Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

/——-/ Bolster. You have the right to value your property any way you want. The banks do their own valuation and base the loan on that. If you ever sold or refinanced a home you’d know that. Just another witch hunt.
Asking price and valuation are two different things, any legitimate tax attorney or the IRS will tell you.
Asking price and valuation are two different things, any legitimate tax attorney or the IRS will tell you.
/——-/ Who says the properties were over valued? Real estate is only worth what someone is willing to pay? And how much are we talking about? Is this common practice in that industry?
/——-/ Who says the properties were over valued? Real estate is only worth what someone is willing to pay? And how much are we talking about? Is this common practice in that industry?
Forget being overvalued, you sure as hell can't claim your house is three times bigger than it actually is.

That's what Trump did, he claimed his penthouse apartment was 30,000 square feet, but it's only 10,000.
Forget being overvalued, you sure as hell can't claim your house is three times bigger than it actually is.

That's what Trump did, he claimed his penthouse apartment was 30,000 square feet, but it's only 10,000.

Sure you can, you can claim your house is worth whatever you want.

You just can't do it to the Tax Man and to Lenders, that is against the law.

The New York Judge can order that all LLC's that P01135809 dissolved and the properties held under those LLC's can be seized and sold at acution and proceeds from those acutions can be use to pay outstanding debts and fines.

Which means boys and girls that P01135809 could NOT be able to live at Shit-A-Lago unless the judge designated one property and one property only can be used as a residence.

His bank accounts would seized as well.

I fucking loving it.

Will this hurt his chances of gaining the repub nomination? Or will it bolster his standing with MAGA?
Nope, not one iota. Not the first time. Remember his university? Remember he was not allowed to be a part of a charity in New York? Still got elected! So no , no difference. Same thing new day. All it takes to convince today's republican party are one word catch phrases. Groomer, pedo. Laptop, illegals.
And these morons think we're supposed to discuss stuff with them, when they don't know a thing about it. They're even confused about what a bio is for a judge.


Is that his 'wife'? lol no wonder he doesn't want anybody to know anything about him. What a bad wig on that 'gurl', lol and these gimps make fun of Trump's hair.

Ah, he's a registered Democrat. What a surprise, lol.

Nothing to this case but the usual banana republic follies.
Poor Trumptards. All you can do is the usual character assassination when your god is in legal trouble.

This routine is getting really old, rube. And sad.

Really, really sad.
/——-/ Who says the properties were over valued? Real estate is only worth what someone is willing to pay? And how much are we talking about? Is this common practice in that industry?
Trump claimed his 11,000 square foot apartment is 30,000 square feet, idiot. He did this to get better terms (lower interest rates) for loans.

That's flat-out fraud.

He over-valued his properties by over $2 billion.

Once again, all you idiots do is parrot what you are told to parrot, and refuse to investigate the facts for yourselves.

You BEG to be lied to.
Trump's fraud was so over-the-top, so blatantly fraudulent, the judge was able to make a summary judgment to that effect.

Trump's lawyers made arguments so specious, he levied fines against them.

So go ahead and make fun of the judge's looks. It just makes you all look like submissive little cucks. Suckers. Morons. Pathetic.
/——/ Ist Amendement. My condo is $600,000. I’m asking $750,000. You gonna call the cops on me?

IF you increase the size of your condo as a selling point and falsify that size real estate documents for the purpose selling your condo you have committed real estate fraud, which what P01135809 did.

Under New York State Law providing false information or concealing outstanding liens on the property.

P01135809 falsely exaggerated the size of his New York apartment, that is real estate fraud.
Read up on it! They had no defense evidence....the lawyers simply claimed it didn't harm anyone and other frivolous claims....his lawyers got sanctioned and fined in court yesterday too, $7500 each for their frivolous Trumpian actions.
I'm pretty darn sure when they can get it to an ethical judge, nobody will be paying a dime.
Excuse me.

Trump has been found liable to the sate of New York for fraudulent business practices.

Donald Trump and his company "repeatedly" violated fraud law, New York judge rules.


Call it what you want.
The state court judge does not deal much in the way of financial fraud. Those are cases that are usually heard in federal court. A state judge hears primarily criminal cases, domestic relations, torts, condemnations, etc... Without analyzing the judge's decision I cannot tell if he erred or not. But state court judges do sometimes err badly in commercial cases.
And there won't be a jury either. Just a judge.

See what happens when you claim the 5th?
He could have had a jury but probably opted out because laymen do not make good jurors in complex commercial cases.

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