Judge tells new citizens if they don't like Trump to go elsewhere....

Seriously, do you think that it's right for a judge to tell brand new citizens to go somewhere else, ESPECIALLY when they have completed the work to become Americans and were on the verge of being sworn in?

If they didn't want to be in this country, they wouldn't have been at the ceremony.
I do believe you answered yourself...
I thought free speech extended to ALL citizens, not just those that agree with you

Hey.............if you are serving in an official capacity for the public at large, you should keep your politics out of it while at work or on duty. I had to while I was in the Navy. Couldn't participate in political rallies without checking with the PAO first, and I couldn't wear my uniform to ANY rally that was for one party over the other.

If the judge is wearing his robes, he should be strictly non partisan, because judges are supposed to be fair and impartial.
Thank you for serving our country! :salute:
Nice.............instead of just congratulating people who just became American citizens, a judge thought that putting some politics into his speech was a good thing.

He told people that some may have and some may have not voted for Trump, but he then said that he was our president, and if those being sworn in didn't like that, they could go to another country.

‘Go to another country’ if you don’t like Trump, judge tells new U.S. citizens

Can someone tell me where in the Constitution that it says you have to like the president? I mean............conservatives didn't have any problem bitching about Obama or saying that he wasn't their president, so why can't new citizens bitch about Trump if they so choose?

I thought free speech extended to ALL citizens, not just those that agree with you.
I wonder what this judge said to white mf's when for the last 8 years all they've done was complain.....somebody needs to shove a rock up this mf's ass and force him to rotate on it.

Most white people are aware of how our political system works.
Well except for some liberals in the 18 to 20 year old group who've known nothing but barry in the white house.
Thank God this is one of the few events in America where a participation trophy doesnt help.
Correction....few white people know how political works. That is fact.....the state of Ky. is a proven point.....Ky houses some of the poorest people in this country..that is fact. 84% of Ky is white. Most are on some type of gov. aide, food stamps, disability checks, Medicaid, etc....yet these same white people Vote for a party that is completely against everything they rely on to survive...so correction, most white people don't know shit about politics...they vote out of anger, ignorance and down right dumb. That is just fact. And just for the record, blacks can vote or not vote, nothing in this country is ever gonna change for us until we unify as a race and that is something that will never ever happen.
Nice.............instead of just congratulating people who just became American citizens, a judge thought that putting some politics into his speech was a good thing.

He told people that some may have and some may have not voted for Trump, but he then said that he was our president, and if those being sworn in didn't like that, they could go to another country.

‘Go to another country’ if you don’t like Trump, judge tells new U.S. citizens

Can someone tell me where in the Constitution that it says you have to like the president? I mean............conservatives didn't have any problem bitching about Obama or saying that he wasn't their president, so why can't new citizens bitch about Trump if they so choose?

I thought free speech extended to ALL citizens, not just those that agree with you.
I wonder what this judge said to white mf's when for the last 8 years all they've done was complain.....somebody needs to shove a rock up this mf's ass and force him to rotate on it.

Most white people are aware of how our political system works.
Well except for some liberals in the 18 to 20 year old group who've known nothing but barry in the white house.
Thank God this is one of the few events in America where a participation trophy doesnt help.
Correction....few white people know how political works. That is fact.....the state of Ky. is a proven point.....Ky houses some of the poorest people in this country..that is fact. 84% of Ky is white. Most are on some type of gov. aide, food stamps, disability checks, Medicaid, etc....yet these same white people Vote for a party that is completely against everything they rely on to survive...so correction, most white people don't know shit about politics...they vote out of anger, ignorance and down right dumb. That is just fact. And just for the record, blacks can vote or not vote, nothing in this country is ever gonna change for us until we unify as a race and that is something that will never ever happen.

Your shit is unreadable.
Nice.............instead of just congratulating people who just became American citizens, a judge thought that putting some politics into his speech was a good thing.

He told people that some may have and some may have not voted for Trump, but he then said that he was our president, and if those being sworn in didn't like that, they could go to another country.

‘Go to another country’ if you don’t like Trump, judge tells new U.S. citizens

Can someone tell me where in the Constitution that it says you have to like the president? I mean............conservatives didn't have any problem bitching about Obama or saying that he wasn't their president, so why can't new citizens bitch about Trump if they so choose?

I thought free speech extended to ALL citizens, not just those that agree with you.
I wonder what this judge said to white mf's when for the last 8 years all they've done was complain.....somebody needs to shove a rock up this mf's ass and force him to rotate on it.

Most white people are aware of how our political system works.
Well except for some liberals in the 18 to 20 year old group who've known nothing but barry in the white house.
Thank God this is one of the few events in America where a participation trophy doesnt help.
Correction....few white people know how political works. That is fact.....the state of Ky. is a proven point.....Ky houses some of the poorest people in this country..that is fact. 84% of Ky is white. Most are on some type of gov. aide, food stamps, disability checks, Medicaid, etc....yet these same white people Vote for a party that is completely against everything they rely on to survive...so correction, most white people don't know shit about politics...they vote out of anger, ignorance and down right dumb. That is just fact. And just for the record, blacks can vote or not vote, nothing in this country is ever gonna change for us until we unify as a race and that is something that will never ever happen.

Your shit is unreadable.
Of course it is, IT CONTAINS FACTS....NEXT?
Nice.............instead of just congratulating people who just became American citizens, a judge thought that putting some politics into his speech was a good thing.

He told people that some may have and some may have not voted for Trump, but he then said that he was our president, and if those being sworn in didn't like that, they could go to another country.

‘Go to another country’ if you don’t like Trump, judge tells new U.S. citizens

Can someone tell me where in the Constitution that it says you have to like the president? I mean............conservatives didn't have any problem bitching about Obama or saying that he wasn't their president, so why can't new citizens bitch about Trump if they so choose?

I thought free speech extended to ALL citizens, not just those that agree with you.
I wonder what this judge said to white mf's when for the last 8 years all they've done was complain.....somebody needs to shove a rock up this mf's ass and force him to rotate on it.

Most white people are aware of how our political system works.
Well except for some liberals in the 18 to 20 year old group who've known nothing but barry in the white house.
Thank God this is one of the few events in America where a participation trophy doesnt help.
Correction....few white people know how political works. That is fact.....the state of Ky. is a proven point.....Ky houses some of the poorest people in this country..that is fact. 84% of Ky is white. Most are on some type of gov. aide, food stamps, disability checks, Medicaid, etc....yet these same white people Vote for a party that is completely against everything they rely on to survive...so correction, most white people don't know shit about politics...they vote out of anger, ignorance and down right dumb. That is just fact. And just for the record, blacks can vote or not vote, nothing in this country is ever gonna change for us until we unify as a race and that is something that will never ever happen.

Your shit is unreadable.
Of course it is, IT CONTAINS FACTS....NEXT?

And improper syntax,no punctuation and a serious lack of capital letters in the appropriate places.
You lost,get over it. And you better pray the orange Jesus doesnt slam the hammer on your buddies in the BLM movement.
So.........because there have been protests in other places, even though there was NOBODY saying or doing anything against Trump in that ceremony, the new citizens have to listen to some dick tell them to leave the country if they don't like Trump?

Nobody said that you have to leave the country if you don't like Obama.
That is not what the judge said.

He did not say that if you dont like Trump you can leave, which they and you and I can do any time we want.

What he did say is that Trump is our President and if you dont like that, you are welcome to self deport.
So.........because there have been protests in other places, even though there was NOBODY saying or doing anything against Trump in that ceremony, the new citizens have to listen to some dick tell them to leave the country if they don't like Trump?

Nobody said that you have to leave the country if you don't like Obama.
That is not what the judge said.

He did not say that if you dont like Trump you can leave, which they and you and I can do any time we want.

What he did say is that Trump is our President and if you dont like that, you are welcome to self deport.
Which is a sight better than Leftists teaching new immigrants to hate America. It used to be immigrants were grateful, patriotic, and loyal. Many served in WWII and were part of our strength as we beat back the Axis powers. Now leftists get their panties in a wad if a judge dares to tell them that part of being an American is accepting the results of our elections.

Good for that judge. We need about a hundred more just like him.
Nice.............instead of just congratulating people who just became American citizens, a judge thought that putting some politics into his speech was a good thing.

He told people that some may have and some may have not voted for Trump, but he then said that he was our president, and if those being sworn in didn't like that, they could go to another country.

‘Go to another country’ if you don’t like Trump, judge tells new U.S. citizens

Can someone tell me where in the Constitution that it says you have to like the president? I mean............conservatives didn't have any problem bitching about Obama or saying that he wasn't their president, so why can't new citizens bitch about Trump if they so choose?

I thought free speech extended to ALL citizens, not just those that agree with you.
I don't recall marches, banners and rioters against Obama when he was elected.
As for the judge, I do agree that his job is to swear in the citizens and welcome them. That said, as we do have free speech, he is free to make a personal statement, regardless of how tacky it is.
Nice.............instead of just congratulating people who just became American citizens, a judge thought that putting some politics into his speech was a good thing.

He told people that some may have and some may have not voted for Trump, but he then said that he was our president, and if those being sworn in didn't like that, they could go to another country.

‘Go to another country’ if you don’t like Trump, judge tells new U.S. citizens

Can someone tell me where in the Constitution that it says you have to like the president? I mean............conservatives didn't have any problem bitching about Obama or saying that he wasn't their president, so why can't new citizens bitch about Trump if they so choose?

I thought free speech extended to ALL citizens, not just those that agree with you.
I don't recall marches, banners and rioters against Obama when he was elected.
As for the judge, I do agree that his job is to swear in the citizens and welcome them. That said, as we do have free speech, he is free to make a personal statement, regardless of how tacky it is.

Not in an official capacity he's not. Same with being in the military. If you're in uniform, your free speech is severely limited.
Imagine a judge being lambasted by the left for simply informing new citizens of the many new rights they enjoy! The freedom to, if they don't like the country, jump off. A right many in Castro's Cuba (which you so adore) do not seem to have had for many decades. Alas, the left counts on citizens being "protected" from knowledge of their rights.
Seriously, do you think that it's right for a judge to tell brand new citizens to go somewhere else, ESPECIALLY when they have completed the work to become Americans and were on the verge of being sworn in?

If they didn't want to be in this country, they wouldn't have been at the ceremony.
A supreme court judge said she would move to another country if Trump won. You think that's not political?
Seriously, do you think that it's right for a judge to tell brand new citizens to go somewhere else, ESPECIALLY when they have completed the work to become Americans and were on the verge of being sworn in?

If they didn't want to be in this country, they wouldn't have been at the ceremony.
A supreme court judge said she would move to another country if Trump won. You think that's not political?

She said it during an interview, and was not sitting on the bench in an official capacity.

That one chick was locked up for not issuing marriage licenses to gay couples because although she has a right to free speech, and freedom of religion, she can't do it as part of her official job.

Matter of fact, during the 20 years that I was in the military, if I wanted to go to a political rally I had to check with my PAO first to make sure it was okay and get what the rules were for me to attend. One of the big no nos? Wearing your uniform to a political rally that was in favor of one candidate over the other, because that gives the appearance of an endorsement that the Navy supports one candidate over the other. You can go in civilian clothes, but not in uniform.
Nice.............instead of just congratulating people who just became American citizens, a judge thought that putting some politics into his speech was a good thing.

He told people that some may have and some may have not voted for Trump, but he then said that he was our president, and if those being sworn in didn't like that, they could go to another country.

‘Go to another country’ if you don’t like Trump, judge tells new U.S. citizens

Can someone tell me where in the Constitution that it says you have to like the president? I mean............conservatives didn't have any problem bitching about Obama or saying that he wasn't their president, so why can't new citizens bitch about Trump if they so choose?

I thought free speech extended to ALL citizens, not just those that agree with you.
It does. Why are you now bitching about what the judge said? Could it be because he said something you didn't like?
Seriously, do you think that it's right for a judge to tell brand new citizens to go somewhere else, ESPECIALLY when they have completed the work to become Americans and were on the verge of being sworn in?

If they didn't want to be in this country, they wouldn't have been at the ceremony.
A supreme court judge said she would move to another country if Trump won. You think that's not political?

She said it during an interview, and was not sitting on the bench in an official capacity.

That one chick was locked up for not issuing marriage licenses to gay couples because although she has a right to free speech, and freedom of religion, she can't do it as part of her official job.

Matter of fact, during the 20 years that I was in the military, if I wanted to go to a political rally I had to check with my PAO first to make sure it was okay and get what the rules were for me to attend. One of the big no nos? Wearing your uniform to a political rally that was in favor of one candidate over the other, because that gives the appearance of an endorsement that the Navy supports one candidate over the other. You can go in civilian clothes, but not in uniform.
There are riots because Trump won, that's probably why he said that. Even Obama should come out and condemn them, but he won't, seems like he gets off on dividing America.
Seriously, do you think that it's right for a judge to tell brand new citizens to go somewhere else, ESPECIALLY when they have completed the work to become Americans and were on the verge of being sworn in?

If they didn't want to be in this country, they wouldn't have been at the ceremony.
A supreme court judge said she would move to another country if Trump won. You think that's not political?

She said it during an interview, and was not sitting on the bench in an official capacity.

That one chick was locked up for not issuing marriage licenses to gay couples because although she has a right to free speech, and freedom of religion, she can't do it as part of her official job.

Matter of fact, during the 20 years that I was in the military, if I wanted to go to a political rally I had to check with my PAO first to make sure it was okay and get what the rules were for me to attend. One of the big no nos? Wearing your uniform to a political rally that was in favor of one candidate over the other, because that gives the appearance of an endorsement that the Navy supports one candidate over the other. You can go in civilian clothes, but not in uniform.
There are riots because Trump won, that's probably why he said that. Even Obama should come out and condemn them, but he won't, seems like he gets off on dividing America.

Still..........judges in their official capacities are supposed to be fair and impartial, and leave politics and personal views out of it while they are legislating.
Nice.............instead of just congratulating people who just became American citizens, a judge thought that putting some politics into his speech was a good thing.

He told people that some may have and some may have not voted for Trump, but he then said that he was our president, and if those being sworn in didn't like that, they could go to another country.

‘Go to another country’ if you don’t like Trump, judge tells new U.S. citizens

Can someone tell me where in the Constitution that it says you have to like the president? I mean............conservatives didn't have any problem bitching about Obama or saying that he wasn't their president, so why can't new citizens bitch about Trump if they so choose?

I thought free speech extended to ALL citizens, not just those that agree with you.
I don't recall marches, banners and rioters against Obama when he was elected.
As for the judge, I do agree that his job is to swear in the citizens and welcome them. That said, as we do have free speech, he is free to make a personal statement, regardless of how tacky it is.

Not in an official capacity he's not. Same with being in the military. If you're in uniform, your free speech is severely limited.
Not the same. Having spent a career in the military, I can tell you that all we said and did in uniform and also out of uniform, were under the rule of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Judges are actually the supreme rulers in their own courtrooms and unless their actions become extremely egregious, they have free rein in those courtrooms.

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