Judge Judy smacks a leftist up side the head

Actually, we're the ones trying to give her birth control. Remember?
$5 for a box of condoms

Look, there is no indication that she is a liberal. She sounds like Trump to me.
utter fucking non-sense

complete and utter fucking non-sense

that lacks so much sense that a new word would need to be defined to properly explain how much sense that does not have.

Chris Wallace Takes Trump to Task for Past Bankruptcies; Trump Says He Never Went Broke

She has the same mindset as he has.

Trump filed for bankruptcy on some of his businesses,he was never broke.
Something a three digit a week person such as yourself doesnt understand...filing bankruptcy at Trumps level is a part of doing business.

Didn't think he needed to pay them back, because the lenders were "total killers"

More broadly, two of the last three GOP nominees have gotten wealthy off of taking other people's property through eminent domain. Y'all have your stereotypes backward.
I am in love with than Judge brains!

Hopelessly in love.....do you understand what I am saying???
you're not gay for money but are gay for smart powerful women.

I don't judge, but I think some pics are in order to prove it, just sayin


I admire grey cells...

intelligence is an aphrodisiac.... of course I prefer it in men...hehe
$5 for a box of condoms

Look, there is no indication that she is a liberal. She sounds like Trump to me.
utter fucking non-sense

complete and utter fucking non-sense

that lacks so much sense that a new word would need to be defined to properly explain how much sense that does not have.

Chris Wallace Takes Trump to Task for Past Bankruptcies; Trump Says He Never Went Broke

She has the same mindset as he has.

Trump filed for bankruptcy on some of his businesses,he was never broke.
Something a three digit a week person such as yourself doesnt understand...filing bankruptcy at Trumps level is a part of doing business.

Didn't think he needed to pay them back, because the lenders were "total killers"

More broadly, two of the last three GOP nominees have gotten wealthy off of taking other people's property through eminent domain. Y'all have your stereotypes backward.

Imminent domain has been used by both sides of the aisle.
I am in love with than Judge brains!

Hopelessly in love.....do you understand what I am saying???
you're not gay for money but are gay for smart powerful women.

I don't judge, but I think some pics are in order to prove it, just sayin


I admire grey cells...

intelligence is an aphrodisiac.... of course I prefer it in men...hehe
Ignorance is no barrier to advancement, at least in politics...In fact it seems to be an advantage...
I am in love with than Judge brains!

Hopelessly in love.....do you understand what I am saying???
you're not gay for money but are gay for smart powerful women.

I don't judge, but I think some pics are in order to prove it, just sayin


I admire grey cells...

intelligence is an aphrodisiac.... of course I prefer it in men...hehe
Ignorance is no barrier to advancement, at least in politics...In fact it seems to be an advantage...

Ignorance only applies when testifying in front of Congress...
I've never seen people go so stupid.
How I love that woman Judge Judy LOL

it's so strange LOL her brains ...it's all about her brains ...:2up:....who knew that good brains can be so sexy LOL:laugh:

Aaaahh that gives me the warm fuzzies....
It was the shocked look on that leftist face and Judy crushed her the moment she was honest.


I got a tingle up my leg....

Just don't sit next to Chris Matthews!
Five kids and a dog.

Can't or won't provide for them.

I'm surprised she didn't demand that she was also entitled to one of her cars.

She whines, "she has more than me!" And doesn't want to pay her back.

This, ladies and gentleman, is why I turn down those who come to me for money.
Judge Judy?

You can have her dusty snatch. It would be an improvement over the dried up skank that you two pump and fall asleep on now

You got smacked so hard in court you have to come here and cry some more.

fucking sucks to be a fucking moron don't it..
It must suck to get your partisan jollies off of an attention hungry TV "judge"
Judge Judy?

You can have her dusty snatch. It would be an improvement over the dried up skank that you two pump and fall asleep on now

You got smacked so hard in court you have to come here and cry some more.

fucking sucks to be a fucking moron don't it..
It must suck to get your partisan jollies off of an attention hungry TV "judge"

Does is suck to see how dumb you are displayed on tv?
Is true I'm afraid. A lot of my buddies are LGBT, thus Dems, thus Bernie Supporters. I see so much crap from them that makes me shake my head... Anyway so I see this picture [meme]:

5 Things Bernie supporters will NEVER understand:

1. When Bernie says "Free" it doesn't ACTUALLY mean "Free."
2. You are NOT entitled to someone else's hard-earned money... Ever.
3. You CANNOT tax a nation into prosperity.
4. The "Rich" are not responsible for your financial situation, YOU are.
5. Socialism will DESTROY the innovation that made America Great.
~ Aaron Windelknecht

The response from one of my Bernie cult buddies (And don't get me wrong, I love this guy and we've been friends for like 10 years, but we have a /lot/ of clashes politically heh):

Logically and according to proven track record of democratic socialism in other countries, every single one of those points is wrong.

1- We know it is not free. WE actually will PAY for the shit with taxes. We already PAY for that shit with our taxes. It is just that the government is funneling mine and YOUR tax dollars to CEO's, Corporations, Banks, and Wall street.

2- So basically you are saying that building highways, hospitals, airports, seaports and airports should never have happened?
Let's get something straight. by hard earned money I assume you mean taxes, so ..
a- No worries... OUR tax money will go back to us. So will taxes collected from the stinking billionaires who have raped you and me and others ever since the reagan years.
b- Billionaires do not work hard for their money so... Yeah I have no problems with them finally paying fair taxes and having those taxes being used for social medicine, creating more federal jobs to employ more people, and the like. Fuck em!!! (pardon crudeness).

3- Correct.... But the logic here is faulty. it is assuming that the tax income income of the country will continue to be used to support lazy no good deadbeats like rich CEO's, Corporations, Banks, and Wall Street.
Nope.... They will no longer be given welfare AND they will be taxed on their income. So... YES...
We will prosper by raising taxes.

4- But they are responsible for their fair share. By eradicating tax loopholes, charging them higher taxes and additional fees for taking money to other countries, they will pay fair share.
Also they are responsible, (if they own a business) to pay for fair market wages to their employees that match cost of living increases.
Basically, the rich (Corporations, Banks, Wall Street) raise the prices on goods, while at the same time cutting wages to insure that they make more and we make less.

5- Great? Where do he, or anyone see great?
Among developed, economically sound countries the United States of America is dead last in;
Infrastructure; Our highways, airports, seaports, railroads are all mid 20th Century.
Health Care; Dead LAST ... single payer health care is the norm all around the world. Only in America are people forced to buy insurance from a corporation for BASIC ONLY medical care. (Again, another case where the welfare of the corporation is placed above the care of the citizen).
Proof? Anti-vaxers, World is Flat people, Bible over Science people.
Sure they have them too in other countries, but there they do not allow them to have political power because they are too stupid to have it.
And the biggest reason why our education sucks....
at least 50% of the people in this country are too stupid to know the difference between Social Democracy, Socialism, and Capitalism.


While I can oft agree with some of his political points (5 for example) I disagree with how we ended up in the position.

Overall, he honestly and truthfully cannot see the irony of his statements, nor his own envy of success that he never achieved. The funny part is that I'm basically a 1% and he just writes me off as "an exception to the norm" [because my husband and I have worked multiple jobs to earn money we then invested in the stock market for profit, rather than working our way up the corporate ladder with a single job that would pay us the same amount.] Thing is, I'm not really any different from the other 1%er's... We want the same shit as everyone else we just have "higher standards" in the crap we buy vs everyone else; ie we'd rather spend $10k on a Viking Fridge with x luxury features, than $500 for the Kenmore [that doesn't have a built in touch screen that can wirelessly print a shopping list], and other stuff like that. Every rich person I know is a caring passionate person and is little different at all from all the Bernie supporters I know. Sadly the biggest difference between the two as a whole is that the wealthy don't /hate/ Bernie supporters...
1- We know it is not free. WE actually will PAY for the shit with taxes. We already PAY for that shit with our taxes. It is just that the government is funneling mine and YOUR tax dollars to CEO's, Corporations, Banks, and Wall street.

what makes you think that will stop?

it's delusional to think it will, and the amount of money that goes to colleges allows them to increase the cost. As a matter of fact, the cost of college inflated more than anything, so making it 'free' is just utter non-sense and flies in the face of reason and facts
2- So basically you are saying that building highways, hospitals, airports, seaports and airports should never have happened? are you claiming that it never would have w/o the government doing it? Are you so fucking dumb to think a company wouldn't do it for profit?
Let's get something straight. by hard earned money I assume you mean taxes, so ..
a- No worries... OUR tax money will go back to us. So will taxes collected from the stinking billionaires who have raped you and me and others ever since the reagan years. this is just childish whines. the rich have more than me and it's Reagan fault. don't be such a pussy
b- Billionaires do not work hard for their money so... Yeah I have no problems with them finally paying fair taxes and having those taxes being used for social medicine, creating more federal jobs to employ more people, and the like. Fuck em!!! (pardon crudeness).

lies followed by childish "he's got more cookies than me" bitchfest

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