Judge rules controversial Texas abortion law unconstitutional

then how does one get convicted of murder for killing a 'fetus'? you have to kill a human being in order to be convicted of murder.

care to explain?

The laws that allow an additional murder charge when a pregnant woman is murdered specifically exclude abortion. The big difference is that in an abortion, the choice is the mother's. When she is murdered and her fetus dies, it is not her choice.
Simple enough, even a caveman could get it.

Yeah, but not a Yurt unfortunately.
Why not isn't a reason. You have to have a reason for things.

ROFL YOU have a short fuse for ppl sticking their nose in your business. :lol::lol:

Oh the irony.

BTW crayons aren't bright ....holy shit

LOL love mixed metaphors. He's probably burning the midnight oil from both ends trying to come up with a coherent response. You can hold your breath until the cows turn blue! You really shot the wind out of his saddle. People like him are always a dollar late and a day short.

The only person who thinks he won this argument is him and you. So yeah. OK tell me WHY babies should be allowed to be murdered? My argument is if they are legal to kill why not adults? At least adults can fight back babies can't. You are trying to rationalize murdering innocent little babies.Its fucking sick.

You're a little too dense to understand the concept that murder (a legal term), by definition, cannot possibly include abortion.

MURDER: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

1. a fetus is not legally a "person"
2. abortion is not unlawful.

Then explain to me oh brilliant one why is it when someone murders a pregnant mother they are charged with 2 counts of murder? Hmmmm?
A fetus is no more a child than an Appleseed is an apple.

then how does one get convicted of murder for killing a 'fetus'? you have to kill a human being in order to be convicted of murder.

care to explain?

The laws that allow an additional murder charge when a pregnant woman is murdered specifically exclude abortion. The big difference is that in an abortion, the choice is the mother's. When she is murdered and her fetus dies, it is not her choice.

in order to be charged and convicted of murder you must kill a human being. a fetus doesn't count unless it is a human being.

simple really.
Yurt continues to chase his reactionary tail.

Abortion is a medical term, murder is a legal term.
The only person who thinks he won this argument is him and you. So yeah. OK tell me WHY babies should be allowed to be murdered? My argument is if they are legal to kill why not adults? At least adults can fight back babies can't. You are trying to rationalize murdering innocent little babies.Its fucking sick.

You're a little too dense to understand the concept that murder (a legal term), by definition, cannot possibly include abortion.

MURDER: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

1. a fetus is not legally a "person"
2. abortion is not unlawful.

Then explain to me oh brilliant one why is it when someone murders a pregnant mother they are charged with 2 counts of murder? Hmmmm?

That was already explained. Read a few messages up from yours.
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tell me clay, what are the requirements to be convicted of murder? do you need to kill a human being?

What about when a policeman shoots and kills a criminal? By your definition, that is murder.

and if it is justified he will be found innocent. still was a human being though.

Baloney. You're saying that every policeman who shoots a criminal is charged with murder but many are found innocent? What planet are you living on?
i didn't say every policeman...learn to read.

you're still ignoring the fact that to get convicted of murder you need to kill a human being.
Yurt continues to chase his reactionary tail.

Abortion is a medical term, murder is a legal term.

did i say otherwise? of course not. you're putting your head in the sand and doing your usual trolling and not actually debating anything.

to get convicted of murder you need to kill a human being. why are you are ignoring this?
you're still ignoring the fact that to get convicted of murder you need to kill a human being.

You're moving the goal posts now. You were saying that when a human is killed it is murder and I pointed out that you're wrong. You're still wrong.
you're still ignoring the fact that to get convicted of murder you need to kill a human being.

You're moving the goal posts now. You were saying that when a human is killed it is murder and I pointed out that you're wrong. You're still wrong.

you really can't read. i said to be convicted of murder you must kill a human being. you can't kill a dog and be convicted of murder. i'm absolute correct that to be convicted of murder you must kill a person, you even cited it above. therefore, when one is convicted of murdering an unborn child, he is convicted of killing a human being. get it? need more help?

i have not changed the goal posts, learn to read.
Yurt continues to chase his reactionary tail.

Abortion is a medical term, murder is a legal term.

did i say otherwise? of course not. you're putting your head in the sand and doing your usual trolling and not actually debating anything.

to get convicted of murder you need to kill a human being. why are you are ignoring this?

Anybody can read what you said. Stop chasing your tail.

You reactionaries do not consider, you simply react.
Yurt continues to chase his reactionary tail.

Abortion is a medical term, murder is a legal term.

did i say otherwise? of course not. you're putting your head in the sand and doing your usual trolling and not actually debating anything.

to get convicted of murder you need to kill a human being. why are you are ignoring this?

Anybody can read what you said. Stop chasing your tail.

You reactionaries do not consider, you simply react.

now you're back to lies. i never said otherwise, but you just have to make up that i said otherwise. '

you're a boring liar jake.

everything i've said is accurate and that makes me a reactionary? LOL...silly troll, go away.
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you're still ignoring the fact that to get convicted of murder you need to kill a human being.

You're moving the goal posts now. You were saying that when a human is killed it is murder and I pointed out that you're wrong. You're still wrong.

you really can't read. i said to be convicted of murder you must kill a human being. you can't kill a dog and be convicted of murder. i'm absolute correct that to be convicted of murder you must kill a person, you even cited it above. therefore, when one is convicted of murdering an unborn child, he is convicted of killing a human being. get it? need more help?

i have not changed the goal posts, learn to read.

The situation with a pregnant woman being murdered has been explained to you but you don't want to accept the explanation because it doesn't jive with your bullshit.
did i say otherwise? of course not. you're putting your head in the sand and doing your usual trolling and not actually debating anything.

to get convicted of murder you need to kill a human being. why are you are ignoring this?

Anybody can read what you said. Stop chasing your tail.

You reactionaries do not consider, you simply react.

now you're back to lies. i never said otherwise, but you just have to make up that i said otherwise. 'you're a boring liar jake. everything i've said is accurate and that makes me a reactionary? LOL...silly troll, go away.

As one of the conservatives said the other day, "Yurt lies, that is what he does."

And you are doing it again. You are reactionary filth and a liar.
Anybody can read what you said. Stop chasing your tail.

You reactionaries do not consider, you simply react.

now you're back to lies. i never said otherwise, but you just have to make up that i said otherwise. 'you're a boring liar jake. everything i've said is accurate and that makes me a reactionary? LOL...silly troll, go away.

As one of the conservatives said the other day, "Yurt lies, that is what he does."

And you are doing it again. You are reactionary filth and a liar.

1. cite the conservative. i don't believe you.

2. what i have lied about in this thread. be specific.

i predict you won't back up either claim because your'e a habitual liar and you will prove me correct here.

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