Judge rules transgender people are protected, keeps hold on troop ban

Don't underestimate the power of religion. Billions have been punished and indeed killed because of non-belief in certain religious beliefs that most people consider normal.

And therein lies the problem with religion. Never underestimate the power of fanatics who use religion to control others
It really doesn't. It's not the behavior that's being targeted. It's the ideas behind it. Think it through:

It's not illegal to refuse to serve someone (or hire them, or whatever). It's illegal to refuse to serve them for prohibited reasons. The Christian baker, for example, could have easily avoided prosecution, and still refused to accommodate the gay wedding, by simply not offering a reason, or by offering another reason that isn't banned. It's the reason that is illegal (in particular, the expression of that reason), not the refusal to accommodate.

Wrong!! I have thought it through. The behavior is motivated by the beliefs, but they can choose to behave differently-in compliance with the law. Regardless of whether or not they provide the service or product, they still have their beliefs. No one can take that from them

The proof that they are not being penalized for their beliefs is the fact that they are free to express those beliefs in many different ways. They can preach them from a soap box in town square and they cant be touched.

As I and others have said many times, allowing people to discriminate based on their personal beliefs opens the door to the specter of everyone and anyone being able to discriminate against anyone else. You could be next.
You have this totalitarian idea that just because a law forces someone to accommodate something against their religious beliefs that it has to be. The law is unjust and the laws are being changed to accommodate people with religious objections.

As soon as they tear up the constitution and declare the United States a theocracy - you will be right.

Some are trying to change the laws to allow bigotry in the name of a bastardized interpretation of religious liberty but, as you might have notices, they are catching a lot of blow back for it.
Nope, believing marriage is a male and female is quite clear in Christianity, not invented. The Scriptures are clear and precise that marriage is a male and female.
Then DO NOT get gay married. I don't know squat about the scriptures and care even less, but I'm willing to bet that they do not say anything about punishing others who do not believe as you do. I also know that many Christians do not believe as you do, and many who do believe as you do also understand that discrimination is wrong. Your religion does not dictate bigotry. Rather, you and others like you use it as justification for your bigotry
Your perception is skewed. The only one being punished is the Christian business owner. The queer wasn't fined. No wonder you don't get it.
Wrong!! I have thought it through. The behavior is motivated by the beliefs, but they can choose to behave differently-in compliance with the law. Regardless of whether or not they provide the service or product, they still have their beliefs. No one can take that from them

The proof that they are not being penalized for their beliefs is the fact that they are free to express those beliefs in many different ways. They can preach them from a soap box in town square and they cant be touched.

As I and others have said many times, allowing people to discriminate based on their personal beliefs opens the door to the specter of everyone and anyone being able to discriminate against anyone else. You could be next.
You have this totalitarian idea that just because a law forces someone to accommodate something against their religious beliefs that it has to be. The law is unjust and the laws are being changed to accommodate people with religious objections.

As soon as they tear up the constitution and declare the United States a theocracy - you will be right.

Some are trying to change the laws to allow bigotry in the name of a bastardized interpretation of religious liberty but, as you might have notices, they are catching a lot of blow back for it.
Nope, believing marriage is a male and female is quite clear in Christianity, not invented. The Scriptures are clear and precise that marriage is a male and female.
Then DO NOT get gay married. I don't know squat about the scriptures and care even less, but I'm willing to bet that they do not say anything about punishing others who do not believe as you do. I also know that many Christians do not believe as you do, and many who do believe as you do also understand that discrimination is wrong. Your religion does not dictate bigotry. Rather, you and others like you use it as justification for your bigotry
Your perception is skewed. The only one being punished is the Christian business owner. The queer wasn't fined. No wonder you don't get it.
Is that supposed to be a meaningful response to the points that I made. It is you Sparky that "don't get it"
But people are being fined and businesses destroyed because they will not submit.

People are being penalized for breaking the law. Not for what their ideas.

The law targets their ideas for suppression.
Bullshit! The law targets their behavior towards others. They are free to believe whatever they want.
And they're free to refuse service to people they don't like - as long as they keep mum as to their reasons.

You totally misstate the law. A refusal to abide by public-accommodation laws without offering an explanation would result in a finding by a state human-rights agency against the business owner.

The only way to violate a public accommodations law is to "offer an explanation". It's not illegal to refuse service to someone for no reason, or for a reason that isn't prohibited by a protected class. The baker could say that the have a policy of randomly refusing customers. That's not illegal.

The point here is that suppressing the expression of bigotry IS the point of anti-discrimination laws. Denying that is specious. And suppressing ideas IS a violation of the First Amendment, no matter how detestable the ideas might be.
The point here is that suppressing the expression of bigotry IS the point of anti-discrimination laws. Denying that is specious. And suppressing ideas IS a violation of the First Amendment, no matter how detestable the ideas might be.
So you foolishly believe that all rights, including that of free speech are absolute? You don't understand that rights have certain limits and that they must be exercised with responsibility?
The point here is that suppressing the expression of bigotry IS the point of anti-discrimination laws. Denying that is specious. And suppressing ideas IS a violation of the First Amendment, no matter how detestable the ideas might be.
So you foolishly believe that all rights, including that of free speech are absolute?

Nope. You're barking up the wrong tree. I'm just saying that anti-discrimination laws do violate free speech and they must be justified in the same manner that any limitations on free speech must be justified (eg 'fire in a crowded theater').
You have this totalitarian idea that just because a law forces someone to accommodate something against their religious beliefs that it has to be. The law is unjust and the laws are being changed to accommodate people with religious objections.

As soon as they tear up the constitution and declare the United States a theocracy - you will be right.

Some are trying to change the laws to allow bigotry in the name of a bastardized interpretation of religious liberty but, as you might have notices, they are catching a lot of blow back for it.
Nope, believing marriage is a male and female is quite clear in Christianity, not invented. The Scriptures are clear and precise that marriage is a male and female.
Then DO NOT get gay married. I don't know squat about the scriptures and care even less, but I'm willing to bet that they do not say anything about punishing others who do not believe as you do. I also know that many Christians do not believe as you do, and many who do believe as you do also understand that discrimination is wrong. Your religion does not dictate bigotry. Rather, you and others like you use it as justification for your bigotry
Your perception is skewed. The only one being punished is the Christian business owner. The queer wasn't fined. No wonder you don't get it.
Is that supposed to be a meaningful response to the points that I made. It is you Sparky that "don't get it"
The queer wasn't "punished" as you claim, the Christian business owner was. Your team are the ones punishing people that don't believe the same as you. Are you that far gone mentally?
The point here is that suppressing the expression of bigotry IS the point of anti-discrimination laws. Denying that is specious. And suppressing ideas IS a violation of the First Amendment, no matter how detestable the ideas might be.
So you foolishly believe that all rights, including that of free speech are absolute?

Nope. You're barking up the wrong tree. I'm just saying that anti-discrimination laws do violate free speech and they must be justified in the same manner that any limitations on free speech must be justified (eg 'fire in a crowded theater').
You're terribly confused. laws against discrimination do not restrict free speech, You are free to blather any hateful, bigoted bovine excrement that you want. There are not laws against that unless you threaten or slander someone. Laws against discrimination regulate your behavior towards others.
The point here is that suppressing the expression of bigotry IS the point of anti-discrimination laws. Denying that is specious. And suppressing ideas IS a violation of the First Amendment, no matter how detestable the ideas might be.
So you foolishly believe that all rights, including that of free speech are absolute? You don't understand that rights have certain limits and that they must be exercised with responsibility?
Okay, and who are the ones in your world that determine the boundaries?
As soon as they tear up the constitution and declare the United States a theocracy - you will be right.

Some are trying to change the laws to allow bigotry in the name of a bastardized interpretation of religious liberty but, as you might have notices, they are catching a lot of blow back for it.
Nope, believing marriage is a male and female is quite clear in Christianity, not invented. The Scriptures are clear and precise that marriage is a male and female.
Then DO NOT get gay married. I don't know squat about the scriptures and care even less, but I'm willing to bet that they do not say anything about punishing others who do not believe as you do. I also know that many Christians do not believe as you do, and many who do believe as you do also understand that discrimination is wrong. Your religion does not dictate bigotry. Rather, you and others like you use it as justification for your bigotry
Your perception is skewed. The only one being punished is the Christian business owner. The queer wasn't fined. No wonder you don't get it.
Is that supposed to be a meaningful response to the points that I made. It is you Sparky that "don't get it"
The queer wasn't "punished" as you claim, the Christian business owner was. Your team are the ones punishing people that don't believe the same as you. Are you that far gone mentally?
More ignorant, unfiltered BULLSHIT. Any time someone is subjected to discrimination they are being punished. Again, I don't give a rats hind parts what you believe. It's about how you treat people. Are yo to far gone mentally to understand that?
The point here is that suppressing the expression of bigotry IS the point of anti-discrimination laws. Denying that is specious. And suppressing ideas IS a violation of the First Amendment, no matter how detestable the ideas might be.
So you foolishly believe that all rights, including that of free speech are absolute? You don't understand that rights have certain limits and that they must be exercised with responsibility?
Okay, and who are the ones in your world that determine the boundaries?
The courts and the law makers fool.
Nope, believing marriage is a male and female is quite clear in Christianity, not invented. The Scriptures are clear and precise that marriage is a male and female.
Then DO NOT get gay married. I don't know squat about the scriptures and care even less, but I'm willing to bet that they do not say anything about punishing others who do not believe as you do. I also know that many Christians do not believe as you do, and many who do believe as you do also understand that discrimination is wrong. Your religion does not dictate bigotry. Rather, you and others like you use it as justification for your bigotry
Your perception is skewed. The only one being punished is the Christian business owner. The queer wasn't fined. No wonder you don't get it.
Is that supposed to be a meaningful response to the points that I made. It is you Sparky that "don't get it"
The queer wasn't "punished" as you claim, the Christian business owner was. Your team are the ones punishing people that don't believe the same as you. Are you that far gone mentally?
More ignorant, unfiltered BULLSHIT. Any time someone is subjected to discrimination they are being punished. Again, I don't give a rats hind parts what you believe. It's about how you treat people. Are yo to far gone mentally to understand that?
You're never going to get it because you refuse to acknowledge that Christians have a Constitutional RIGHT to believe marriage is a male and female. Talk about closed minded.......
The point here is that suppressing the expression of bigotry IS the point of anti-discrimination laws. Denying that is specious. And suppressing ideas IS a violation of the First Amendment, no matter how detestable the ideas might be.
So you foolishly believe that all rights, including that of free speech are absolute? You don't understand that rights have certain limits and that they must be exercised with responsibility?
Okay, and who are the ones in your world that determine the boundaries?
The courts and the law makers fool.
Yep, and the law makers that make the laws and appoint the judges are elected by the people. The people can change their mind. Remember that.
Then DO NOT get gay married. I don't know squat about the scriptures and care even less, but I'm willing to bet that they do not say anything about punishing others who do not believe as you do. I also know that many Christians do not believe as you do, and many who do believe as you do also understand that discrimination is wrong. Your religion does not dictate bigotry. Rather, you and others like you use it as justification for your bigotry
Your perception is skewed. The only one being punished is the Christian business owner. The queer wasn't fined. No wonder you don't get it.
Is that supposed to be a meaningful response to the points that I made. It is you Sparky that "don't get it"
The queer wasn't "punished" as you claim, the Christian business owner was. Your team are the ones punishing people that don't believe the same as you. Are you that far gone mentally?
More ignorant, unfiltered BULLSHIT. Any time someone is subjected to discrimination they are being punished. Again, I don't give a rats hind parts what you believe. It's about how you treat people. Are yo to far gone mentally to understand that?
You're never going to get it because you refuse to acknowledge that Christians have a Constitutional RIGHT to believe marriage is a male and female. Talk about closed minded.......
Holly shit! When did I ever say that they did not have that right. I said WHAT THEY DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO IS TO IMPOSE THEIR BELIEFS ON OTHERS OR TO DISCRIMINATE AGAIST THEM. It that really so hard for you to understand? :confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:
The point here is that suppressing the expression of bigotry IS the point of anti-discrimination laws. Denying that is specious. And suppressing ideas IS a violation of the First Amendment, no matter how detestable the ideas might be.
So you foolishly believe that all rights, including that of free speech are absolute? You don't understand that rights have certain limits and that they must be exercised with responsibility?
Okay, and who are the ones in your world that determine the boundaries?
The courts and the law makers fool.
Yep, and the law makers that make the laws and appoint the judges are elected by the people. The people can change their mind. Remember that.
Let me know when that happens. Let me know when the people decide that there is no obligation or expectation that rights have limits and must be exercised responsibly. Christ , I'm getting bored with your inanity .
The point here is that suppressing the expression of bigotry IS the point of anti-discrimination laws. Denying that is specious. And suppressing ideas IS a violation of the First Amendment, no matter how detestable the ideas might be.
So you foolishly believe that all rights, including that of free speech are absolute? You don't understand that rights have certain limits and that they must be exercised with responsibility?
Okay, and who are the ones in your world that determine the boundaries?
The courts and the law makers fool.
Yep, and the law makers that make the laws and appoint the judges are elected by the people. The people can change their mind. Remember that.
Let me know when that happens. Let me know when the people decide that there is no obligation or expectation that rights have limits and must be exercised responsibly. Christ , I'm getting bored with your inanity .
The people don't like bullies. You demand Christians bend over for you, but you show nothing but contempt and hate for the rights of Christians. You're a bully.
So you foolishly believe that all rights, including that of free speech are absolute? You don't understand that rights have certain limits and that they must be exercised with responsibility?
Okay, and who are the ones in your world that determine the boundaries?
The courts and the law makers fool.
Yep, and the law makers that make the laws and appoint the judges are elected by the people. The people can change their mind. Remember that.
Let me know when that happens. Let me know when the people decide that there is no obligation or expectation that rights have limits and must be exercised responsibly. Christ , I'm getting bored with your inanity .
The people don't like bullies. You demand Christians bend over for you, but you show nothing but contempt and hate for the rights of Christians. You're a bully.

Oh Christ ! Really? That is idiotic.... and paranoid [emoji88][emoji88][emoji88]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Okay, and who are the ones in your world that determine the boundaries?
The courts and the law makers fool.
Yep, and the law makers that make the laws and appoint the judges are elected by the people. The people can change their mind. Remember that.
Let me know when that happens. Let me know when the people decide that there is no obligation or expectation that rights have limits and must be exercised responsibly. Christ , I'm getting bored with your inanity .
The people don't like bullies. You demand Christians bend over for you, but you show nothing but contempt and hate for the rights of Christians. You're a bully.

Oh Christ ! Really? That is idiotic.... and paranoid [emoji88][emoji88][emoji88]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think I'm right on. Have a nice evening.
The courts and the law makers fool.
Yep, and the law makers that make the laws and appoint the judges are elected by the people. The people can change their mind. Remember that.
Let me know when that happens. Let me know when the people decide that there is no obligation or expectation that rights have limits and must be exercised responsibly. Christ , I'm getting bored with your inanity .
The people don't like bullies. You demand Christians bend over for you, but you show nothing but contempt and hate for the rights of Christians. You're a bully.

Oh Christ ! Really? That is idiotic.... and paranoid [emoji88][emoji88][emoji88]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think I'm right on. Have a nice evening.
Nighty-night sweet pea
You're terribly confused. laws against discrimination do not restrict free speech, You are free to blather any hateful, bigoted bovine excrement that you want. There are not laws against that unless you threaten or slander someone. Laws against discrimination regulate your behavior towards others.

They really don't. The exact same behavior will be legal, or illegal, based on the expression of bias. That is what's being targeted. I don't think this would be hard for you to admit, if you weren't trying to defend the constitutionality of the laws, if you were simply describing their purpose. Clearly the goal of these laws is to suppress unpopular bigotry. It's certainly not to ensure the everyone is treated equally. If that were the case there wouldn't be protected classes, there would just be a law that required that everyone treated everyone else equally.
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