Judge rules transgender people are protected, keeps hold on troop ban

Unless normal decent people accept and encourage mentally deranged freaks and perverts, we're hateful bigots. Um, I don't think so.
Translation: "I believe in bigotry and allowing bigots to discriminate with impunity. "
Yep, we're all bigots in one way or another. You choose not to attend my church. You obviously are bigoted. You choose to eat at McDonald's instead of Burger King, you bigot. Why are you denying Burger King your business?
Thats not bigotry you idiot

It is discrimination however!

As we have always known, you have a piss pore command of English. Words have different meaning in different context.

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It's the left that is continually trying to change the definition of well defined words we have used for centuries. Marriage has always been defined as a male and female until now. Gender has always been defined as male and female until now. It's not conservatives that fail to understand the English language.
The evolution of language and concepts is not the same thing a deliberately, dishonestly, and stupidly misusing words. It takes a special kind of stupid to equate being discriminating about what one eats to discriminating as in bigotry.
Yep, we're all bigots in one way or another. You choose not to attend my church. You obviously are bigoted. You choose to eat at McDonald's instead of Burger King, you bigot. Why are you denying Burger King your business?
Thats not bigotry you idiot

It is discrimination however!

As we have always known, you have a piss pore command of English. Words have different meaning in different context. I understand why some politicians and their tools on courts would go along with that. They want to keep power, and many sheep will simply follow along rather than be labeled "hateful bigots". The rest of us don't really care what a small loud nutty clique calls us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's the left that is continually trying to change the definition of well defined words we have used for centuries. Marriage has always been defined as a male and female until now. Gender has always been defined as male and female until now. It's not conservatives that fail to understand the English language.
The evolution of language and concepts is not the same thing a deliberately, dishonestly, and stupidly misusing words. It takes a special kind of stupid to equate being discriminating about what one eats to discriminating as in bigotry.
Marriage is a male and female. To claim marriage is between people of the same sex is deliberately, dishonestly and stupidly misusing words.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.

Since when? the concept covers everyone and his or her immutable characteristics. Doesn't everyone have a biological sex, age, race, ethnic background, and although it is just now being recognized, a sexual orientation. The only covered characteristic that one is not born with is religion, which is chosen and changeable at will.

Anti-discrimination laws violate the First Amendment, first and foremost.
Thank you for that brilliant, in depth and insightful analysis of Constitutional law. I have to wonder why none of the other learned legal scholars ever thought of that. It's so obvious. Rip up the Civil Rights Act NOW!
Thats not bigotry you idiot

It is discrimination however!

As we have always known, you have a piss pore command of English. Words have different meaning in different context. I understand why some politicians and their tools on courts would go along with that. They want to keep power, and many sheep will simply follow along rather than be labeled "hateful bigots". The rest of us don't really care what a small loud nutty clique calls us.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's the left that is continually trying to change the definition of well defined words we have used for centuries. Marriage has always been defined as a male and female until now. Gender has always been defined as male and female until now. It's not conservatives that fail to understand the English language.
The evolution of language and concepts is not the same thing a deliberately, dishonestly, and stupidly misusing words. It takes a special kind of stupid to equate being discriminating about what one eats to discriminating as in bigotry.
Marriage is a male and female. To claim marriage is between people of the same sex is deliberately, dishonestly and stupidly misusing words.
Get over yourself Sparky :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Protected classes are unconstitutional.

Since when? the concept covers everyone and his or her immutable characteristics. Doesn't everyone have a biological sex, age, race, ethnic background, and although it is just now being recognized, a sexual orientation. The only covered characteristic that one is not born with is religion, which is chosen and changeable at will.

Anti-discrimination laws violate the First Amendment, first and foremost.
Thank you for that brilliant, in depth and insightful analysis of Constitutional law. I have to wonder why none of the other learned legal scholars ever thought of that. It's so obvious. Rip up the Civil Rights Act NOW!

I'm sure many of them did think of it. But politics has a way of eroding good sense.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.

Since when? the concept covers everyone and his or her immutable characteristics. Doesn't everyone have a biological sex, age, race, ethnic background, and although it is just now being recognized, a sexual orientation. The only covered characteristic that one is not born with is religion, which is chosen and changeable at will.

Anti-discrimination laws violate the First Amendment, first and foremost.
Thank you for that brilliant, in depth and insightful analysis of Constitutional law. I have to wonder why none of the other learned legal scholars ever thought of that. It's so obvious. Rip up the Civil Rights Act NOW!
What do you think should be done with people that won't submit to the idea of same-sex marriage and deliberately choose to believe and act on marriage being between a male and female? Should we fine them or jail them?
Protected classes are unconstitutional.

Since when? the concept covers everyone and his or her immutable characteristics. Doesn't everyone have a biological sex, age, race, ethnic background, and although it is just now being recognized, a sexual orientation. The only covered characteristic that one is not born with is religion, which is chosen and changeable at will.

Anti-discrimination laws violate the First Amendment, first and foremost.
Thank you for that brilliant, in depth and insightful analysis of Constitutional law. I have to wonder why none of the other learned legal scholars ever thought of that. It's so obvious. Rip up the Civil Rights Act NOW!
What do you think should be done with people that won't submit to the idea of same-sex marriage and deliberately choose to believe and act on marriage being between a male and female? Should we fine them or jail them?
No fines or jail. Just forbid THEM from marrying the one who they are romantically and sexually attracted to.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.

Since when? the concept covers everyone and his or her immutable characteristics. Doesn't everyone have a biological sex, age, race, ethnic background, and although it is just now being recognized, a sexual orientation. The only covered characteristic that one is not born with is religion, which is chosen and changeable at will.

Anti-discrimination laws violate the First Amendment, first and foremost.
Thank you for that brilliant, in depth and insightful analysis of Constitutional law. I have to wonder why none of the other learned legal scholars ever thought of that. It's so obvious. Rip up the Civil Rights Act NOW!
What do you think should be done with people that won't submit to the idea of same-sex marriage and deliberately choose to believe and act on marriage being between a male and female? Should we fine them or jail them?
No fines or jail. Just forbid THEM from marrying the one who they are romantically and sexually attracted to.
But people are being fined and businesses destroyed because they will not submit.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.

Since when? the concept covers everyone and his or her immutable characteristics. Doesn't everyone have a biological sex, age, race, ethnic background, and although it is just now being recognized, a sexual orientation. The only covered characteristic that one is not born with is religion, which is chosen and changeable at will.

Anti-discrimination laws violate the First Amendment, first and foremost.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.

Since when? the concept covers everyone and his or her immutable characteristics. Doesn't everyone have a biological sex, age, race, ethnic background, and although it is just now being recognized, a sexual orientation. The only covered characteristic that one is not born with is religion, which is chosen and changeable at will.

Anti-discrimination laws violate the First Amendment, first and foremost.
"hate speech" violates the First Amendment. Speaking out against Islam is "hate speech". Disagreeing with same-sex marriage is "hate speech".
Since when? the concept covers everyone and his or her immutable characteristics. Doesn't everyone have a biological sex, age, race, ethnic background, and although it is just now being recognized, a sexual orientation. The only covered characteristic that one is not born with is religion, which is chosen and changeable at will.

Anti-discrimination laws violate the First Amendment, first and foremost.
Thank you for that brilliant, in depth and insightful analysis of Constitutional law. I have to wonder why none of the other learned legal scholars ever thought of that. It's so obvious. Rip up the Civil Rights Act NOW!
What do you think should be done with people that won't submit to the idea of same-sex marriage and deliberately choose to believe and act on marriage being between a male and female? Should we fine them or jail them?
No fines or jail. Just forbid THEM from marrying the one who they are romantically and sexually attracted to.
But people are being fined and businesses destroyed because they will not submit.

People are being penalized for breaking the law. Not for what their ideas.
Anti-discrimination laws violate the First Amendment, first and foremost.
Thank you for that brilliant, in depth and insightful analysis of Constitutional law. I have to wonder why none of the other learned legal scholars ever thought of that. It's so obvious. Rip up the Civil Rights Act NOW!
What do you think should be done with people that won't submit to the idea of same-sex marriage and deliberately choose to believe and act on marriage being between a male and female? Should we fine them or jail them?
No fines or jail. Just forbid THEM from marrying the one who they are romantically and sexually attracted to.
But people are being fined and businesses destroyed because they will not submit.

People are being penalized for breaking the law. Not for what their ideas.
The law is unjust. When the law becomes tyranny, it's time to take a stand. When the law penalizes people for believing that marriage is only between a male and female, which civilization has believed since man crawled out of the cave, then we have a problem.
Protected classes are unconstitutional.

Since when? the concept covers everyone and his or her immutable characteristics. Doesn't everyone have a biological sex, age, race, ethnic background, and although it is just now being recognized, a sexual orientation. The only covered characteristic that one is not born with is religion, which is chosen and changeable at will.

Anti-discrimination laws violate the First Amendment, first and foremost.

Not at all. These laws don't protect anyone's rights. They silence protest. We may agree the protest in question is "bad", but it's still protected by the First Amendment.
Anti-discrimination laws violate the First Amendment, first and foremost.
Thank you for that brilliant, in depth and insightful analysis of Constitutional law. I have to wonder why none of the other learned legal scholars ever thought of that. It's so obvious. Rip up the Civil Rights Act NOW!
What do you think should be done with people that won't submit to the idea of same-sex marriage and deliberately choose to believe and act on marriage being between a male and female? Should we fine them or jail them?
No fines or jail. Just forbid THEM from marrying the one who they are romantically and sexually attracted to.
But people are being fined and businesses destroyed because they will not submit.

People are being penalized for breaking the law. Not for what their ideas.

The law targets their ideas for suppression.
When a leftist protests, it's called "speaking truth to power". When a conservative Christian protests or speaks out, it's called "hate speech". That's how it works. It's authentic bigotry and bias from the left. It's designed to silence dissent and opposition.
Thank you for that brilliant, in depth and insightful analysis of Constitutional law. I have to wonder why none of the other learned legal scholars ever thought of that. It's so obvious. Rip up the Civil Rights Act NOW!
What do you think should be done with people that won't submit to the idea of same-sex marriage and deliberately choose to believe and act on marriage being between a male and female? Should we fine them or jail them?
No fines or jail. Just forbid THEM from marrying the one who they are romantically and sexually attracted to.
But people are being fined and businesses destroyed because they will not submit.

People are being penalized for breaking the law. Not for what their ideas.
The law is unjust. When the law becomes tyranny, it's time to take a stand. When the law penalizes people for believing that marriage is only between a male and female, which civilization has believed since man crawled out of the cave, then we have a problem.
Ah yes ! Tyranny!! Whenever you people are prevented from discrimination it's tyranny by the big-bad gobber-mint . Anacrchy would be so much better. Everyone would be free to treat anyone else however they damned please based on some made up bullshit about deeply held beliefs that are nothing more than bigotry in disguise.
Last edited:
Thank you for that brilliant, in depth and insightful analysis of Constitutional law. I have to wonder why none of the other learned legal scholars ever thought of that. It's so obvious. Rip up the Civil Rights Act NOW!
What do you think should be done with people that won't submit to the idea of same-sex marriage and deliberately choose to believe and act on marriage being between a male and female? Should we fine them or jail them?
No fines or jail. Just forbid THEM from marrying the one who they are romantically and sexually attracted to.
But people are being fined and businesses destroyed because they will not submit.

People are being penalized for breaking the law. Not for what their ideas.

The law targets their ideas for suppression.
Bullshit! The law targets their behavior towards others. They are free to believe whatever they want.
When a leftist protests, it's called "speaking truth to power". When a conservative Christian protests or speaks out, it's called "hate speech". That's how it works. It's authentic bigotry and bias from the left. It's designed to silence dissent and opposition.
Perhaps you could stop whining and give some specific examples of what exactly your talking about!
What do you think should be done with people that won't submit to the idea of same-sex marriage and deliberately choose to believe and act on marriage being between a male and female? Should we fine them or jail them?
No fines or jail. Just forbid THEM from marrying the one who they are romantically and sexually attracted to.
But people are being fined and businesses destroyed because they will not submit.

People are being penalized for breaking the law. Not for what their ideas.
The law is unjust. When the law becomes tyranny, it's time to take a stand. When the law penalizes people for believing that marriage is only between a male and female, which civilization has believed since man crawled out of the cave, then we have a problem.
Ah yes ! Tyranny!! Whenever you people are prevented from discrimination it's tyranny by the big-bad gobber-mint . Anacrchy would be so much better. Everyone would be free to treat anyone else however that damned please based on some made up bullshit about deeply held beliefs that are nothing more than bigotry in disguise.
Yep, a business owner SHOULD have the RIGHT to associate with anyone they want or hire anyone they want without being FORCED to hire freaks and perverts.

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