Judges remove US flag from courthouse because it might be offensive to others

Something is bad wrong when this happens. When Americans can't display their national flag, whether on private property or a public building, our country is close to collapse. I've been saying and telling people for years that this country was changing for the worst. When personal privacy, free speech, and our flag become abandoned, then America is no longer America. When political correctness, minority whims, and individual preferences, counter majority held traditions, customs, and Constitutional rights and liberties, America is on the threshold of internal chaos and civil unrest. We've given up the founding principles that made America what it once was and stood for. Now, we're oppressed servants to a entity that we ourselves have put into place.

We cower and bow to authority, surrender principles and freedom, and do nothing while the power over us gathers more strength. Our country is no longer ours, but in the hands of absolute government rule, without regard to morals, ethics, nor conscience. Our shame is never questioning authority, and accepting whatever is handed down to us from those motivated by greed and the thirst and hunger for more power. Our flag has been the inspiration and strength for soldiers fighting and dying on the battle fields around the world, yet their blood is now meaningless to those without shame nor heart. The American pride has become watered down with vinegar, and salt rubbed into the wounds of patriotic citizens that still hold hope for a better tomorrow.

When the flag no longer flies, and soldiers don't have it to salute, will hearts break and tears flow? When Independence Day parades omit the flag from the celebration, will the people still remember what America did to earn the right to display and fly it? The foundation of America has already cracked, and soon the thunder of the walls crashing down around us will echo through our very souls. Be afraid America, be very afraid.
Sonny Clark
Not too long after the UC Irvine student board banned the American Flag from their campus, now we have this:

UC Irvine Student Leadership Panel Votes To Remove American Flag From Campus Lobby CBS Los Angeles

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WTKR) — Portsmouth Sheriff Bill Watson says he is furious after a group of judges told him to take down an American flag display.

Sheriff Watson said his agency got the American flag display as a gift from members of the Portsmouth Fire Department a few weeks ago.

It’s made of old fire hoses which a sign beneath it that reads, “A Tribute to Public Safety.”

Watson said he requested to have it mounted on the wall in the lobby of the courthouse but was shocked by what he was told.

Watson said he was told, “Not only do we not want it on the wall, we don’t want it in the courthouse.”

Watson said, “I just can’t believe that they don’t want to display the American flag in a courthouse, I mean that’s the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”

Sheriff furious with judges after being told to remove American flag display from courthouse fox4kc.com

A Slap in the Face Sheriff Ordered to Remove American Flag from Courthouse Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

What agenda are the Flag Haters trying to accomplish?
Something is bad wrong when this happens. When Americans can't display their national flag, whether on private property or a public building, our country is close to collapse. I've been saying and telling people for years that this country was changing for the worst. When personal privacy, free speech, and our flag become abandoned, then America is no longer America. When political correctness, minority whims, and individual preferences, counter majority held traditions, customs, and Constitutional rights and liberties, America is on the threshold of internal chaos and civil unrest. We've given up the founding principles that made America what it once was and stood for. Now, we're oppressed servants to a entity that we ourselves have put into place.

We cower and bow to authority, surrender principles and freedom, and do nothing while the power over us gathers more strength. Our country is no longer ours, but in the hands of absolute government rule, without regard to morals, ethics, nor conscience. Our shame is never questioning authority, and accepting whatever is handed down to us from those motivated by greed and the thirst and hunger for more power. Our flag has been the inspiration and strength for soldiers fighting and dying on the battle fields around the world, yet their blood is now meaningless to those without shame nor heart. The American pride has become watered down with vinegar, and salt rubbed into the wounds of patriotic citizens that still hold hope for a better tomorrow.

When the flag no longer flies, and soldiers don't have it to salute, will hearts break and tears flow? When Independence Day parades omit the flag from the celebration, will the people still remember what America did to earn the right to display and fly it? The foundation of America has already cracked, and soon the thunder of the walls crashing down around us will echo through our very souls. Be afraid America, be very afraid.
Sonny Clark
He is right, you are an idiot.
You hate Mexicans too. How have they made you a failure? Please explain in detail
Failure ? That's what YOU are. Dependent on Affirmative Action. A worthless AA worm.
:lol: Still crying? You are not a failure because of AA. Look in the mirror, there you have your answer.
Oh please. Spare us the "we are victims, you owe us" bullshit....
The more you push for victim status, the disgust is sent back your way.
WTF you talking about, dumbass? You trying to assign an argument I never made like a good little lemming? are you lke protectionist and trying to blame all of your failures on AA? HOw fucking pathetic you guys are.
First off. Go fuck your pillow.
Next, I have NO failures. Despite your wish to get even with the "white devil", I have been doing my own thing making sure I become a success at what makes me a living. I have cast your issues aside. I don't care about you or anyone else who looks to blame others for their anger.
If you think you have had an effect on me or my family, I am glad you are now disappointed.
Take you racism and shove it up your ass until you taste shit.
So he tried to use the "failure" tactic on you too, huh? The true failure is he who goes around trying to paint everybody up as a failure, While knowing nothing about them. I'll give Nutz credit for one thing though. His name does fit him - to a T.
Failure ? That's what YOU are. Dependent on Affirmative Action. A worthless AA worm.
:lol: Still crying? You are not a failure because of AA. Look in the mirror, there you have your answer.
Oh please. Spare us the "we are victims, you owe us" bullshit....
The more you push for victim status, the disgust is sent back your way.
WTF you talking about, dumbass? You trying to assign an argument I never made like a good little lemming? are you lke protectionist and trying to blame all of your failures on AA? HOw fucking pathetic you guys are.
First off. Go fuck your pillow.
Next, I have NO failures. Despite your wish to get even with the "white devil", I have been doing my own thing making sure I become a success at what makes me a living. I have cast your issues aside. I don't care about you or anyone else who looks to blame others for their anger.
If you think you have had an effect on me or my family, I am glad you are now disappointed.
Take you racism and shove it up your ass until you taste shit.
So he tried to use the "failure" tactic on you too, huh? The true failure is he who goes around trying to paint everybody up as a failure, While knowing nothing about them. I'll give Nutz credit for one thing though. His name does fit him - to a T.
Actually, I simply asked if he were like YOU, trying to blame your failures on AA. How pathetic. :lmao:

If you were to blame the canadians...I might have let it go...but you blame AA for your failures. What a persecution complex.
:lol: Still crying? You are not a failure because of AA. Look in the mirror, there you have your answer.
Oh please. Spare us the "we are victims, you owe us" bullshit....
The more you push for victim status, the disgust is sent back your way.
WTF you talking about, dumbass? You trying to assign an argument I never made like a good little lemming? are you lke protectionist and trying to blame all of your failures on AA? HOw fucking pathetic you guys are.
First off. Go fuck your pillow.
Next, I have NO failures. Despite your wish to get even with the "white devil", I have been doing my own thing making sure I become a success at what makes me a living. I have cast your issues aside. I don't care about you or anyone else who looks to blame others for their anger.
If you think you have had an effect on me or my family, I am glad you are now disappointed.
Take you racism and shove it up your ass until you taste shit.
So he tried to use the "failure" tactic on you too, huh? The true failure is he who goes around trying to paint everybody up as a failure, While knowing nothing about them. I'll give Nutz credit for one thing though. His name does fit him - to a T.
Actually, I simply asked if he were like YOU, trying to blame your failures on AA. How pathetic. :lmao:

If you were to blame the canadians...I might have let it go...but you blame AA for your failures. What a persecution complex.
I don't HAVE any "failures", asshole. And YOUR failure is throwing the word "failure" around in here, and believing it's doing you some good, when really all it's doing is showing you to be the ass clown that you are.
Oh please. Spare us the "we are victims, you owe us" bullshit....
The more you push for victim status, the disgust is sent back your way.
WTF you talking about, dumbass? You trying to assign an argument I never made like a good little lemming? are you lke protectionist and trying to blame all of your failures on AA? HOw fucking pathetic you guys are.
First off. Go fuck your pillow.
Next, I have NO failures. Despite your wish to get even with the "white devil", I have been doing my own thing making sure I become a success at what makes me a living. I have cast your issues aside. I don't care about you or anyone else who looks to blame others for their anger.
If you think you have had an effect on me or my family, I am glad you are now disappointed.
Take you racism and shove it up your ass until you taste shit.
So he tried to use the "failure" tactic on you too, huh? The true failure is he who goes around trying to paint everybody up as a failure, While knowing nothing about them. I'll give Nutz credit for one thing though. His name does fit him - to a T.
Actually, I simply asked if he were like YOU, trying to blame your failures on AA. How pathetic. :lmao:

If you were to blame the canadians...I might have let it go...but you blame AA for your failures. What a persecution complex.
I don't HAVE any "failures", asshole. And YOUR failure is throwing the word "failure" around in here, and believing it's doing you some good, when really all it's doing is showing you to be the ass clown that you are.
:lol: So who are you going to blame your failures on next week...Redskins?

BTW...living in a double wide...not a success..
WTF you talking about, dumbass? You trying to assign an argument I never made like a good little lemming? are you lke protectionist and trying to blame all of your failures on AA? HOw fucking pathetic you guys are.
First off. Go fuck your pillow.
Next, I have NO failures. Despite your wish to get even with the "white devil", I have been doing my own thing making sure I become a success at what makes me a living. I have cast your issues aside. I don't care about you or anyone else who looks to blame others for their anger.
If you think you have had an effect on me or my family, I am glad you are now disappointed.
Take you racism and shove it up your ass until you taste shit.
So he tried to use the "failure" tactic on you too, huh? The true failure is he who goes around trying to paint everybody up as a failure, While knowing nothing about them. I'll give Nutz credit for one thing though. His name does fit him - to a T.
Actually, I simply asked if he were like YOU, trying to blame your failures on AA. How pathetic. :lmao:

If you were to blame the canadians...I might have let it go...but you blame AA for your failures. What a persecution complex.
I don't HAVE any "failures", asshole. And YOUR failure is throwing the word "failure" around in here, and believing it's doing you some good, when really all it's doing is showing you to be the ass clown that you are.
:lol: So who are you going to blame your failures on next week...Redskins?

BTW...living in a double wide...not a success..
Every time you say the word "failures" you make more and more of an idiot out of yourself. You dig yourself into a deeper and deeper hole.

:dig: :badgrin:

And if you don't like living in your trailer, move out. Not my problem.
First off. Go fuck your pillow.
Next, I have NO failures. Despite your wish to get even with the "white devil", I have been doing my own thing making sure I become a success at what makes me a living. I have cast your issues aside. I don't care about you or anyone else who looks to blame others for their anger.
If you think you have had an effect on me or my family, I am glad you are now disappointed.
Take you racism and shove it up your ass until you taste shit.
So he tried to use the "failure" tactic on you too, huh? The true failure is he who goes around trying to paint everybody up as a failure, While knowing nothing about them. I'll give Nutz credit for one thing though. His name does fit him - to a T.
Actually, I simply asked if he were like YOU, trying to blame your failures on AA. How pathetic. :lmao:

If you were to blame the canadians...I might have let it go...but you blame AA for your failures. What a persecution complex.
I don't HAVE any "failures", asshole. And YOUR failure is throwing the word "failure" around in here, and believing it's doing you some good, when really all it's doing is showing you to be the ass clown that you are.
:lol: So who are you going to blame your failures on next week...Redskins?

BTW...living in a double wide...not a success..
Every time you say the word "failures" you make more and more of an idiot out of yourself. You dig yourself into a deeper and deeper hole.

:dig: :badgrin:

And if you don't like living in your trailer move out. Not my problem.
First off. Go fuck your pillow.
Next, I have NO failures. Despite your wish to get even with the "white devil", I have been doing my own thing making sure I become a success at what makes me a living. I have cast your issues aside. I don't care about you or anyone else who looks to blame others for their anger.
If you think you have had an effect on me or my family, I am glad you are now disappointed.
Take you racism and shove it up your ass until you taste shit.
So he tried to use the "failure" tactic on you too, huh? The true failure is he who goes around trying to paint everybody up as a failure, While knowing nothing about them. I'll give Nutz credit for one thing though. His name does fit him - to a T.
Actually, I simply asked if he were like YOU, trying to blame your failures on AA. How pathetic. :lmao:

If you were to blame the canadians...I might have let it go...but you blame AA for your failures. What a persecution complex.
I don't HAVE any "failures", asshole. And YOUR failure is throwing the word "failure" around in here, and believing it's doing you some good, when really all it's doing is showing you to be the ass clown that you are.
:lol: So who are you going to blame your failures on next week...Redskins?

BTW...living in a double wide...not a success..
Every time you say the word "failures" you make more and more of an idiot out of yourself. You dig yourself into a deeper and deeper hole.

:dig: :badgrin:
Does the realization hurt your ego? HOw about loser...is that PC enough for you?
Judges remove US flag from courthouse because it might be offensive to others

besides, studies show that more exposure to the flag makes people more conservative
which is why the left would love to hide it - forever
NewsChannel 3 spoke with a judge who didn’t want to be identified about the issue. The judge told us it was decided that the lobby of the courthouse is not the appropriate place for the display.

He said they don’t want any display or memorial of it’s kind positioned in the lobby when people walk into the courthouse.

The judge said if you allow one type of display, then you will have to allow all types.

Sheriff furious with judges after being told to remove American flag display from courthouse fox4kc.com

It doesn't appear 'offense' came into it. But the judge wanting the lobby free of displays.
PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WTKR) — Portsmouth Sheriff Bill Watson says he is furious after a group of judges told him to take down an American flag display.

Sheriff Watson said his agency got the American flag display as a gift from members of the Portsmouth Fire Department a few weeks ago.

It’s made of old fire hoses which a sign beneath it that reads, “A Tribute to Public Safety.”

Watson said he requested to have it mounted on the wall in the lobby of the courthouse but was shocked by what he was told.

Watson said he was told, “Not only do we not want it on the wall, we don’t want it in the courthouse.”

Watson said, “I just can’t believe that they don’t want to display the American flag in a courthouse, I mean that’s the most asinine thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”

So I read both articles, the original and the Alex Jones variant. Neither include any reference to 'offense'.

Did the OP just pull that out of his ass?
Watson said, “I just can’t believe that they don’t want to display the American flag in a courthouse."

The people of Portsmouth, Virginia should be very scared they have a sheriff who does not know there is a giant flagpole with the American flag right in front of the building he works in, and probably an American flag in every courtroom of the building he works in.

And the American people should be very scared we have fauxraged journalists who bring us the news who are equally clueless, and that there are an awful lot of rubes who buy what they are selling.
For those of you who don't know the area...it is Military....there is no ant-flag, anti-American sentiment. No teapers, just proud Americans.
This is the sign of the times, we are in serious trouble. We cannot have the flag of our country flying at a courthouse or the Sheriff's office. Where has our patriotism gone?
The way of the Millennial Progressive.
Yeah weeeeeee! There are 77 million of these useless Gen X spawns walking around. Brace yourself. Their stupidity will only be rivaled by the Boomers.

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