Judge rules controversial Texas abortion law unconstitutional

in order to be convicted of murder, you have to kill a human being. thus, courts and most states have said an unborn child is a human being.
A fetus is no more a child than an Appleseed is an apple.

then how does one get convicted of murder for killing a 'fetus'? you have to kill a human being in order to be convicted of murder.

care to explain?
in order to be convicted of murder, you have to kill a human being. thus, courts and most states have said an unborn child is a human being.
A fetus is no more a child than an Appleseed is an apple.


And, unless its (editorial) "your" body, unless (editorial) "you" are the pregnant one, its none of your business.

The nutters can post their rhetoric over and over but that FACT never changes.

in order to be convicted of murder, you have to kill a human being. thus, courts and most states have said an unborn child is a human being.
A fetus is no more a child than an Appleseed is an apple.

It depends when the abortion is done...

A few months in = not murder as it is simply not developed.
7, 8, 9 month late term abortion. What is really the difference between a living baby outside of the womb and one in.
in order to be convicted of murder, you have to kill a human being. thus, courts and most states have said an unborn child is a human being.
A fetus is no more a child than an Appleseed is an apple.

It depends when the abortion is done...

A few months in = not murder as it is simply not developed.
7, 8, 9 month late term abortion. What is really the difference between a living baby outside of the womb and one in.

Its still none of your business.

Live your life the way you want, have children or don't. Its your right to decide. Other people - both men and women - have that same right.

If men were held equally responsible, there would be no question about his right to choose whether or not to reproduce.

Men are pretty much given a pass on responsibility. They can support or not, as they wish. Oh sure, courts say, "Pay up, you bum" but if he doesn't there's not much the mother can do.

Until the responsibility for children is equally divided between both parents, men have no right to a voice in this issue.

And, even if they shared responsibility equally, its still her body, her choice.

Nothing will ever change that.
We are talking a medical procedure not homicide.

killing a human being is just a medical procedure? wow.

Abortion is a medial procedure, and a health issue that has to do with a woman and her doctor.

Yep. It always has been a medical procedure and more than 2/3rds are done for medical reasons.

Doesn't matter why an abortion is done though. Its no one's business but hers.
So when are legalizing murdering adults? I would love to get in on that action!

Can you tell me again how you think murder is so wrong? Then could you tell yourself to pick one side and stick to it?

Hey if yall are gonna murder babies I think we should legalize the murder of everyone...I would much rather kill scumbags than little babies.

How happy you would have been in Nazi Germany National Socialist! Where, indeed, it was legal to murder anyone - jews, gypsies, reds, homosexuals - you dislike. I bet you would have half of the contributors of these boards into the gas chambers as quick as a flash. How frustrated you must be, poor dear.
Can you tell me again how you think murder is so wrong? Then could you tell yourself to pick one side and stick to it?

Hey if yall are gonna murder babies I think we should legalize the murder of everyone...I would much rather kill scumbags than little babies.

How happy you would have been in Nazi Germany National Socialist! Where, indeed, it was legal to murder anyone - jews, gypsies, reds, homosexuals - you dislike. I bet you would have half of the contributors of these boards into the gas chambers as quick as a flash. How frustrated you must be, poor dear.

Wrong. Criminals,Faggots,Traitorous jews were put to death. Oh and of course communists so that knocks out 75% of the people on this forum. :). I agree with euthanasia for the elderly and sick if they want it,I also agree with Eugenics. Your grasp of history is pathetic but I figure you are only repeating what the jewish written history books tell you.What sane country wouldn't remove the traitorous,demented minds from their society? I sure would.
in order to be convicted of murder, you have to kill a human being. thus, courts and most states have said an unborn child is a human being.
A fetus is no more a child than an Appleseed is an apple.

It depends when the abortion is done...

A few months in = not murder as it is simply not developed.
7, 8, 9 month late term abortion. What is really the difference between a living baby outside of the womb and one in.

The difference is that the thing in the womb isn't considered a human being, but still only part of the woman carrying it. Now you know.
Why what? Why make murdering adults legal? Why the hell not? You want the murder of babies legal! Why not adults who can actually fight back!? Lol morals? I am defending the unborn. I have a short fuse for most adults especially ones that stick their nose in my life etc...You obviously don't comprehend sarcasm and wit when you read it. Not the brightest crayon are we? I am trying to make a point and you are missing it. Since you love murdering babies lets just murder adults as well...fair is fair right?

Why not isn't a reason. You have to have a reason for things.

ROFL YOU have a short fuse for ppl sticking their nose in your business. :lol::lol:

Oh the irony.

BTW crayons aren't bright ....holy shit

Why not isn't a reason. You have to have a reason for things.

ROFL YOU have a short fuse for ppl sticking their nose in your business. :lol::lol:

Oh the irony.

BTW crayons aren't bright ....holy shit

LOL love mixed metaphors. He's probably burning the midnight oil from both ends trying to come up with a coherent response. You can hold your breath until the cows turn blue! You really shot the wind out of his saddle. People like him are always a dollar late and a day short.

The only person who thinks he won this argument is him and you. So yeah. OK tell me WHY babies should be allowed to be murdered? My argument is if they are legal to kill why not adults? At least adults can fight back babies can't. You are trying to rationalize murdering innocent little babies.Its fucking sick.

You're a little too dense to understand the concept that murder (a legal term), by definition, cannot possibly include abortion.

MURDER: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

1. a fetus is not legally a "person"
2. abortion is not unlawful.
in order to be convicted of murder, you have to kill a human being. thus, courts and most states have said an unborn child is a human being.

You have to unlawfully kill a person and a fetus is not legally a person.
tell me clay, what are the requirements to be convicted of murder? do you need to kill a human being?

What about when a policeman shoots and kills a criminal? By your definition, that is murder.
The only person who thinks he won this argument is him and you. So yeah. OK tell me WHY babies should be allowed to be murdered? My argument is if they are legal to kill why not adults? At least adults can fight back babies can't. You are trying to rationalize murdering innocent little babies.Its fucking sick.

A fetus /ˈfiːtəs/, also spelled foetus, fœtus, faetus, or fætus, is a developing mammal or other viviparous vertebrate after the embryonic stage and before birth.

So NOT a baby.

An infant (from the Latin word infans, meaning "unable to speak" or "speechless") is the very young offspring of a human. When applied to humans, the term is usually considered synonymous with baby or bairn (Scotland), but the latter is commonly applied to the young of any animal

So they found you where? the fact that all developing individuals at that stag of of all mammals lives regardless of species doesn't change what they are,you were always a human never a fish, unique DNA at conception,rationalizing these facts away is illogical at least dishonest for some.

The fetus is human (as opposed to say, reptile) but it is not "a human" (a legal "person")
in order to be convicted of murder, you have to kill a human being. thus, courts and most states have said an unborn child is a human being.
A fetus is no more a child than an Appleseed is an apple.

then how does one get convicted of murder for killing a 'fetus'? you have to kill a human being in order to be convicted of murder.

care to explain?

The laws that allow an additional murder charge when a pregnant woman is murdered specifically exclude abortion. The big difference is that in an abortion, the choice is the mother's. When she is murdered and her fetus dies, it is not her choice.
A fetus is no more a child than an Appleseed is an apple.

then how does one get convicted of murder for killing a 'fetus'? you have to kill a human being in order to be convicted of murder.

care to explain?

The laws that allow an additional murder charge when a pregnant woman is murdered specifically exclude abortion. The big difference is that in an abortion, the choice is the mother's. When she is murdered and her fetus dies, it is not her choice.
Simple enough, even a caveman could get it.

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