Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

The trial is coming.

And he tried: ‘the calculation of square footage is a subjective process that could lead to differing results or opinions based on the method employed to conduct the calculation,'”
not for whats already been decided,,
Fuck off troll boy. Not my fault idiots like you, Mac, g5000, etc. can’t understand how things actually work. All you morons do is scream “nun-uh!” because you know this is going away on appeal. Run along boy, adults are speaking.
I am sorry. What suit or criminal action with a government entity has Trump successfully appealed?
Poor crybaby, don’t like it when people treat you the way you treat them. Grow a pair and learn how things actually work. By the way loser, that suit would have had to be in COMMERCIAL court, not a civil case. Your surrender is noted. Run away.
Commercial court? There is civil and criminal.
Please show us what "commercial court" is. Maybe its something NY has that other states don't.
Sigh. You lazy people....

Sigh. You lazy people....

Interesting, but its a subset of civil actions.

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