Judge warns: No right to visual bodily privacy for high school girls

I am not calling for Murder.

God will send all of you to Hell.

There is actually no such thing as 100% Homosexual or Transgender

Most Homosexuals & Tramsgenders are Bisexual or are Pedophiles.

They are just perverts who need our down like a bad dog.

But they won’t see that until Judgment day like most of us Sinners.

Leftist Scum like this should be outright executed.

But God has an eternal Hell awaiting them that is much much better suited for their punishment.

The right to their privacy while using public showering facilities is an oxymoron..

We once used shock therapy on the insane, lobotomy in extreme cases. Perhaps it's time to renew those practices.

How many of you are SHOCKED that a Leftist like Moonglow can come on this forum, and defend this policy?

We, and all of our families, need to understand what people like Moonglow want to do, and believe in. Show a mother/father, of a young daughter what people like him/her say, and watch how fast they run to the polls to vote! To many people are unaware of how far off the rails these clowns are, and it is up to us to educate the uninformed parents, of what these clowns believe.

I personally will print out this thread, and ask my neighbors what they think, since 2 of the 4 have young teenage daughters. The only thing I can hope for to make it better is----------------->that more dumb Leftists concur with Moonglow and show their true colors. Of course, I will also articulate to my neighbors, that these are the same people who want to put men in the womens bathrooms, but still; somehow it is more impactful, when DUMB LEFTISTS, stick their foot in their own mouth, so lets hope more chime in that we can print out!
Just because I take a con side to a discussion you call for murder, gheesh you are one blackhearted son of bitch.
What do you want to do to the pro side?
Can't backpedal fast enough from yer Freudian slip..?
Hell is where Homosexuals & Transgenders spend Eternity.

Along with Liars, Slanderers, Traitors, Atheists, Thieves, Rapists and Murderers and other Sinners who reject Salvation and live in sin without Repentance.

It’s not an issue. There is such a small percentage of actual hemaprodites they statistically don’t exist. It’s like looking for a Unicorn.

They can shower in the Janitor’s closet

on a scale of 1 to 10, how mad are you that you're too old to wear panties and claim transgenderism so you are allowed to peep on teenage girls?
On a scale from 1 to 10 how long did it take religion to teach you to hate your naked body?

I don't need religion to know that it's fucking bizarre to let boys wearing panties into the girl's dressing room.
Even the hermaphrodite ones?
And the population of teen trannys is about the the same percentage yet here you are playing judge, jury and executioner over an issue that doesn't warrant the punishment that you extremist call for.
The right to their privacy while using public showering facilities is an oxymoron..
What does that mean, every adult in the building has the right to spy on them?
If I am am in a public shower that means I can see you there is no individual shower cells..
So that means I can walk into a women's shower and leer at naked little girls?
I suppose but at your age you'll not be allowed in the school.
I am a Sinner but I am in Repentance and Embrace Salvation.

I daily walk in my Salvation and resist Temptation and seek God instead of seek Sin.

If I did not embrace Repentance My destiny is also Hell along with everyone else who rejects Salvation and Repentance and walking a repentant and chaste path!

All Sinners who repent and seek God’s forgiveness are souls plucked from the flames of Hell!

My Hair is singed but My Soul Lives!

Plucked from The Fire!

I am not calling for Murder.

God will send all of you to Hell.

There is actually no such thing as 100% Homosexual or Transgender

Most Homosexuals & Tramsgenders are Bisexual or are Pedophiles.

They are just perverts who need our down like a bad dog.

But they won’t see that until Judgment day like most of us Sinners.

Leftist Scum like this should be outright executed.

But God has an eternal Hell awaiting them that is much much better suited for their punishment.

The right to their privacy while using public showering facilities is an oxymoron..

We once used shock therapy on the insane, lobotomy in extreme cases. Perhaps it's time to renew those practices.

How many of you are SHOCKED that a Leftist like Moonglow can come on this forum, and defend this policy?

We, and all of our families, need to understand what people like Moonglow want to do, and believe in. Show a mother/father, of a young daughter what people like him/her say, and watch how fast they run to the polls to vote! To many people are unaware of how far off the rails these clowns are, and it is up to us to educate the uninformed parents, of what these clowns believe.

I personally will print out this thread, and ask my neighbors what they think, since 2 of the 4 have young teenage daughters. The only thing I can hope for to make it better is----------------->that more dumb Leftists concur with Moonglow and show their true colors. Of course, I will also articulate to my neighbors, that these are the same people who want to put men in the womens bathrooms, but still; somehow it is more impactful, when DUMB LEFTISTS, stick their foot in their own mouth, so lets hope more chime in that we can print out!
Just because I take a con side to a discussion you call for murder, gheesh you are one blackhearted son of bitch.
What do you want to do to the pro side?
Can't backpedal fast enough from yer Freudian slip..?
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I was against Obama making a federal issue out of it in the first place. I believe the judge made right decision about there's no right to privacy. Otherwise it would have presented a no win situation of defending the right to privacy of all involved. Bottom line, I would rather see these things settled through school board elections rather than the courts.
You realize there is a case where a 57 year old man is suing the Government to legally refer to him as being 30 years old, right?

Do you know anything about Precedent if he wins?

The right to their privacy while using public showering facilities is an oxymoron..
What does that mean, every adult in the building has the right to spy on them?
If I am am in a public shower that means I can see you there is no individual shower cells..
So that means I can walk into a women's shower and leer at naked little girls?
I suppose but at your age you'll not be allowed in the school.
You realize there is a case where a 57 year old man is suing the Government to legally refer to him as being 30 years old, right?

Do you know anything about Precedent if he wins?

The right to their privacy while using public showering facilities is an oxymoron..
What does that mean, every adult in the building has the right to spy on them?
If I am am in a public shower that means I can see you there is no individual shower cells..
So that means I can walk into a women's shower and leer at naked little girls?
I suppose but at your age you'll not be allowed in the school.
I doubt he gets out of the starting gate.
The right to their privacy while using public showering facilities is an oxymoron..
What does that mean, every adult in the building has the right to spy on them?
If I am am in a public shower that means I can see you there is no individual shower cells..

Tell ya what Moonglow, walk into a high school girls locker room and let’s see where you end up.
I don't identify as a transgender sorry.

Really? Are you serious? I honestly thought you were a chick trying to be a dude. Sorry, my bad. But I’m sure you get that a lot.
The right to their privacy while using public showering facilities is an oxymoron..
What does that mean, every adult in the building has the right to spy on them?
If I am am in a public shower that means I can see you there is no individual shower cells..

you reprobates always have some excuse
It's just a body and everyone has one..
Wait a right to privacy for an abortion but not for you body? uh.................

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