Judge Halts Wyoming Abortion Ban Days After It Took Effect

Always..... So name for us one case where a woman with child in her womb was murdered together, and it wasn't called a double homicide.

I don't have access to coroner and police reports for every single murder case or the court records. So you do it.
It no longer needs to be attached to the mother therefore it is a wholly separate being at that point and anyone can take care of it.
Oh is this where the mother abandons her baby, and gives it up for the wolves to raise ? I know, I know, so this is where you'll respond saying " if she would have aborted, she wouldn't have had to let the wolves raise it"... Bull shite - Both acts are equally wrong, but in leftist la la land anything is justified.
Oh is this where the mother abandons her baby, and gives it up for the wolves to raise ? I know, I know, so this is where you'll respond saying " if she would have aborted, she wouldn't have had to let the wolves raise it"... Bull shite - Both acts are equally wrong, but in leftist la la land anything is justified.

Women give up their newborns for lots of reasons. How else do you think adoption works?
Why should they go anywhere, just because you say so? Sounds like you're the one that wants to force people to do things. No one is forcing you participate.
No one forces me to stop that man from beating his wife in the public, but my natural instincts kick in and he is stopped. What people like you want, is for people to coward in fear, not look over there, and say to one's self that it's none of our business as human beings are being destroyed.
I thought not... You lose.
It seems that a double homicide is only charged when the fetus is 23 or further weeks along or IOW when it is viable outside the womb

It is not so in cases where the woman was only a couple weeks long

So it seems that the law agrees with me on this one.

only 13 states have laws that state a fetal homicide is a crime through ALL stages of pregnancy the rest of the states either have none or the laws are only applied to specific later stages of pregnancy
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Women give up their newborns for lots of reasons. How else do you think adoption works?
Yeah, and they added the destruction of the unborn to their reasoning because they were given the mindset and unfortunately the medical assistance to destroy the human being that's growing and developing inside of them. They can't be convinced that they are wrong for that in new leftist world, because that's how leftist world has progressed in the 21st century. The problem is that conservative Christian world has to live in close proximity to leftist world, and it is just expected to not say a thing whilst we watch the wolves come to devour the weak and innocent in leftist world.

Keep in mind that leftist and conservative world has no physical borders in a lot of cases, because they can be found existing in the same households or families together.

For example: A Christian mom has a daughter that was slipping away into Leftist world, otherwise when she was leaving her home to go out with her leftist friends, and low and behold the daughter ends up pregnant.

Now because the daughter was raised as a Christian she decides to keep and raise her baby, and learns from her mistake, but in leftist world, and in a leftist family, it is that the family conveniently goes to the clinic and has the pregnancy ended.

Problem #1 - How far along was the daughter when she figured that she couldn't hide her pregnancy any longer ??

Problem #2 - Why have these clinic's that have slowly over time progressed into these baby killing factories, become these baby killing factories ? It's because of leftism growing by leaps and bounds in these latter days.... Once leftism began to flourish in and amongst many households in America and SOCIETY, the trouble gets larger and larger, and the destruction grows bigger and bigger.

The stats don't lie.

Leftism and conservatism/Christian culture has come into great conflict with one another, because one wants to champion life, and it wants to help to lead their fellow human beings away from the poisoned wells, whilst the other in Leftist world wants to seemingly help the unfortunate soul to drink from the poisonous well.

Leftist world is destructive, but the evil one has pulled the wool over the eyes of so many now, that it appears normal to those unwilling to learn any better or rather they have been brainwashed in life over time.

It's the devil's work, but the poor lost soul's can't figure it out.
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It seems that a double homicide is only charged when the fetus is 23 or further weeks along or IOW when it is viable outside the womb

It is not so in cases where the woman was only a couple weeks long

So it seems that the law agrees with me on this one.

only 13 states have laws that state a fetal homicide is a crime through ALL stages of pregnancy the rest of the states either have none or the laws are only applied to specific later stages of pregnancy
Probably comes down to the judge then.
Yeah, and they added the destruction of the unborn to their reasoning because they were given the mindset and unfortunately the medical assistance to destroy the human being that's growing and developing inside of them. They can't be convinced that they are wrong for that in new leftist world, because that's how leftist world has progressed in the 21st century. The problem is that conservative Christian world has to live in close proximity to leftist world, but is just expected to not say a thing whilst we watch the wolves come to devour the weak and innocent in the world. Leftism and conservatism/Christian has come into great conflict with one another, because one wants to champion life, and help to lead their fellow human beings away from the poisoned wells, whilst the other wants to help the unfortunate soul to drink from the poisonous well, and then stands back to laugh about it afterwards.

Most abortions are akin to miscarriages and a vanishingly small number have ever been performed when the fetus is considered viable.

These are the facts.

You are beyond indifferent to an entire class of your fellow human beings, you explicitly want them culled.
I wish I knew how to transfer images to this site. The " fellow human beings " you are attempting to call human beings aren't. The stage of a human embryo when 50% of al abortions have been completed in less than 1 inch long and almost half that body length is it's tail. It weighs less than an ounce and looks like a deformed ugly tadpole. No baby there, no child there, no human being there. A primitive heart like lower life forms have and no eyes, limbs or any other discernable organs. Right ! Keep lying to yourself about it. Humanity is a process and it takes being born to complete it
I wish I knew how to transfer images to this site. The " fellow human beings " you are attempting to call human beings aren't. The stage of a human embryo when 50% of al abortions have been completed in less than 1 inch long and almost half that body length is it's tail. It weighs less than an ounce and looks like a deformed ugly tadpole. No baby there, no child there, no human being there. A primitive heart like lower life forms have and no eyes, limbs or any other discernable organs. Right ! Keep lying to yourself about it. Humanity is a process and it takes being born to complete it
This is why we think abortion is a heinous crime:

I wish I knew how to transfer images to this site. The " fellow human beings " you are attempting to call human beings aren't.
You're a retarded bigot per usual - your statement is objectively false as a matter of scientific fact. Spare me your hatemongering filth and get on the pike already.
Not really as I said you are asking for an impossible task to be performed

You don't know that every time a pregnant woman in murdered that it is counted as a double homicide.
That is logical because most women do not know they are pregnant for the first month or two. My best friend's sister-in-law never knew. She went to the bathroom one day and a baby popped out. I know it sounds hard to believe but she is a very big woman and had none of the usual warning signs like weight gain or morning sickness. She's still alive today. Her son is not.
You're a retarded bigot per usual - your statement is objectively false as a matter of scientific fact. Spare me your hatemongering filth and get on the pike already.
Actual drawings or photos of human embryos / fetuses at different stages of development and the summaries of when and what develops are about as scientific as it gets. There's no twisting the truth.
Most abortions are akin to miscarriages and a vanishingly small number have ever been performed when the fetus is considered viable.

These are the facts.
Where are you getting your so called fact's from ?? If they were actually the fact's, then the uproar wouldn't have become so loud. Don't piss down people's backs, and then try to tell them that it's raining. LOL

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