Judicial Resistance = Cut Federal Money


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Need to cut all fed money...

July 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The glorious progressive secession movement from the United States continues. If Obama were in office, we would be hearing lots of talk about the Confederacy. But since it's a Republican in the White House, treason is patriotic again. Also Massachusetts cops are not allowed to follow Federal law. Obama had already decided that Arizona is not allowed to enforce Federal immigration laws. Now the highest court in MA has decided that police are not allowed to follow Federal law either.


Like all Judicial #Resistance gambits, look for this one to spread around the country shortly. It's all part of the process of defying the country's immigration laws and buying time for President Booker to amnesty all illegal aliens after a speech about how that is the most American thing to possibly do.


So we've got a criminal scumbag being protected by lefty legal authorities. What else is new.

"This decision allows local law enforcement to focus their resources on keeping people safe," said Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, in a statement.

Keep them safe by freeing career alien criminals.

Massachusetts Supreme Court Rules Police Not Allowed to Follow Federal Law
Yeah the whole 3 branches of government thing is really stomping Trump's guts out.

The right, the fascists of modern America, have a hard time with law, it messes up their bigoted worldview.

"The simple picture Trump is trying to convey is that there is wild disorder, because of American citizens of African-American descent, and immigrants. He is doing it as a display of strength, showing he is able to define reality and lead others to accept his authoritarian value system.

The chief authoritarian values are law and order. In Trump’s value system, nonwhites and non-Christians are the chief threats to law and order. Trump knows that reality does not call for a value-system like his; violent crime is at almost historic lows in the United States. Trump is thundering about a crime wave of historic proportions, because he is an authoritarian using his speech to define a simple reality that legitimates his value system, leading voters to adopt it. Its strength is that it conveys his power to define reality. Its weakness is that it obviously contradicts it." Jason Stanley Opinion | Beyond Lying: Donald Trump’s Authoritarian Reality

"Like the earlier mob leaders, the spokesmen for totalitarian movements possessed an unerring instinct for anything that ordinary party propaganda or public opinion did not care to touch. Everything hidden, everything passed over in silence, became of major significance, regardless of its own intrinsic importance. The mob really believed that truth was whatever respectable society had hypocritically passed over, or covered with corruption … The modern masses do not believe in anything visible, in the reality of their own experience … What convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system of which they are presumably part." “Origins of Totalitarianism,” Hannah Arendt

If our immigration laws are meaningless then people from around the world should be allowed to come here. It's time to open the floodgates and allow fifty million or more educated SE Asians to come to the United States and do all those jobs our educated are unwilling to do.


Need to cut all fed money...

July 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The glorious progressive secession movement from the United States continues. If Obama were in office, we would be hearing lots of talk about the Confederacy. But since it's a Republican in the White House, treason is patriotic again. Also Massachusetts cops are not allowed to follow Federal law. Obama had already decided that Arizona is not allowed to enforce Federal immigration laws. Now the highest court in MA has decided that police are not allowed to follow Federal law either.


Like all Judicial #Resistance gambits, look for this one to spread around the country shortly. It's all part of the process of defying the country's immigration laws and buying time for President Booker to amnesty all illegal aliens after a speech about how that is the most American thing to possibly do.


So we've got a criminal scumbag being protected by lefty legal authorities. What else is new.

"This decision allows local law enforcement to focus their resources on keeping people safe," said Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, in a statement.

Keep them safe by freeing career alien criminals.

Massachusetts Supreme Court Rules Police Not Allowed to Follow Federal Law
Why can't our federales be there within forty-eight hours?
Wow, talk about spinning the propaganda. First, let me ask this. Are you really sure you want State and Local cops turned into federal agents?
Can you help me understand something? Why was it wrong to require Sheriff's to perform instant background checks under the Brady Law, but it is right to require Sheriff's to hold people indefinitely until the INS shows up?
Can you help me understand something? Why was it wrong to require Sheriff's to perform instant background checks under the Brady Law, but it is right to require Sheriff's to hold people indefinitely until the INS shows up?
10USC246 is federal law; sanctuary cities may be the only refuge left, for gun lovers.

It answers a question, but not really the question I asked.

So let me ask you another since you seem to believe the "Militia" needs to get busy. What defined the term well regulated in the second amendment?

If that isn't clear enough, what did the founders mean when they said well regulated in the phrase well regulated militia?
Can you help me understand something? Why was it wrong to require Sheriff's to perform instant background checks under the Brady Law, but it is right to require Sheriff's to hold people indefinitely until the INS shows up?
10USC246 is federal law; sanctuary cities may be the only refuge left, for gun lovers.

It answers a question, but not really the question I asked.

So let me ask you another since you seem to believe the "Militia" needs to get busy. What defined the term well regulated in the second amendment?

If that isn't clear enough, what did the founders mean when they said well regulated in the phrase well regulated militia?
Only the clueless and the Causeless appeal to that ignorance of the law. From Your Own Right Wing catechism, it means, "to make regular".

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