Judge Halts Wyoming Abortion Ban Days After It Took Effect

it's off the topic of the thread.

And really we've been round and round on this in many other threads in the past so what's the point? You and I are never ever going to agree on this.
Well freedom of choice isnt just about abortions.
Because the father does not control the woman's choice of what to do with her body. Even if you impregnate a woman you cannot force her to do anything against her will. Maybe the man should have thought of that before he had unprotected sex huh?

But tell you what how about we require all males upon reaching the age of puberty to submit a DNA sample so that the biological father of every child can be forced to pay child support?
Ditto for the woman huh, It isn't her body it's that mans child also
So what? You want the woman to be solely responsible if she gets pregnant and force her to give birth right? Then what she has to chase a guy down, hire a lawyer take him to court etc etc etc.

Maybe the guy should have taken responsibility for himself.
Maybe both should be responsible, and have the same rights dork!
Ditto for the woman huh, It isn't her body it's that mans child also

Maybe both should be responsible, and have the same rights dork!

Tell you what when a man can carry a baby to term in his own body get back to me and we can discuss that.
So what? You want the woman to be solely responsible if she gets pregnant and force her to give birth right? Then what she has to chase a guy down, hire a lawyer take him to court etc etc etc.

Maybe the guy should have taken responsibility for himself.
They were both involved. She abetted the pregnancy as much as he did.
it's off the topic of the thread.

And really we've been round and round on this in many other threads in the past so what's the point? You and I are never ever going to agree on this.

It's wondering about the consistency of "adults making their own medical choices"
It's the people, by referendum in a off year election (keeps the crazies on both sides from fucking up a regular election) who should decide the issue, not a bunch of legislators beholden to special interests one way or the other. Let the people of WY decide.

14th Amendment

Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

No citizen of any state, has any of their rights up for a vote by the legislature of that state, or the citizens themselves. A woman, and only the woman, has the power to decide her reproductive choices, or in concert with her doctor, the immediate termination of a pregnancy in the case of any complications that may arise.

That decision is not a judges, a courts, a legislatures, a governors, a church's, or some cowboy hat wearing shit for brains rednecks.
14th Amendment

Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

No citizen of any state, has any of their rights up for a vote by the legislature of that state, or the citizens themselves. A woman, and only the woman, has the power to decide her reproductive choices, or in concert with her doctor, the immediate termination of a pregnancy in the case of any complications that may arise.

That decision is not a judges, a courts, a legislatures, a governors, a church's, or some cowboy hat wearing shit for brains rednecks.
You sound just like the dimwit Dimmer judge who overstepped what the state had decided.
Typical illegitimate act skewey.
What I don't understand is why liberals are so hot to trot for Abortion-on-demand or Gay "Marriage" and are so anxious to force those who don't think these ideas are that tremendous to do them.

Nothing stops knocked-up broads in Wyoming from crossing the border into Far Left Colorado after all.

Or chicks in trouble in Texas from crossing on over into Juarez to get their babies aborted.
Most people advocating for abortion on demand will not be childbearing. They are just brainwashed in the ideology.
14th Amendment

Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

No citizen of any state, has any of their rights up for a vote by the legislature of that state, or the citizens themselves. A woman, and only the woman, has the power to decide her reproductive choices, or in concert with her doctor, the immediate termination of a pregnancy in the case of any complications that may arise.

That decision is not a judges, a courts, a legislatures, a governors, a church's, or some cowboy hat wearing shit for brains rednecks.
SCOTUS begs to differ so you are just going to have to play the hand dealt.....So, would you rather let the people decide or a legislature made up of cowboy hat wearers like in TX/OK?

SCOTUS begs to differ so you are just going to have to play the hand dealt.....So, would you rather let the people decide or a legislature made up of cowboy hat wearers like in TX/OK?

Oh, the people are going to decide alright. Remember that red wave that didn't materialize last year?

You think that's going to change next year?

The forced birthers have started a war they are going to lose badly. The majority of America that supports abortion rights, overwhelmingly, doesn't have to negotiate the issue, and they're not going to. They are going to force compliance at the ballot box.
Oh, the people are going to decide alright. Remember that red wave that didn't materialize last year?

You think that's going to change next year?

The forced birthers have started a war they are going to lose badly. The majority of America that supports abortion rights, overwhelmingly, doesn't have to negotiate the issue, and they're not going to. They are going to force compliance at the ballot box.
So who are you arguing with? Baby killing is now a state issue, as it should be, and your murdering states can implement it while sane states will not.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States
Abortion isn’t one of those, you fucking retard.

Read the document.
No citizen of any state, has any of their rights up for a vote by the legislature of that state, or the citizens themselves.
Irrelevant bullshit.

It would be good if every state and the country enshrined the right to life In constitutions such that the human rights abuse of abortion could be banned in every state and not up for a vote. Fuck democracy, this is a human right and it should not be up for a vote. Republics are good for that.

It’s just that you’re so dumb you think the rights ABUSE should be allowed, and not even by amending constitutions, but by judicial fiat.

shit for brains
Stop projecting, imbecile.
Abortion will again be legal in Wyoming — at least for now — after a judge on Wednesday temporarily blocked a ban that took effect a few days earlier.

Teton County District Court Judge Melissa Owens’ decision halts the ban amid a challenge in her court to a law that took effect Sunday. The Republican-controlled Legislature approved the law despite earlier rulings by Owens that had blocked a previous ban since shortly after it took effect last summer.

An amendment in the Wyoming Constitution says adults have a right to make their own health care decisions, so Republicans enacted a ban that states abortion is not health care. However, Owens said it's up to the courts, not lawmakers, to decide whether that's the case.

Get ready for it. It's coming.
I've heard the hatred posted on this site by the far-right against lineral-minded people over and over again and especially towards women who need to have an abortion. Those on the far-right seem to believe the left is totally evil and they are the only ones having abortions. Why would you be concerned about them having abortions then, it surely reduces their numbers. You should be happy about that. You're not making any sense.
I've heard the hatred posted on this site by the far-right against lineral-minded people over and over again and especially towards women who need to have an abortion. Those on the far-right seem to believe the left is totally evil and they are the only ones having abortions. Why would you be concerned about them having abortions then, it surely reduces their numbers. You should be happy about that. You're not making any sense.

I keep trying to tell my right-leaning brothers that all the time.....There is great "utility" to the practice on several levels. ;)

That said it should be put to the people, not a legislature to decide but it looks as if both sides are skeered of that for some reason. :dunno:
I keep trying to tell my right-leaning brothers that all the time.....There is great "utility" to the practice on several levels. ;)

That said it should be put to the people, not a legislature to decide but it looks as if both sides are skeered of that for some reason. :dunno:
It's still allowing the masses or another entity deciding an individual's right to control their own body. In the end the courts will have to say in one voice that the final decision can only be that of the individual.

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