Judge who halted Trump muslim ban caught in HUGE LIE.

Hey stupid . It's the attorneys who argue the cases who provide evidence . Not the judge .

So take your fake news sight elsewhere .

So the judge accepted something as fact that was not and repeated it along with used it as a basis for his decision. How is that better?
Timmies all for criminals coming in.

Wow, you righties are meatheads .

You act as if there is no vetting going on. You want to increase vetting ? Have a ball! But to just say "all of people X are out!" , is just arbitrary. How about having a legit reason !
Interesting that the countries listed were on Obama's list with no outrage. Trump uses the same list to actually make the US safer and liberals along with this judge throw a fit.

Well they ain't exactly our best buddies on that list . That's more on the governments and not the people .

My question, why did Trunp use that list and not just make his own?

My question is, why don't you educate your sorry ass?
This thread takes the link to some hack website as "fact"!

Let's say it's true . Then it's further proof that trumps lawyers were unprepared idiots .

I don't think Trump understood the impact activist judges have. This was a good thing, as you can bet he will pick Supreme Court Justices who will not do this ever. The clowns of Ninth District will be in trouble soon enough.

You contradict yourself. Are fed judges activists or not?

You can't read.
Interesting that the countries listed were on Obama's list with no outrage. Trump uses the same list to actually make the US safer and liberals along with this judge throw a fit.

Well they ain't exactly our best buddies on that list . That's more on the governments and not the people .

My question, why did Trunp use that list and not just make his own?

My question is, why don't you educate your sorry ass?

I am educated . On facts . Not just right wing propaganda.
This thread takes the link to some hack website as "fact"!

Let's say it's true . Then it's further proof that trumps lawyers were unprepared idiots .

I don't think Trump understood the impact activist judges have. This was a good thing, as you can bet he will pick Supreme Court Justices who will not do this ever. The clowns of Ninth District will be in trouble soon enough.

You contradict yourself. Are fed judges activists or not?

You can't read.

You are saying trump won't pick "activists" but you base that on nothing .
Interesting that the countries listed were on Obama's list with no outrage. Trump uses the same list to actually make the US safer and liberals along with this judge throw a fit.

Well they ain't exactly our best buddies on that list . That's more on the governments and not the people .

My question, why did Trunp use that list and not just make his own?

My question is, why don't you educate your sorry ass?

I am educated . On facts . Not just right wing propaganda.

You are far from educated. Regurgitating left wing talking points is not learned in any regard.
This thread takes the link to some hack website as "fact"!

Let's say it's true . Then it's further proof that trumps lawyers were unprepared idiots .

I don't think Trump understood the impact activist judges have. This was a good thing, as you can bet he will pick Supreme Court Justices who will not do this ever. The clowns of Ninth District will be in trouble soon enough.

You contradict yourself. Are fed judges activists or not?

You can't read.

You are saying trump won't pick "activists" but you base that on nothing .

Okay, show me where he has stated he will pick activist judges moron.
The State of Washington's universities will be irreparably damaged if they lack new immigrants from 7 specific nations.

Wow....poor Washington.

Now we know. All policies to increase domestic tranquillity from foreign aggressors will go through the State of Washington to see if they approve.

The "cool kids" are once again against "the man". They took an 8 year break
Of course, giving the judge the benefit of the doubt, it may not be a lie. It may have just been a mistake if fact.

HAHAHA. You libs are alike. Everytime a fellow lib tells a lie you say "he misspoke, that's all."
I don't think Trump understood the impact activist judges have. .

Most americans don't understand that. They are told that abortion is a constitutional right and illegal kids using our schools is a constitutional right and they don't realize that the constitution never mentions abortion or education. They judges just make these things up.
The 9th can be gone in the snap of Trumps mighty finger along with a bunch of other courts. I would like to see the repubs close every liberal circuit court in the country, and do a reset with all conservative constitutionalist judges. Trump has a couple of hundred vacant seats to fill, and he should put ONLY the most conservative of all the judges in the country on them. Then he should just move the rest to a different place and staff them with conservatives too. He and the congress could do it in two years easily..
I don't think Trump understood the impact activist judges have. .

Most americans don't understand that. They are told that abortion is a constitutional right and illegal kids using our schools is a constitutional right and they don't realize that the constitution never mentions abortion or education. They judges just make these things up.
Did you know, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law?
Bullshit thread - there has been zero such instances since Obama's admin has implemented tougher vetting process. Trump's travel ban is nothing but politico pandering that does nothing for our security except hurt it by giving terrorist another yet another point to use in their propaganda about how America is waging a war against Muslims.
FACT CHECK: No Deadly Terrorist Attacks by People from Countries Included in Foreign Entry Restriction?

"No foreign-born terrorist from the seven countries included in President Trump's immigration restriction has been responsible for a lethal terrorist attack on American soil since 1975.

The data used in the referenced chart only includes lethal attacks by (or convictions of) foreign-born terrorists on American soil and does not consider non-lethal terrorist attacks or other terrorist activity used to assess a country's threat level."
Just your typical corrupt federal judge who does whatever the illegal alien lobby tells him to do. Judge Robart should be impeached and removed from office for this.

Did The Judges Lie: New Report Finds 72 Terrorists Came From Countries Covered By Trump Ban | Zero Hedge

feb 11 2017 The federal judge who halted President Donald Trump's travel ban was wrong in stating that no one from the seven countries targeted in Trump's order has been arrested for extremism in the United States since the 2001 terrorist attacks. In fact, as a new report finds, 72 individuals from the seven 'mostly Muslim countries' covered by President Trump's "extreme vetting" executive order have been convicted of terrorism since 9/11.

As AP first reported, during a hearing in Seattle last week, Judge Robart asked a Justice Department lawyer how many arrests of foreign nationals from the countries have occurred since 9/11. When the lawyer said she didn't know, Robart answered his own question:

"Let me tell, you, the answer to that is none, as best I can tell. You're here arguing on behalf of someone that says we have to protect the United States from these individuals coming from these countries and there's no support for that."
If you looked to impeach and remove from office everybody who lied...not only would Trump be the first guy to go, but our entire government in DC would have to be abolished.

I'm not saying we should accept a person's lies, but I'm also recognizing that you cannot just blanket ban everybody who makes statements that are not 100% accurate.

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