Judge Warns "Mr. Trump" Not Commit Any Offenses Or Have Release Revoked

Right which is the reason he took no paycheck you mook
Thanks for reminding me,towards the end he did take his paychecks. If he really wanted to help defray the costs of his office he wouldn't have hired all those family members ( nepotism ) and explode the costs of his administration exorbitantly. More than the previous two administrations combined. Highest ever.
Thanks for reminding me,towards the end he did take his paychecks. If he really wanted to help defray the costs of his office he wouldn't have hired all those family members ( nepotism ) and explode the costs of his administration exorbitantly. More than the previous two administrations combined. Highest ever.
trump easily made his salary by renting rooms to the secret service and his other numerous sycophants.
So great that banks began failing because of the rollback on regulations he instituted. That allowed all kinds of schemes. Biden corrected it.

LOL........................Biden had no choice in the matter.

The Republican-controlled Congress passed the 2018 legislation with some Democratic support. It passed the House 258-159, with 33 Democratic votes. And it passed the Senate 67-31, with 16 Democrats joining Republicans.
Update, April 28: A review conducted by the Federal Reserve and released on April 28 blamed the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on management mistakes by the lender, but it also pointed a finger at failed supervision of the bank by the Federal Reserve itself.

According to Barr, the Fed’s vice chair for supervision, SVB “failed because of a textbook case of mismanagement by the bank. Its senior leadership failed to manage basic interest rate and liquidity risk. Its board of directors failed to oversee senior leadership and hold them accountable. And Federal Reserve supervisors failed to take forceful enough action.”

Barr also concluded that, “Regulatory standards for SVB were too low, the supervision of SVB did not work with sufficient force and urgency, and contagion from the firm’s failure posed systemic consequences not contemplated by the Federal Reserve’s tailoring framework.”

What to Know About Trump-Era Bank Deregulation and Bank Failures - FactCheck.org
Special Counsel Scrutinizing Finances of Trump's PAC.

Special counsel Jack Smith’s probe of efforts by Donald Trump and others to subvert the 2020 election remains ongoing — with at least one interview this week that focused on fundraising and spending by Trump’s political action committee.

Meanwhile, the grand jury that indicted Trump last week was spotted meeting Tuesday in the federal courthouse in Washington.

In a closed-door interview on Monday with Bernard Kerik, investigators asked multiple questions about the Save America PAC’s enormous fundraising haul in the weeks between Election Day and the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, according to Kerik’s lawyer, Tim Parlatore, who was present for the interview and shared details with POLITICO.

It's called raising money under fraudulent means. Which also means Special Prosecutor Smith can seize that money. He seizes that money, the Rapist and Traitor loses all the money he is using to pay his legal bills.

Even more butt hurt for the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Putin Loving Rapist and Traitor.
LOL........................Biden had no choice in the matter.

The Republican-controlled Congress passed the 2018 legislation with some Democratic support. It passed the House 258-159, with 33 Democratic votes. And it passed the Senate 67-31, with 16 Democrats joining Republicans.
Update, April 28: A review conducted by the Federal Reserve and released on April 28 blamed the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on management mistakes by the lender, but it also pointed a finger at failed supervision of the bank by the Federal Reserve itself.

According to Barr, the Fed’s vice chair for supervision, SVB “failed because of a textbook case of mismanagement by the bank. Its senior leadership failed to manage basic interest rate and liquidity risk. Its board of directors failed to oversee senior leadership and hold them accountable. And Federal Reserve supervisors failed to take forceful enough action.”

Barr also concluded that, “Regulatory standards for SVB were too low, the supervision of SVB did not work with sufficient force and urgency, and contagion from the firm’s failure posed systemic consequences not contemplated by the Federal Reserve’s tailoring framework.”

What to Know About Trump-Era Bank Deregulation and Bank Failures - FactCheck.org
I know they put the regulations in place to prevent fraudulent schemes some banks were running. Trump undid them and now we were back to square one. As for the
Vote by Congres, they were all fooled by trump once again.
Now you know one of the reasons why trump ran up the national debt so high even before COVID started.
i hope you don't think that is a serious question. it might be guite fortuiotous if a secere accident occirred to the ex president, bit i would never threaten antyhinn like that.

only if i had a drone. you have a very low threat thresh hold. you need to work on that.
I am glad to here that. I 've heard too many crazies on the other side say such heartless and irresponsible things.
I am glad to here that. I 've heard too many crazies on the other side say such heartless and irresponsible things.

i am trying to work on these anger issues, but when people are clamoring for a return to the trumpist insanity i still have a problem.

by the way, if any crimes are proven i would gladfly convict hunter, or joe biden., why are these people defending trump?
I know they put the regulations in place to prevent fraudulent schemes some banks were running. Trump undid them and now we were back to square one. As for the
Vote by Congres, they were all fooled by trump once again.
Trump twisted 49 Trump hating dems arms in both houses.......:auiqs.jpg:
i am trying to work on these anger issues, but when people are clamoring for a return to the trumpist insanity i still have a problem.

by the way, if any crimes are proven i would gladfly convict hunter, or joe biden., why are these people defending trump?
Just like the people followed Jim Jones to their deaths; I believe some of these people , the craziest ones , have become cult followers of trump. The only thing trump is good at is convincing people he is one of them and he is the only person who is looking out for them. The whole world is against them. Only trump can save them. He's a really good con artist. Did you ever notice at his rallies he suggests something and then he makes the people believe it was their idea to begin with. If it wasn't so serious it would be laughable. I suspect it the crowd doesn't catch on to what he's hinting at he has paid people in the audience who will initiate the response he wants. That was definitely the case on.Jan 6th. Militia members initiated the response. " Hang Mike Pence ! " They were in the inner loop and knew exactly what was going down.

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