Judge rules transgender people are protected, keeps hold on troop ban

I can't really blame military men and women for being cautious. Afterall, their lives are on the line here. They have to rely on the people they work with, and their lives depend on it!
Well, so long as they are following the same rules as everyone else and not asking for any special treatment, then I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to join the military, as long as they pass the psychological/physical requirements.
I agree wholeheartedly; however, how does someone do that while transitioning from one sex to another? How does someone that wants perfectly healthy body parts mutilated pass a psychological exam?
They must pass a psychological exam prior to surgery.

After surgery, they remain as they were, save for the mutilation of the surgically-enhanced costume.
Not wanting to be around all that drama doesn't make one a "bigot." It makes one smart though! :D
She doth protest too much.
Do you beleive Chris is in the closet about being transgendered? OMG!
Nope, about being a bigot.

How am I being a bigot? I will assume you will run away from your own thread now because we all know about your accusations with lack of anything to back them. :D
Not wanting to be around all that drama doesn't make one a "bigot." It makes one smart though! :D
She doth protest too much.

So do you think that transgender people (who are obviously VERY confused people) are of sound mind and body? Would you put your life into their hands and trust them to be able to make the right split second decision?
Well, so long as they are following the same rules as everyone else and not asking for any special treatment, then I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to join the military, as long as they pass the psychological/physical requirements.
I agree wholeheartedly; however, how does someone do that while transitioning from one sex to another? How does someone that wants perfectly healthy body parts mutilated pass a psychological exam?
They must pass a psychological exam prior to surgery.

Do you think that psychologists never make errors and that psychology is a definitive science?
Would you hold it against others who did not feel comfortable placing their lives into the hands of a transgender person based on the fact that they are even confused about their own sex/gender identity?
Protected classes are unconstitutional.

Since when? the concept covers everyone and his or her immutable characteristics. Doesn't everyone have a biological sex, age, race, ethnic background, and although it is just now being recognized, a sexual orientation. The only covered characteristic that one is not born with is religion, which is chosen and changeable at will.
Since 1789:

“The liberty protected by the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause contains within it the prohibition against denying to any person the equal protection of the laws. See Bolling, 347 U. S., at 499–500; Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Peña, 515 U. S. 200–218 (1995). While the Fifth Amendment itself withdraws from Government the power to degrade or demean in the way this law does, the equal protection guarantee of the Fourteenth Amendment makes that Fifth Amendment right all the more specific and all the better understood and preserved.”


The Fifth Amendment’s Liberty Clause also acknowledges and protects the right of citizens to self-determination, to make decisions concerning personal, private matters immune from attack by the state.

Sexual orientation and gender identification are therefore entitled to Constitutional protections.

Just as it is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant as to whether one is homosexual as a consequence of birth or personal choice, so too is one’s birth gender legally and Constitutionally irrelevant; the Constitution protects the right of gay and transgender Americans to express themselves as individuals when that expression concerns sexual conduct and gender identification.
Well, so long as they are following the same rules as everyone else and not asking for any special treatment, then I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to join the military, as long as they pass the psychological/physical requirements.
I agree wholeheartedly; however, how does someone do that while transitioning from one sex to another? How does someone that wants perfectly healthy body parts mutilated pass a psychological exam?
They must pass a psychological exam prior to surgery.

And when they take it they should be told they are clearly nuts
Well, so long as they are following the same rules as everyone else and not asking for any special treatment, then I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to join the military, as long as they pass the psychological/physical requirements.

Whether one cares to admit it or not, it affects troop cohesiveness if nothing else.
For bigots, yes.

What bigots? I think it is normal for a person to feel discomfort around a person who is really a man but dresses like a woman. That is something that most people cannot relate to and don't really want to be exposed to. It's as simple as that.
For bigots who seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law as a consequence of their ignorance, hate, and unwarranted fear.

Bigots such as Trump, his sycophants, and others on the right hostile to those transgender.
Well, so long as they are following the same rules as everyone else and not asking for any special treatment, then I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to join the military, as long as they pass the psychological/physical requirements.

Whether one cares to admit it or not, it affects troop cohesiveness if nothing else.
For bigots, yes.

What bigots? I think it is normal for a person to feel discomfort around a person who is really a man but dresses like a woman. That is something that most people cannot relate to and don't really want to be exposed to. It's as simple as that.
For bigots who seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law as a consequence of their ignorance, hate, and unwarranted fear.

Bigots such as Trump, his sycophants, and others on the right hostile to those transgender.

That is not what he said. He said it would cause troop incohesiveness, and that would most likely be because some people would be uncomfortable with their lives being in the hands of someone that they consider to be a confused individual.
Well, so long as they are following the same rules as everyone else and not asking for any special treatment, then I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to join the military, as long as they pass the psychological/physical requirements.

Whether one cares to admit it or not, it affects troop cohesiveness if nothing else.
For bigots, yes.

What bigots? I think it is normal for a person to feel discomfort around a person who is really a man but dresses like a woman. That is something that most people cannot relate to and don't really want to be exposed to. It's as simple as that.
For bigots who seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law as a consequence of their ignorance, hate, and unwarranted fear.

Bigots such as Trump, his sycophants, and others on the right hostile to those transgender.


If someone insists to me that they are THE Napoleon Bonaparte, and wears a convincing Napoleon Bonaparte costume, I know that in spite of the evidence presented that they are not Napoleon Bonaparte, but someone merely wearing a costume to enforce their delusion.

I am not obligated to play along.
Well, so long as they are following the same rules as everyone else and not asking for any special treatment, then I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to join the military, as long as they pass the psychological/physical requirements.

Whether one cares to admit it or not, it affects troop cohesiveness if nothing else.
For bigots, yes.

What bigots? I think it is normal for a person to feel discomfort around a person who is really a man but dresses like a woman. That is something that most people cannot relate to and don't really want to be exposed to. It's as simple as that.
For bigots who seek to disadvantage transgender Americans through force of law as a consequence of their ignorance, hate, and unwarranted fear.

Bigots such as Trump, his sycophants, and others on the right hostile to those transgender.

No matter how many times people claim otherwise, it is not bigotry to point out that those confused about their sex have mental issues and/or body/gender dysphoria.
Well, so long as they are following the same rules as everyone else and not asking for any special treatment, then I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to join the military, as long as they pass the psychological/physical requirements.
I agree wholeheartedly; however, how does someone do that while transitioning from one sex to another? How does someone that wants perfectly healthy body parts mutilated pass a psychological exam?
They must pass a psychological exam prior to surgery.

Do you think it is normal or healthy for a man to think he is a woman or to want to dress as or be a woman?
It is perfectly normal and healthy for an individual who in good faith and good conscience believes that who he is as a person – his feelings, thoughts, and self-perception – is inconsistent with his birth gender, and seeks express himself in accordance with the gender he identifies and is comfortable with.

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