Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

Let's see how long it stands, shall we?

The idea that a judge who prejudges such crimes but still is going to allow the trial to go forward is ridiculous.
To you, because you don't know what the hell you are talking about. You don't understand what a summary judgment is. You don't understand what the purpose of the trial is. You don't understand the law.

But yes, tell us how none of this makes sense to you with a shocked look on your face. 🤣
Of course. Another victimless crime. Whatever it takes to punish political opposition.

You fascists sure are something.

First we are Communist and then we Fascist, making up you fucking minds.

The ONLY people who want to create a Fascist State are you bunch MAGA MAGGOTS.
I don't need one. Step outside the basement. Check reality. Trump is losing.

And the desperate , ignorant thoughts of uneducated slobs won't help him.

No, you did not jerk off to AM radio for 5 minutes and outsmart the code of law and the courts.
Must be why his numbers continue to go up and you all are even more desperate to get rid of him LOL
OTH, if a person is using different numbers for loan applications, insurance and property tax reasons, then yeah, you would have a good point. :113:
That is precisely what Trump did.

For example, between 2011 and 2021, Trump valued Mar-A-Lago at $18-28 million for taxes. At the same time, he valued Mar-A-Lago at $328-714 million on his annual financial statements.

No wonder he never released his tax returns as he promised to do.
I know the judge did not have to hand down a summary judgment just days before the trial. Most especially when it was demanded by a corrupt and unethical Soros funded AG who campaigned on getting Donald Trump.

Just one problem with the summary judgment that will almost certain go in favor of Trump on appeal:
The NY post is a MAGA rag.

Mar-A-Lago was valued at $18 million by a tax assessor in 2011. By 2021, it was valued by the tax assessor at $28 million.

Trump was happy to pay taxes on that amount.

And yet he claimed 25 TIMES that amount on his financial disclosures.

Now we know why Trump never released his tax returns.
lol so the idiot claim is he wanted to quadruple his property taxes so he jacked up the appraisal so he could pay 20 times more? Dan you clowns just get more bizarre and insane every day here.
No. Try to follow along.

For his taxes, Trump paid according to an assessor's valuation of $28 million.

For loans, Trump multiplied the value of Mar-A-Lago by 25 TIMES at $714 million.

That's rank fraud.
so no agrieved party,,
Yes, there is an aggrieved party. Two, actually.

One is the state which Trump cheated out of taxes.

The others are any banks which gave Trump lower interest rates on his loans based on his fraudulent valuations.

so a familys whole world is being destroyed without trial or due process,,
Wrong again. He gets a trial starting on Monday.

whats worse is we all know its politically motivated,,,
That's the same argument John Gotti made.
Sigh. You lazy people....

Trump's wasn't a dispute for the Commercial Court.

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