Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

That has yet to be proven. It’s been stated Floyd overdosed. His blood level was very high supposedly.
Only hard rightwing white supremacists are stating that he died of an overdose.

Every one else in the entire world witnessed that he was murdered by Chauvin due to asphyxiation of the throat via a knee on his neck.
Link to autopsy result.
floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf (hennepin.us)

VI. Toxicology (see attached report for full details; testing performed on antemortem blood specimens collected 5/25/20 at 9:00 p.m. at HHC and on postmortem urine) A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens: 1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL 2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL 3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL 4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL 5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL; Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL 6. Cotinine positive 7. Caffeine positive B. Blood volatiles: negative for ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, or acetone C.

NorFentanyl and Fentanyl.....17ng/ml in his blood.


What Is a Fatal Dose of Fentanyl? | SGT Report
The cops had to know Floyd was drugged as soon as they came in contact with him. They also had to know placing your body weight on his neck might cause a problem, for someone drugged out of his mind.
You would Moon Bat.

This Floyd asshole was a drug addicted piece of criminal ghetto shit so fuck him.

I hope the cop is acquitted.

Then the filthy Negro insurrectionist dipshits will burn down and loot the rest of the big city shitholes that they didn't get to for six months last year. They need more big screen TVs. It will be hilarious to watch them do that and then to watch the pathetic White Guilt pussies kissing the ass of the Darkies.
That's nice. So are you willing to bet on it?

You know, where the loser leaves the site for good.

Betting against stupid Moon Bats being dumbass? LOL!

I love you bleeding heart Libtard dipshits getting bent out of shape with this worthless Negro thug getting wasted. Meantime you ignore the massive Black on Black crime in the Democrat big city shitholes that happens every day.

Hell, you faggots even try to ignore the Muslim terrorism that happen in Colorado the other day.
There are two autopsies

One says asphyxiation (the independent one), but there is no real evidence he died of asphyxiation beyond that video.

The actual medical examiners report says he died because his heart stopped beating, that was exacerbated by "neck compression", the rona, and drug use. And i'm sure stress although i don't think the examiner mentioned stress.

Certainly what that cop was doing would not have killed Floyd had he been sober and rona free that day. He did not get strangled....His heart stopped working

Now you can blame the cop. But let's not pretend Floyd got murdered. He probably wasn't. We're doing this for other reasons not because Floyd deserves justice for a very normal police interaction.....And I think it should just be the one cop not all of them. If he wanted to be treated with kid gloves he could have been more compliant
Yah, good luck depending on the 12 angry men to buy the whole "don't believe your lying eyes" schtick.
Betting against stupid Moon Bats being dumbass? LOL!

I love you bleeding heart Libtard dipshits getting bent out of shape with this worthless Negro thug getting wasted. Meantime you ignore the massive Black on Black crime in the Democrat big city shitholes that happens every day.

Hell, you faggots even try to ignore the Muslim terrorism that happen in Colorado the other day.
Are you too chicken to bet then?
That has yet to be proven. It’s been stated Floyd overdosed. His blood level was very high supposedly.
Only hard rightwing white supremacists are stating that he died of an overdose.

Every one else in the entire world witnessed that he was murdered by Chauvin due to asphyxiation of the throat via a knee on his neck.
Link to autopsy result.
floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf (hennepin.us)

VI. Toxicology (see attached report for full details; testing performed on antemortem blood specimens collected 5/25/20 at 9:00 p.m. at HHC and on postmortem urine) A. Blood drug and novel psychoactive substances screens: 1. Fentanyl 11 ng/mL 2. Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL 3. 4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL 4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL 5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/mL; Delta-9 Carboxy THC 42 ng/mL; Delta-9 THC 2.9 ng/mL 6. Cotinine positive 7. Caffeine positive B. Blood volatiles: negative for ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, or acetone C.

NorFentanyl and Fentanyl.....17ng/ml in his blood.


What Is a Fatal Dose of Fentanyl? | SGT Report
The cops had to know Floyd was drugged as soon as they came in contact with him. They also had to know placing your body weight on his neck might cause a problem, for someone drugged out of his mind.

Floyd asked repeatedly to be allowed to lay on the ground.

You are now in their heads. I am just dealing in facts from the video, the toxicology report, and the autopsy.

Floyd must have known that passing a counterfeit bill might cause a problem.
There are two autopsies

One says asphyxiation (the independent one), but there is no real evidence he died of asphyxiation beyond that video.

The actual medical examiners report says he died because his heart stopped beating, that was exacerbated by "neck compression", the rona, and drug use. And i'm sure stress although i don't think the examiner mentioned stress.

Certainly what that cop was doing would not have killed Floyd had he been sober and rona free that day. He did not get strangled....His heart stopped working

Now you can blame the cop. But let's not pretend Floyd got murdered. He probably wasn't. We're doing this for other reasons not because Floyd deserves justice for a very normal police interaction.....And I think it should just be the one cop not all of them. If he wanted to be treated with kid gloves he could have been more compliant
Yah, good luck depending on the 12 angry men to buy the whole "don't believe your lying eyes" schtick.

It's a much stronger argument to say the neck pressure messed up his circulation and caused his death.

Getting a knee on the side of your neck is not going to strangle you.

You can demonstrate that very easily to a jury....I'm putting a lot of pressure on the side of my neck right now I can breath fine. My circulation on the other hand....
He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

That's what they were waiting for.

You assist someone, not kneel on their neck until they die.
When you apply pressure on the sides of the neck you do not block the windpipe. Try it. Floyd died of a drug overdose. He said he could not breathe before the cops touched him.
And that is why a second and third degree charge. Just because it wasn't premeditated doesn't mean it wasn't murder.
All three autopsies clearly stated "murder by asphyxiation" - But you'll spin until you fall down.

No, it said homicide. A homicide is not necessarily a murder.

If somebody dies by "accident" in any situation, that could be a charge for manslaughter. This officer in no way tried to kill this criminal.

And yet again, you are full of crap.

Definition of homicide (Merriam-Webster)

1: a person who kills another
2: a killing of one human being by another detectives investigating a homicide

Synonyms for homicide


That is incorrect in the context of autopsy reports.
When a medical examiner identifies a manner of death as “homicide,” they are not drawing a legal conclusion. When a death is not from disease, homicide is simply one of the five permissible classifications of death. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 130A-385 (the others are “accident, suicide, … execution by the State, or undetermined”). According to the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME), “[h]omicide occurs when death results from a volitional act committed by another person to cause fear, harm, or death.” In a publication entitled A Guide for Manner of Death Classification, NAME specifically notes “t is to be emphasized that the classification of Homicide for the purposes of death certification is a ‘neutral’ term and neither indicates nor implies criminal intent, which remains a determination within the province of legal processes.”

Essentially, the autopsy confirms that it was Chauvin's actions that were the primary cause of death but that does not translate into the legal term murder as the medical examiner does not have the information available to make that call.

All a medical examiner does when classifying a death is determine if that death was self inflicted, accidental or caused by another person. For instance, a death as a direct result of self defense is a 'homicide' from the standpoint of a medical examiner's report.

You cannot use dictionary definitions in highly technical fields - those words have very specific meanings in their professional use.
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He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

That's what they were waiting for.

You assist someone, not kneel on their neck until they die.

They tried to put him in the back of the cop car, but he refused. He asked to lay on the ground because he said “I cant choke, I cant breathe.”

Before you say THAT IS NO REASON FOR THE COP TO GET ON HIS NECK.......well no fucking shit.

I am saying Floyd was tweaking from a fatal dose of Fentanyl that would have occurred regardless of what the cop did....whether the cop blew Floyd or performed a heart transplant in the street.
He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

That's what they were waiting for.

You assist someone, not kneel on their neck until they die.
When you apply pressure on the sides of the neck you do not block the windpipe. Try it. Floyd died of a drug overdose. He said he could not breathe before the cops touched him.

I already addressed this. He very well may have had trouble breathing before hand. What you do is address their issue not kneel on their neck until they are dead.
Betting against stupid Moon Bats being dumbass? LOL!

I love you bleeding heart Libtard dipshits getting bent out of shape with this worthless Negro thug getting wasted. Meantime you ignore the massive Black on Black crime in the Democrat big city shitholes that happens every day.

Hell, you faggots even try to ignore the Muslim terrorism that happen in Colorado the other day.
Are you too chicken to bet then?

You may be a Libtard dumbshit that will bet on Moon Bats doing stupid things but the rest of us aren't.
He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

That's what they were waiting for.

You assist someone, not kneel on their neck until they die.
When you apply pressure on the sides of the neck you do not block the windpipe. Try it. Floyd died of a drug overdose. He said he could not breathe before the cops touched him.

I already addressed this. He very well may have had trouble breathing before hand. What you do is address their issue not kneel on their neck until they are dead.

Not sure how much difference that would make here. Usually, you change venue to get a jury pool that's less likely to be biased. Not only is that not possible with a case like this, where it's been hyped up into a national issue to promote a race agenda, but it's also probably not possible to protect the jurors that way for the same reason.

The protection of the jury needs to be paramount. BLM or Antifa are not likely to show up in Hicksville USA where armed civilians are everywhere in a state where the laws are written in favor of the victim instead of the criminal.
If a person has been arrested 100 times...and this is 101, that is relevant information to me about the likelihood the crime was committed.

A 75 year old man arrested for assault who has never had so much as a traffic ticket in his life is less likely to commit and assault than a 29 year old who has already been arrested 35 times. To me it is totally relevant.

It's questionable whether it's relevant or not. I mean, nobody is questioning whether Floyd was guilty of a crime, nor is anybody questioning the dangerous narcotics he loaded into his system. Passing counterfeit money is a federal offense, and they have the phony bill as evidence. So even if his record were allowed in the trial, I can't see that it would make a difference one way or another.

In this particular case, it may not matter. I dont see why people should freak out that the jury will be informed of his prior record.
Floyd’s prior record is irrelevant to the actions the cop is accused of.
then i guess you should obey law enforcement...
past acts, for a career criminal, should be introduced to explain its own, acceptable way of life.
if someone wants to play billy bad ass, then i would say you need to be prepared to get that back.
No. The cop is charged with murder. As such, Floyd’s past criminal record is irrelevant to the changes in question.
I see.
So if a woman kills an abusive husband, then the Jury must never be told about prior acts of domestic abuse on the part of the husband??
Watch the unedited video.

They play it at the beginning of this pod.

Floyd was screaming, “I CANT CHOKE, I CANT BREATHE!” when he was in the back of the cop car and no one was anywhere near his head or chest.


Nebraska has used Fentanyl to execute death row prisoners.

The video makes it quite obvious.

yep, exactly. no one touching him he was complaining about his breathing. it continues to amaze me the ignorance of demofk.

He very well may have had trouble breathing then also.

What you do is get someone medical help, not kneel on their neck until they die.

they sent an ambulance, he didn't get in it.

It might have helped if it went to the right address. By the time they got to the scene he was already dead.

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