Judge Warns "Mr. Trump" Not Commit Any Offenses Or Have Release Revoked

Look at what legacy media has done to you.

i'm sure his opinions, like mine, are more formed by listening to friends and relatives who are under this spell (closer to sales technique) of a paranoid azzwhole who had to buy a country club so he would be allowed to join.
Magistrate Judge Moxila Upadhyaya, during trump’s arraignment hearing today, said - "Your most important condition of release is that you not commit a state, federal or local offense. If so, your release may be revoked. You may also face a longer sentence for having committed a crime while on release.”

She told Trump that “it is a crime to influence a juror or try to threaten or bribe a witness or retaliate against anyone connected to the case.”

Tread lightly donny boy.
/----/ I wonder what the judge will say about this:
Donald J. Trump


So now that I have full Subpoena Power because of the Freedom of Speech Sham Indictment by Crooked Joe Biden, Deranged Jack Smith, and the DOJ, it has just been reported that the Unselect January 6th Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs has illegally destroyed their Records and Documents. This is unthinkable, and the Fake Political Indictment against me must be immediately withdrawn. The system is Rigged & Corrupt, very much like the Presidential Election of 2020. We are a Nation in Decline!
Traitor Trump couldn't even get his wife to come with him to his arraignment. Not a single member of his family.

He probably asked them not to come, because it could have turned ugly and caused them to hate the American system. He's a far-sighted father, and he wants his children to have the same freedoms we had when we were growing up. He only wants to make America great again, and he's paid a price for stepping on establishment toes by working in behalf of people who had no jobs, no pride, and he gave them good jobs by sweet-talking successful businesses, and it worked wonders for people who theretofore had no chance of winning a high-paying job to feed their kids and share the American dream with the best in their pursuit of happiness and liberty. Why do you feel people who help the poor are traitors? Biden insured the poor as well as well-off registered Republican voters will suffer, with partisan punitive measures, total control (aka totalitarianism), and throwing innocent people who disagree with communism in jail with frivolous lies about their actual peaceful protests on the Jan 6 Pelosi scam.
i'm sure his opinions, like mine, are more formed by listening to friends and relatives who are under this spell (closer to sales technique) of a paranoid azzwhole who had to buy a country club so he would be allowed to join.
He pops all types of unsubstantiated info as facts then gets jerked off when you blow his 'info' away with facts.
Right wing facts are not facts. They're sad ignorant opinions.
Having your sister's automobile windows sprayed with black paint at night because she has a MAGA sticker on her car is not exactly an ignorant opinion, Stann. Stay up there in your ivory tower, won't you? You'll be a lot happier.
That's all you seem to know.
Sorry if I offended you and your lame assertions with factual information.....didn't mean to make you look like a fool......but then, that's you.
Having your sister's automobile windows sprayed with black paint at night because she has a MAGA sticker on her car is not exactly an ignorant opinion, Stann. Stay up there in your ivory tower, won't you? You'll be a lot happier.
You believe trump supporters are happy people. I 'be never seen more miserable misfits in my life. And most have anger issues , always looking for a fight. Ready to blame the world for their own very human failings.
You believe trump supporters are happy people. I 'be never seen more miserable misfits in my life. And most have anger issues , always looking for a fight. Ready to blame the world for their own very human failings.
Human failings are the trait of human beings in general. You seem to judge your rivals by marginalizing them into being "misfits." And you're marginalizing people you don't know have a history of doing good to the poor and keeping that information in the closet as Christ taught us to pray for others in the closet. Doing good to others you ignore does not make other people "misfits." Your judgment, however, is way off the mark, imho. And ignoring your Democrat leaders' brazen extortion of the Treasury does not help resolve giving the people's money back to providing for the common defense, which is the oath of office for the two highest leaders in the land. Liars of the press sellouts stir the cauldron of a sour stew. And they're paid a fortune for it.
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