Judge rules trump spent decades defeauding insurers and bankers

"The calculation of square footage is a subjective process".

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Engoron said that although the documents before him “clearly contain fraudulent valuations that defendants used in business,” in violation of the law, the defense has insisted “that there is no such thing as ‘objective’ value; and that, essentially, the Court should not believe its own eyes.”

At the end of the last line, the judge tacked on a footnote with the Marx Brothers reference.

“As Chico Marx, playing Chicolini, says to Margaret Dumont, playing Mrs. Gloria Teasdale, in ‘Duck Soup,’ ‘well, who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?'” the footnote said.
Nope, not one iota. Not the first time. Remember his university? Remember he was not allowed to be a part of a charity in New York? Still got elected! So no , no difference. Same thing new day. All it takes to convince today's republican party are one word catch phrases. Groomer, pedo. Laptop, illegals.
MAGA repubs are pretty stupid.

In addition to the fact that my Net Worth is much greater than the number shown in the Financial Statements, there is a POWERFUL Disclaimer Clause (some call it a “non-reliance clause,” others a “buyer beware clause”), BOLDLY STATED on pages 1 & 2, explaining that there should be no reliance placed on these Financial Statements, but instead everyone should do their own independent research, analysis, and due diligence. This was fully accepted & acknowledged by the banks, but it didn’t matter because all loans were good, & there were no defaults or problems of any kind. The banks were represented by highly sophisticated attorneys, were paid full interest, & made money. There were no defaults or any other problems. This is a lawsuit that should never have been brought. It is a POLITICALLY MOTIVATED WITCH HUNT by a Racist Attorney General, and a Deranged, Trump Hating Judge. It is ELECTION INTERFERENCE at a level never seen before. No wonder people and companies are fleeing New York!



So sue me, why dontcha!


Oh, wait...
Trump got away with conning a lot of banks for quite some time. Eventually, though, they caught on and he could no longer get them to lend him so much as a dime, and he was forced to shop overseas with the money launderers at Deutsche Bank.

His latest loan rollover was with an internet bank which doesn't even have brick and mortar branch offices.

The same will happen with his recent cult. Eventually even they will come to realize this bastard who steals from cancer kids is a total fraud.
If you fraudulently triple the size of your condo and its worth in order to secure a loan, yeah, the cops will be called on you.
If citizens are paying property taxes on that extra square footage, doubtful? We all know government is more corrupt than the citizens.

OTH, if a person is using different numbers for loan applications, insurance and property tax reasons, then yeah, you would have a good point. :113:

But no, the city wants as much tax as possible, they are bigger thieves than the private sector, who the hell are you trying to kid here?


wheres the desperation??

all I said was everyone over states the value of things when it will benefit them,,,

I bet youve[sic] done it many times,,
Like this: ‘the calculation of square footage is a subjective process that could lead to differing results or opinions based on the method employed to conduct the calculation,'”
You keep saying that like its a thing Trump has succeeded in doing before.
Fuck off troll boy. Not my fault idiots like you, Mac, g5000, etc. can’t understand how things actually work. All you morons do is scream “nun-uh!” because you know this is going away on appeal. Run along boy, adults are speaking.
Like this: ‘the calculation of square footage is a subjective process that could lead to differing results or opinions based on the method employed to conduct the calculation,'”
to bad trump didnt get a fair trial where he could explain his numbers,,
to[sic] bad trump didnt[sic] get a fair trial where he could explain his numbers,,

The trial is coming.

And he tried: ‘the calculation of square footage is a subjective process that could lead to differing results or opinions based on the method employed to conduct the calculation,'”
Actually if you would lean to read, and start with the ruling this issue was addressed by the Judge.

Under New York State law the Attorney General can bring a civil suit for business law violations. The state is the plaintiff.

But I see you have devolved to the point of personal insults, so I guess what I thought was a reasonable converation is over.

Poor crybaby, don’t like it when people treat you the way you treat them. Grow a pair and learn how things actually work. By the way loser, that suit would have had to be in COMMERCIAL court, not a civil case. Your surrender is noted. Run away.

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