Judge said evidence shows trump raped E Jean Carroll

I tell you where I have been. I been running a multi-million dollar a year business. And it is a pain in the ass, I am about ready to cash out and stay at the house. Dealing with idiots is tiresome and I don't know what I am thinking spending what little free time I have here.

Notice, I challenged you to change my mind. You don't even bother to try.
I'm not here to change your mind. Enjoy your "multi-million dollar a year business".
repubs are twisting themselves in to pretzels in an effort to protect trump. They are willing to go down with the greatest con artist the world has ever known. Let them destroy their party. I am good with it.
I have to disagree. Trump strives to be the greatest confidence man of all time. But he sucks ass. Trust me, I am a lifelong student of the confidence game. Personally, I could never do it. But I find those that are successful at it worthy of investigation. It amazes me how someone can be so unempathetic, so self-consumed, that they can run over people at will. Look, you sell the Eiffel Tower, TWICE, you are a badass. Convincing a bunch of uneducated racist dumbshits that you are going to stand up for them, while laughing at them behind their back, not so impressive.

Trump has two problems. First, he is seriously, a DUMBASS. Honestly, just listening to him speak grates on my nerves. It is not just the fourth grade vocabulary, it is the tone, the inflection, I mean hell, he has problems. For the life of me I can't see how it is not so easy to understand.

But second, he is mentally ill. Like he needs to be in a rubber room mentally ill. I have said it before, if he wasn't born wealthy he would be living in the woods behind Walmart and pushing a grocery cart with all his belongings. For a businessman, he absolutely sucks ass. Don't get me started on the bankruptcies, or even the shafting contractors. I mean if I could have taken my inheritance and been more wealthy just placing it in an index fund, as opposed to trying to compensate for my tiny ass pecker and attempting to run a business, well I would probably blow my brains out.
Republicans can be part of the swamp too, Wray is part of the swamp.
Have you not listened to those two life long democrat IRS high level employees?
They did not have an axe to grind.
So, Wray is part of the swamp, and Trump appointed him. From where I sit, that makes Trump a damn dumbass.
Republicans can be part of the swamp too, Wray is part of the swamp.
Have you not listened to those two life long democrat IRS high level employees?
They did not have an axe to grind.
You really think there is a swamp? Please grow a brain. Career federal employees are trying to do their job. They cannot help if trump broke multiple laws. He is not King. He is a private citizen. The circus in the House is meant to take the spot light off his crimes. IT AIN'T GONNA WORK.

I have to disagree. Trump strives to be the greatest confidence man of all time. But he sucks ass. Trust me, I am a lifelong student of the confidence game. Personally, I could never do it. But I find those that are successful at it worthy of investigation. It amazes me how someone can be so unempathetic, so self-consumed, that they can run over people at will. Look, you sell the Eiffel Tower, TWICE, you are a badass. Convincing a bunch of uneducated racist dumbshits that you are going to stand up for them, while laughing at them behind their back, not so impressive.

Trump has two problems. First, he is seriously, a DUMBASS. Honestly, just listening to him speak grates on my nerves. It is not just the fourth grade vocabulary, it is the tone, the inflection, I mean hell, he has problems. For the life of me I can't see how it is not so easy to understand.

But second, he is mentally ill. Like he needs to be in a rubber room mentally ill. I have said it before, if he wasn't born wealthy he would be living in the woods behind Walmart and pushing a grocery cart with all his belongings. For a businessman, he absolutely sucks ass. Don't get me started on the bankruptcies, or even the shafting contractors. I mean if I could have taken my inheritance and been more wealthy just placing it in an index fund, as opposed to trying to compensate for my tiny ass pecker and attempting to run a business, well I would probably blow my brains out.
But trump has no conscious. He has no ethics. He has no morals. He is loyal to only himself. It is easy for him to be a world class con man.

And of course he is mentally ill and possible a Psychopath. He is a very dangerous man.
So, Wray is part of the swamp, and Trump appointed him. From where I sit, that makes Trump a damn dumbass.
What it makes is him being an outsider to the Hill's good ol' boys club. Nobody wanted Trump, except The People.
Bill Barr was no friend of Trump, he was fighting the current ever since he was in office. How do politicians get into office
with minimal bucks in their bank accounts and leave multi millionaires? Don't answer that, it was rhetorical.
Trump disrupted the establishment....now he's paying for it. This country has peaked and we are starting down the other side.
Trump's ignorance is that he didn't know how vast the swamp was, Winston.
You really think there is a swamp? Please grow a brain. Career federal employees are trying to do their job. They cannot help if trump broke multiple laws. He is not King. He is a private citizen. The circus in the House is meant to take the spot light off his crimes. IT AIN'T GONNA WORK.

Tell me you're not this stupid...please.
You're not listening to what has/is being investigated and what facts are coming to light.
It's not Trump that these Democrat IRS agents were trying to expose, IT WAS THE BIDEN'S THEY WERE TRYING TO EXPOSE.
Ignorance really is bliss, I guess. :eusa_whistle:
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Tell me you're not this stupid...please.
You're not listening to what has/is being investigated and what facts are coming to light.
It's not Trump that these Democrat IRS agents were trying to expose, IT WAS THE BIDEN'S THEY WERE TRYING TO EXPOSE.
Ignorance really is bliss, I guess. :eusa_whistle:
Even loyal repubs know that the House circus is a joke.

Everyone with a brain knows what the House is doing. They are wasting and money the time of Americans in an effort to take pressure off of trump's legal woes. Georgia is preparing to indict him for racketeering charges. You know, it is going to get to a point when we ask, "What crimes has he NOT committed?"

And Mr. Comer, I can buy a classic Corvette for $20,000. Get a LIFE!
Make America Government Authoritarian is right up the democrats wish list.
Freudian slip?
When did the Dems attempt a coup? Can't say the MAGA repubs never attempted a coup.

But because of the definition of rape in the NY penal code, the jury could only find him guilty if sexual abuse. The judge pretty clearly indicates trump is a Rapist.
E. Jean Carroll didn't even say Trump raped E. Jean Carroll until a few months ago.
Conservatives defending the rapist Trump is yet another manifestation of the right’s war on women.
I wonder how many evangelicals will vote for the criminal rapist? They are showing their ignorance of Christianity.

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