fear and you have that. But religioud freedome does not give you the right to dictate how others live or the right to weaponise your religion inorder to punish those who you disapprove of.
That's exactly what the MAGA-GOP wants to do...weaponize their so-called religion.

This is outragious! Not everyone who contracts HIV is a homosexual. It can be the result of heterosexual sex as well, or a blood transfusion, or maybe from being attacked by someone with HIV. So if they are going to refuse coverage to gay people with HIV, they had better damned well refuse coverage to all workers with HIV or it's discrimination and in conflict with Obergefell

As far as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act goes, discrimination is not a free excercise of religion. It is DISCRININATION
This is an abuse of power if there ever was one. Pure hatred and prejudice, Nothing to base any sane law on.
Welcome to Fascist America! Theocratic Fascism. Religion telling forcing people to work for a specific organization least they are denied life saving health care.

The problem with you people is that you have a warped and demented view of what religious freedome is. Religious freedom is that you can practice your religion openly and without fear and you have that. But religioud freedome does not give you the right to dictate how others live or the right to weaponise your religion inorder to punish those who you disapprove of.
The problem with you people is that you have a warped sexual appetite of poking the shithole

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