Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

Sigh. You lazy people....


11th JD - Civil Term, Queens Supreme

"Civil" as opposed to

11th JD - Criminal Term, Queens Supreme Court

What planet are you from? When you increase the size of your home, you are in fact required to report that and to get a new assessment.
I would call you a liar but I know its just ignorance on your part,,

depending on how much you intend on expanding your home you need to ask permission first,, not do it and tell them what you did,,

and it is not your responsibility to get another assessment,,

Will this hurt his chances of gaining the repub nomination? Or will it bolster his standing with MAGA?
Are these the loans he paid back in full with interest, during the banking crisis when most others were defaulting on their loans? The banks he got loans from that haven’t filed any grievances on?
Kind of odd the government is trying to claim he “defrauded” the banks, yet there is zero proof. The judge is claiming Mar-a-Lago is worth only $18 million. Forbes said it is worth $350 million.
Are these the loans he paid back in full with interest, during the banking crisis when most others were defaulting on their loans? The banks he got loans from that haven’t filed any grievances on?
Kind of odd the government is trying to claim he “defrauded” the banks, yet there is zero proof. The judge is claiming Mar-a-Lago is worth only $18 million. Forbes said it is worth $350 million.
the bank he borrowed from has come out and said they were happy with the deal and made a lot of money,,
Are these the loans he paid back in full with interest, during the banking crisis when most others were defaulting on their loans? The banks he got loans from that haven’t filed any grievances on?
Kind of odd the government is trying to claim he “defrauded” the banks, yet there is zero proof. The judge is claiming Mar-a-Lago is worth only $18 million. Forbes said it is worth $350 million.
That's all irrelevant, sorry.
And the hits just keeps coming

Judge Chutkan Denies Trump's Request To Recuse Herself In Federal Election Subversion Case.

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan said Wednesday she won’t recuse herself from Donald Trump’s 2020 election interference case in Washington, rejecting the former president’s claims that her past comments raise doubts about whether she can be fair.

Chutkan, who was nominated to the bench by President Barack Obama and was randomly assigned to Trump’s case, said in her written decision that she sees no reason to step aside. The case, scheduled for trial in March, accuses the Republican of illegally scheming to overturn his election loss to Democrat Joe Biden.

There’s a high bar for recusal, and legal experts had widely considered Trump’s request to be a long shot aimed at undermining the legitimacy of the case publicly that could only sour the relationship between the judge and the defense in court.

Suck that MAGA MAGGOTS, she ain't afraid the dip shit coward P01135809. There is an irony here I for just fucking love. P01113509 is racicst/misogynist. Judge Chutkan is an African-America Woman, as is Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis and New York A.G. Letitia James. Three very strong, very smart black women are going to bring down Putin's Butt Boy P01135809. He shitting bricks over it. But then again he lying piece shit and deserves what is going to happen to him.
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Do you REALLY think a bunch of uneducated slobs outsmarted the code of law and the courts with the first thought that fizzled into their rotten little brains? Get a grip.
In other words you can't find a reasonable response and go right back to parroting msm bs

This is another crooked Soros judicial appointment doing Soros work

and you're an idiot

Show me where actual fraud occurred. Explain the actual part in your own words

I'll wait
In other words you can't find a reasonable response and go right back to parroting msm bs
I don't need one. Step outside the basement. Check reality. Trump is losing.

And the desperate , ignorant thoughts of uneducated slobs won't help him.

No, you did not jerk off to AM radio for 5 minutes and outsmart the code of law and the courts.
Since forever. Read up!
Let's see how long it stands, shall we? The idea that a judge who prejudges such crimes but still is going to allow the trial to go forward is ridiculous. Either he's on the hook or he isn't. Like his attorney's asked - Why continue the trial?
BTW, p'raps you should do some reading up as well. NOTHING he has been charged with disqualifies him from running and if he were convicted on all 91 counts, the situation wouldn't have changed. If that turns out to be accurate, do you think he should be allowed to run? Should the voters have the ultimate say?
What planet are you from? When you increase the size of your home, you are in fact required to report that and to get a new assessment.
Of course, but valuation by the state for income tax purposes, as an objective standard, does not necessarily mean, that valuation is the market standard that should be used for determining who will pay what for something. Anyone that has studied economics, KNOWS, this is subjective thing in the market.

I got tired of the STATE holding the Trump organization to a higher standard, than they do the rest of the economy. Well, not the rest of the economy, sure, it is a pretty shady organization, but we have lots of shady actors. In the free market, we have a saying, "buyer be beware."

But even when I read an establishment leaning piece on this originally;

I have not seen any huge massive corporate malfeasance. Who is really complaining, and who is getting hurt by the exaggerated business practices and deal making? Who filed the complaint here, other than a Soros funded AG? Who has the Trump organization actually harmed in these valuations and shady business dealings when he makes money for himself, his clients, and the jurisdictions he is in?

The truth is, no one's hands are clean, and by comparison, this is small potatoes, THAT is my point.

What about the folks that really HAVE committed fraud. REAL fraud that dwarfs the supposed Trump organizations, and creeps into our current government and establishment. The type of fraud that affects real people, like my own property manager, she told me she got burned by this. . . the fraud the establishment isn't focusing on?




Sat 12 Nov 2022
". . . Bankman-Fried had set himself up as the acceptable face of a shady sector viewed with deep suspicion by regulators as a refuge for criminals, money launderers and sanctions busters – as a giant online casino in which bedroom traders could rack up life-altering losses.

He spent millions funding Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, becoming the largest Democratic donor after financier George Soros and wooing other left-leaning politicians.

“Politicians speak loudly about the other candidates’ source of money,” said Charles Elson, a corporate governance expert, before FTX collapsed. “If you have taken money from someone who blows up, questions will be asked.”

Oh, and look at this, the SBF FRAUD trial, a REAL FRAUD TRIAL, coincidentally, starts in the shadow of this entire circus. . . what a huge fucking coincidence for the establishment, huh. . . color me shocked.

Who is Sam Bankman-Fried, whose fraud trial starts next week?

September 27, 2023 6:30 AM EDT

And this judge revealed himself to be the shill he is, and what their game was about here;


A judge bleevs that the state should control the economy? This is straight out of the UNs technocractic control paradigm, they don't want a free market anymore. duh.

In a free society, yeah, value is subjective. The market decides value. The state has no standing unless someone has brought a case, or he is asking for bankrupt protection. . . or, in Sam's case, look AT THAT, REAL FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMO.

Why not just nationalize the entire economy if we are going to go down this road, with this non-sense?

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