Judge rules Fulton DA Willis can stay — if Wade steps aside

Is there any doubt in anyone's mind at this point about the lying, thieving corruption of the democrat party and the total ignorance and insanity of their supporters?
"Deep State"! Waaaaaaaaaah! :206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::206::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying::crying:

Time for the subhuman ape Trump to call into Lumpy Hannity & whine- "so unfair, not nice to me"!
stupid whining.
see; local mirror

And the judge did not disqualify her.
Your Ad Hom attacks are foolish. Plus your deceit and your word trickery do not work on me, sir.

Go read the ruling. The judge clearly said for her to voluntarily remove herself, or to remove Wade instead. And we know a corrupt motherfu<ker like Fani is not going to remove herself.
Because this case has never been about, Trump, this case is about Fani's fame in the anals of Pop Culture History.
Now go argue for blanket immunity for a political office holder.

The duplicity of the MAGA cult can always be counted on.
No, I'd rather argue to get biological men out of women's sports or to get rid of racist DEI policies or to stop teaching CRT or to ban child sex changes or to secure our border or to refund police and to keep criminals in jail or to support our first and second amendments or to spend within our means etc. et. etc. You Democrats have plenty of fucked up positions to argue about. I'll leave the immunity question up to constitutional scholars, and by that, I don't mean that racist, Barack Obama. MAGA
No, I'd rather argue to get biological men out of women's sports or to get rid of racist DEI policies or to stop teaching CRT or to ban child sex changes or to secure our border or to refund police and to keep criminals in jail or to support our first and second amendments or to spend within our means etc. et. etc. You Democrats have plenty of fucked up positions to argue about. I'll leave the immunity question up to constitutional scholars, and by that, I don't mean that racist, Barack Obama. MAGA
Right, because those are the stupid and overblown ideas that the white nationalists who control GOP messaging have poured into your half empty brain.

The next one of you squealing retards that knows what CRT is will be the first.
..I agree, that the DA boinking an employee was not appropriate ethically. However, It has no bearing on the RICO case, which is why the RICO case was allowed to proceed.


This can be viewed as an irrational, illogical stance by you. That is why there was just a hearing, for weeks, because this behavior is frowned upon in the Jurisprudence world.

Why, is it frowned up?? Because this exact type of behavior, is corrupt and it fleeces the spirit of fair equitable due process. How? You ask. Because the unethical events of Fani and Wade did result from poor decision-making by unethical mindsets --including telling lies about when they started fu<king each other. Well, guess what pal? That same mind of Fani's, that same brain of Fani's, that same partial thinking of Fani's is what rationalized that Trump should be charged with crimes.

Her way of thinking through juristical rules and the laws of Jurisprudence, cannot be trusted. America got to learn that here. So, now its up to who all wants to embrace that vs. who all wants to "just get Trump!" at any costs.
Nobody wants to hear a grown man whine.

Good luck with the bet.

And try not to stalk and harass me. I wouldn't want you to get banned BEFORE you have to kneel at my feet and eat crow.
Yeah, okay pussy.

It's not like I expected you to actually put your money where your mouth is anyway.

I will have to be content with showing you for the pussy you are (not that everyone didn't already know that...)
Yeah, okay pussy.

It's not like I expected you to actually put your money where your mouth is anyway.

I will have to be content with showing you for the pussy you are (not that everyone didn't already know that...)
Cry it all out.

You're welcome, for the attention.
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis must either step aside or cut ties with her special prosecutor before the election interference case against Donald Trump can move forward, a judge ruled Friday.

In a much-anticipated decision, Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee said Willis must choose one of the two options to cure an appearance of impropriety fueled by her romantic relationship with lead prosecutor Nathan Wade, who has billed more than $728,000 in legal fees to county taxpayers and helped pay for trips he took with the district attorney.

Good, now we can finally move forward with prosecuting Trump & company with racketeering for trying to overturn the 2020 election. You know - the real important stuff.
I hope Fanis takes her DA fist and shoves it up a Trump's bullshit, entitled ass!
The judge took Fani off the case.

"Judge says Fulton Country can keep the case as long as Fani nor Wade are on the case."
I don't think that is how I read the ruling.
How did you come to the conclusion they both must leave....per your reading of the judgement?

Because The State is run by liars and thieves.
Well, in my opinion, that is a pretty generic, boiler-plate complain-y type of assertion, more of a whine than informative.
So, do this poster Oddball:

  • Name names. Who are the thieves and the liars.
  • And, importantly.....tell the forum your justification for describing them as such.
  • Links and sourcing would go a long way towards your credibility.
... blame the guy who took advantage of Willis' corruption and let her skate...

So true. But hey at least we get to use this thread as an, IDENTIFIER, to make a note of all users who truly hate this nation and who did make sure to show a mindset/a thought process brainwashed into approving of the judge's deceitful, dishonest molestation of Jurisprudence.

They possibly deserve their U.S. citizenship, to be revoked.
So, the judge admits Fani lied, and as a DA her standards need to be higher, but if she fires lover boy she can stay on the job? Yeah, that's the basic summation of the ruling.

Will Fani fire lover boy? Will she appeal? Will she tell the judge to pound sand?

Also, defendants have, I believe, an appeal themselves over this ridiculous opinion by McAfee.
I don't think that is how I read the ruling.
How did you come to the conclusion they both must leave....per your reading of the judgement?
Yes, I said that. At the time I had to deal with some other things so, I didn't have to time to change it. It is only one of them who would have to leave the Trump case. What are the odds both would chose to leave that case?

Other than that, enjoy your victory.

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