Judicial-Activism's Double-Edged Sword: Californians Cry Foul On Offshore Oil Drilling..


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Over 1,000 people rally to say “No” to offshore drilling in California

co-chair of the California Environmental Legislative Caucus, said that he could not believe the fight to keep big oil out of the region is back on the state’s doorstep...California has for decades said ‘No,’ and the feds have respected that,”..“It’s hard for me to believe an oil company would take that risk buying a lease knowing they’ll never get onshore facilities,” Stone said. “We have the authority to fight that.”...“No drill baby, no drill, not off our coast,” said O’Dea. Save Our Shores, which led the campaign to establish the national marine sanctuary in 1992 to prevent oil drilling, celebrates its 40th anniversary this year.

According to my calculations, all it will take is one pro-oil activist judge soon to retire in CA, an appeal of the 9th's reversal of his decision to the USSC, and then five pro-oil Justices (two of which who will openly advertise to California before the Hearing that "we believe oil off California's coast is a thing California is ready for") to seal the deal.

Runs in my mind Californians have said 'No' about other stuff for decades too. But a minority fascist cult there thought it was OK for the fed to overrule that sovereignty. Be careful what you wish for fascist-liberals of CA. You wished for unfair judicial-federal unilateral override in 2015. Don't cry foul when you get it again in 2018 or 2023..whichever.

What the hell does a majority sovereign vote in CA mean when you've got judicial-activism smacking down the Will of millions in that state? :popcorn:

Over 1,000 people rally to say “No” to offshore drilling in California

co-chair of the California Environmental Legislative Caucus, said that he could not believe the fight to keep big oil out of the region is back on the state’s doorstep...California has for decades said ‘No,’ and the feds have respected that,”..“It’s hard for me to believe an oil company would take that risk buying a lease knowing they’ll never get onshore facilities,” Stone said. “We have the authority to fight that.”...“No drill baby, no drill, not off our coast,” said O’Dea. Save Our Shores, which led the campaign to establish the national marine sanctuary in 1992 to prevent oil drilling, celebrates its 40th anniversary this year.

According to my calculations, all it will take is one pro-oil activist judge soon to retire in CA, an appeal of the 9th's reversal of his decision to the USSC, and then five pro-oil Justices (two of which who will openly advertise to California before the Hearing that "we believe oil off California's coast is a thing California is ready for") to seal the deal.

Runs in my mind Californians have said 'No' about other stuff for decades too. But a minority fascist cult there thought it was OK for the fed to overrule that sovereignty. Be careful what you wish for fascist-liberals of CA. You wished for unfair judicial-federal unilateral override in 2015. Don't cry foul when you get it again in 2018 or 2023..whichever.

What the hell does a majority sovereign vote in CA mean when you've got judicial-activism smacking down the Will of millions in that state? :popcorn:

I think we need toxic accident insurance.
Other than agreeing Cali brought this mess on themselves there is not much to say.
You set an unfortunate legal precedent, you live and die by it I guess. I love how SCOTUS flip flops all around. Windsor says "States are the ultimate authority on who qualifies in marriage". Then in Obergefell "no, now we've decided the fed regulates just some (but not others) who qualify for marriage". Next it'll be "states are sovereign on offshore oil questions!".....followed by "Nope, the fed now decides if offshore oil drilling can happen off any state without their permission".

Double-edge swords and unfortunate precedents. It's called thinking-ahead.

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