Judge Halts Wyoming Abortion Ban Days After It Took Effect

Abortion will again be legal in Wyoming — at least for now — after a judge on Wednesday temporarily blocked a ban that took effect a few days earlier.

Teton County District Court Judge Melissa Owens’ decision halts the ban amid a challenge in her court to a law that took effect Sunday. The Republican-controlled Legislature approved the law despite earlier rulings by Owens that had blocked a previous ban since shortly after it took effect last summer.

An amendment in the Wyoming Constitution says adults have a right to make their own health care decisions, so Republicans enacted a ban that states abortion is not health care. However, Owens said it's up to the courts, not lawmakers, to decide whether that's the case.

Get ready for it. It's coming.
Abortion is contract killing, not healthcare.

The law was correct, this **** is a deluded authoritarian.
Abortion will again be legal in Wyoming — at least for now — after a judge on Wednesday temporarily blocked a ban that took effect a few days earlier.

Teton County District Court Judge Melissa Owens’ decision halts the ban amid a challenge in her court to a law that took effect Sunday. The Republican-controlled Legislature approved the law despite earlier rulings by Owens that had blocked a previous ban since shortly after it took effect last summer.

An amendment in the Wyoming Constitution says adults have a right to make their own health care decisions, so Republicans enacted a ban that states abortion is not health care. However, Owens said it's up to the courts, not lawmakers, to decide whether that's the case.

Get ready for it. It's coming.
God bless Judge Melissa Owens for saving two precious lives--one for an innocent, unborn child who can't strike back at a murderer, and one mother from a life of misery over taking the life away from her unborn child. The Equality State's legislative body has the right to set its own state laws. God bless Wyoming's well-represented people who saved someone's grandparents from grief and a mother from sin and breaking the state law. The United States Constitution protects States' Rights, and other states have their own territorial rights to make their own laws of governing the people of their states. If people want to live in a Democrat hellhole, let 'em. Love, beautress.
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That's why abortion laws belong in the states, each state decides how their laws will be designed. Then if a judge blocks what the legislature decides, the decision is appealed until a sane judge rules with what the state already decided.
I mean, it doesn’t belong being legal anywhere. By the Constitution we have, the federal government can only ban it on federal territory and should immediately, once Joe Biden and his cronies are thrown out.

We need a Constitutional Amendment that bans this humans rights abuse in all the states.

Then we need to put economic and diplomatic pressure on the other countries around the world to end this human rights abuse.
Not forced to get a shot that was your contention.

And testing wasn't an option in all places. "Get fired or get the shot" is being forced.

That isn't a yes or no choice, it's a yes or get fucked choice, which isn't a real choice.

But keep suckin that Fauci dick.
I mean, it doesn’t belong being legal anywhere. By the Constitution we have, the federal government can only ban it on federal territory and should immediately, once Joe Biden and his cronies are thrown out.

We need a Constitutional Amendment that bans this humans rights abuse in all the states.

Then we need to put economic and diplomatic pressure on the other countries around the world to end this human rights abuse.
I dont disagree with that at all. But for now no judge has the right to stop or halt any state law that was voted on by whatever means.
See Libtards?

There was no reason to threatened to kill the Supreme Court Justices that voted to overturn RvW.
And testing wasn't an option in all places. "Get fired or get the shot" is being forced.

That isn't a yes or no choice, it's a yes or get fucked choice, which isn't a real choice.

But keep suckin that Fauci dick.

No matter they still had a choice.
Again, not a real choice. Penalties applied to one of them, mandated penalties.

Your opinion. Why can't any employer fire an employee for any reason?

You think an employer should be able to do that just like a business owner can deny service to anyone , right?
Your opinion. Why can't any employer fire an employee for any reason?

You think an employer should be able to do that just like a business owner can deny service to anyone , right?

The employers were acting this way due to government mandates.

you forget that part.

I believe exceptions for things like contracted event cakes don't count towards PA laws. Point of sale items should be sold to everyone.
The employers were acting this way due to government mandates.

you forget that part.

I believe exceptions for things like contracted event cakes don't count towards PA laws. Point of sale items should be sold to everyone.
yeah I'm not going to waste anymore time on vaccines because 85% of Americans chose to get one and as far as I'm concerned it's old news.

So I'll go back to the topic of the thread.
She was there, too. They both need to consider the consequences and responsibility, not just the woman. But that doesn’t jibe with democrat sexism.

So what? You want the woman to be solely responsible if she gets pregnant and force her to give birth right? Then what she has to chase a guy down, hire a lawyer take him to court etc etc etc.

Maybe the guy should have taken responsibility for himself.
Your opinion. Why can't any employer fire an employee for any reason?

You think an employer should be able to do that just like a business owner can deny service to anyone , right?
You cannot mandate that a person puts drugs in their body.
yeah I'm not going to waste anymore time on vaccines because 85% of Americans chose to get one and as far as I'm concerned it's old news.

So I'll go back to the topic of the thread.
Not so much for the boosters now that the truth has come out though
yeah I'm not going to waste anymore time on vaccines because 85% of Americans chose to get one and as far as I'm concerned it's old news.

So I'll go back to the topic of the thread.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge.

Again, does this law prevent forced vaccination of adults or not?

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