Judge said evidence shows trump raped E Jean Carroll

Stay tuned.....the justice machine that Biden enjoys now is running down from all the evidence coming to light.
Oh, you mean the FBI director who was appointed by Trump. Or is the justice department under Trump, which had all the same evidence.
Oh, you mean the FBI director who was appointed by Trump. Or is the justice department under Trump, which had all the same evidence.
Wray had all the evidence and hiding it from Trump....yeah that's the one. Trump didn't get rid of the swamp, and was burned by it.
Again, a total lack of awareness. Do you just repeat bullshit like some kind of trained parrot?

It has been all over the news over the last few days. The dismantling of the Civil Service, the elimination of judicial checks on executive power, the virtual destruction of the system of checks and balances masterfully created by the founders.

I mean come on, has Biden called for the elimination of the Constitution? Trump has. Has Biden expressed an open admiration for authoritarian rulers, like Putin and Kim Jong Un? Trump has. Trump contemplates a government where allegiance to Trump is what is required, not an allegiance to the Constitution. That is the very definition of authoritarianism.

If by some strange miracle Trump is elected, and Republicans gain control of the House and Senate, we are FUBARED. Democracy is dead. The inmates will have taken over the asylum.
Like I have been saying for years. trump is a cancer on democracy, WORLDWIDE! He is willing to remove the US as the leader in the free world and place us beside Poootin and Russia. He would literally hand Ukraine to Poootin. That would begin a push by Poootin to retake all of the old USSR countries and possibly the rest of Europe. In the meantime, trump will destroy NATO and remove all checks on his authoritarian rule.

Re-elect trump and destroy America. Simple as that.
She is a raving lunatic. An honorable man like Trump would not touch that sort of mentally disturbed old hippie. Just another witch hunt.
trump is a rapist who happens to also be a career criminal.
You would never admit to the state of our legal justice system in DC....but everyday more and more is being revealed....at the highest level.
Biden is laughed at by Putin, Xi, and KJU...not to mention Iran. Who are you trying to fool?
Nothing new is being revealed. That is the damn point. I mean go ahead, show me what "new" has been revealed. The reality is all this shit that the Republicans in Congress are crowing about is OLD NEWS. It is recycled horseshit and the previous administration, the Trump administration, was aware of all of it.

I mean come on, rub some brain cells together. So, Biden is the most corrupt politician in the history of the country. He, and his family, have made millions and millions of dollars, hell, probably a billion or more, from their connections. Did that shit start the day Biden took office? I mean the Trump administration had four damn years to uncover it and prosecute him. They never even did as much as say "Boo".

Trump promised to "drain the swamp". Well, I got to say, draining the swamp should have begun with investigating a former vice president and their family for selling influence. Funny, that never happened, until that former VP became president. I mean you got two choices here. Either that former administration was totally inept, or the claims of influence peddling are completely false. Unless you want to go for the third choice--the Trump administration never gave two shits about pursuing criminal charges against Biden for influence peddling because they were too consumed in profiting for themselves doing the same thing. None of those choices bode well for Trump. Please, provide me an alternative that would encourage anyone, I MEAN ANYONE, to support Trump.
Nothing new is being revealed. That is the damn point. I mean go ahead, show me what "new" has been revealed. The reality is all this shit that the Republicans in Congress are crowing about is OLD NEWS. It is recycled horseshit and the previous administration, the Trump administration, was aware of all of it.

I mean come on, rub some brain cells together. So, Biden is the most corrupt politician in the history of the country. He, and his family, have made millions and millions of dollars, hell, probably a billion or more, from their connections. Did that shit start the day Biden took office? I mean the Trump administration had four damn years to uncover it and prosecute him. They never even did as much as say "Boo".

Trump promised to "drain the swamp". Well, I got to say, draining the swamp should have begun with investigating a former vice president and their family for selling influence. Funny, that never happened, until that former VP became president. I mean you got two choices here. Either that former administration was totally inept, or the claims of influence peddling are completely false. Unless you want to go for the third choice--the Trump administration never gave two shits about pursuing criminal charges against Biden for influence peddling because they were too consumed in profiting for themselves doing the same thing. None of those choices bode well for Trump. Please, provide me an alternative that would encourage anyone, I MEAN ANYONE, to support Trump.
Not sure where you've been over the last few days. But, go ahead and bloviate all you want, not like your getting paid by piece work.
Nothing new is being revealed. That is the damn point. I mean go ahead, show me what "new" has been revealed. The reality is all this shit that the Republicans in Congress are crowing about is OLD NEWS. It is recycled horseshit and the previous administration, the Trump administration, was aware of all of it.

I mean come on, rub some brain cells together. So, Biden is the most corrupt politician in the history of the country. He, and his family, have made millions and millions of dollars, hell, probably a billion or more, from their connections. Did that shit start the day Biden took office? I mean the Trump administration had four damn years to uncover it and prosecute him. They never even did as much as say "Boo".

Trump promised to "drain the swamp". Well, I got to say, draining the swamp should have begun with investigating a former vice president and their family for selling influence. Funny, that never happened, until that former VP became president. I mean you got two choices here. Either that former administration was totally inept, or the claims of influence peddling are completely false. Unless you want to go for the third choice--the Trump administration never gave two shits about pursuing criminal charges against Biden for influence peddling because they were too consumed in profiting for themselves doing the same thing. None of those choices bode well for Trump. Please, provide me an alternative that would encourage anyone, I MEAN ANYONE, to support Trump.
repubs are twisting themselves in to pretzels in an effort to protect trump. They are willing to go down with the greatest con artist the world has ever known. Let them destroy their party. I am good with it.
Thank you for your opinion, keep waiting.
Biden(s) is/are criminal/s :smoke:
But all you have is the same old stuff. You can keep trying to deflect from trump all you want. It is not going to work. He is the one indicted and will be indicted many more times.
repubs are twisting themselves in to pretzels in an effort to protect trump. They are willing to go down with the greatest con artist the world has ever known. Let them destroy their party. I am good with it.
I'm not protecting Trump, I'm saying that the lugs are coming off the Biden machine with the
evidence being exposed in these hearings.
Anyone who turns a blind eye to these facts are doing exactly what your claiming the right is doing.
There is a reason why most of the msm weren't covering the hearings. :eusa_whistle:
But all you have is the same old stuff. You can keep trying to deflect from trump all you want. It is not going to work. He is the one indicted and will be indicted many more times.
Well, after 6 years of the 'same ol' song and dance' of the left, it does get tiresome and still no convictions.
I'm not protecting Trump, I'm saying that the lugs are coming off the Biden machine with the
evidence being exposed in these hearings.
Anyone who turns a blind eye to these facts are doing exactly what your claiming the right is doing.
There is a reason why most of the msm weren't covering the hearings. :eusa_whistle:
It is basically information that is uncorroborated by the FBI, information that is based on unsubstantiated here say. And Yes, you are trying to protect trump. You are just another MAGA cult member.

Wray is a Republican....durp...
Not sure where you've been over the last few days. But, go ahead and bloviate all you want, not like your getting paid by piece work.
I tell you where I have been. I been running a multi-million dollar a year business. And it is a pain in the ass, I am about ready to cash out and stay at the house. Dealing with idiots is tiresome and I don't know what I am thinking spending what little free time I have here.

Notice, I challenged you to change my mind. You don't even bother to try.
Well, after 6 years of the 'same ol' song and dance' of the left, it does get tiresome and still no convictions.
trump is a criminal and itching to get a second chance to screw the country with his vengeance and anti-democratic tour.
It is basically information that is uncorroborated by the FBI, information that is based on unsubstantiated here say. And Yes, you are trying to protect trump. You are just another MAGA cult member.

Wray is a Republican....durp...
Republicans can be part of the swamp too, Wray is part of the swamp.
Have you not listened to those two life long democrat IRS high level employees?
They did not have an axe to grind.

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