Judge rules Fulton DA Willis can stay — if Wade steps aside

I think you are confusing yourself with headlines from earlier this week, where right wing pundits were saying the judge could refer her for perjury.

That didn't happen. The judge ruled. The proceedings have ended.

No, I don't tend to waste my time with smut like that. I prefer to just think for myself.

Anyway. ''There's an odor of mendacity, '' I think is how the judge put it.

So, successful or not, these matters will be taken up. Rest assured of that.
No, I don't tend to waste my time with smut like that. I [refer to just think for myself.
So you just made it up? That would indeed be thinking for yourself, I suppose.

Anyway. ''There's an odor of mendacity, '' I think is how the judge put it.
Exactly Appearance of possible impropriety.

Which is not enough to remove her from the case by force or disbar her.

And it certainly is not a accusation of or a criminal referral for perjury.

And it most certainly is not enough to toss the findings and the work of two grand juries.
She will stay and her boyfriend will leave.
And? That does not change the corrupt nature of this entire ordeal featuring Fani's conduct.

Perhaps, if she left and he stayed... her corrupt mind wouldnt be leading the pleadings for case, then it would more like Trump faced fair impartial prosecutorial discretion.

But, I get it.
The judge needed to make sure he gets re-elected by thousands of Black metro-ATL voters, so... he concocted a nonsensical, bull$hit ruling.
No, the 3 charges against FPOTUS#45 the Judge ruled had to be excluded with the possibility of refiling had nothing to do with the DA boinking an employee.

How do you know? This was a first year associate error. Was it due to the fact that he was demonstrably unqualified for this job , but he has a monster cock and that's why she hired him??

And as the Judge noted $250 per hour is well below the metro Atlanta norm.

And you made up quote is LOLz.

As the judge held, gross appearance of impropriety - one of them has to go.
Speaking of juries. Good luck finding a jury who hasn't been following this whole thing. Her credibility is pretty much shot.
... did not appear in the judge's ruling.

Of course it won't appear in the judge's ruling... DUH??

Because that is not what he was ruling upon, so he is not obligated to ever mention it... DUH??

And you can rant here until you are blue in the, face, but you still CANNOT change the fact that Trump's lawyers provided indisputable proof [phone records] that Fani and Wade were in a relationship long before Fani charged Trump. That means, she committed perjury. Face this! :cool:
Of course it won't appear in the judges ruling...
Wrong. The judge would definitely have mentioned it, if he believed perjury occured in his courtroom. You're just making up ad hoc fantasies as you go, to be contrarian. But this is causing you to make dumb mistakes.
If it weren't for her glaringly apparent pridefulness and the entitlement mindset that she illustrated when she invoked the race card in the manner that she did, it would actually be more conducive to recuse herself.

But I think that these repugnant qualities will likely dictate her choice to remain. And, of course, she'll stand to make millions off of book deals and whatnot. Bad element all the way around, if you ask me.
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Wrong. The judge would definitely have mentioned it...
Nope. He is not obligated to mention it. And there is nothing your idiocy can post, to change that fact.
So please, stop embarrassing yourself here. And simply let everyone know that you, hate it, how you have to agree with me that the judge is NOT OBLIGATED TO MENTION Fani committing perjury about when the relationship started. Why not? You ask. Well, because the judge is NOT ruling on when they started dating.
No, friendly bet is still on. Please stop whining. Thanks.
A bet with no stakes is not a bet.

wager /wā′jər/
  1. An agreement under which each bettor pledges a certain amount to the other depending on the outcome of an unsettled matter.
  2. A matter bet on; a gamble.
  3. Something that is staked on an uncertain outcome; a bet.


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