Juducial Watch sues Dem states to fix voter rolls.

Why are Dems refusing to fix voter rolls?

  • Total voters
None of this BS was as big an issue when you have to show up and sign in to get a ballot. Even then they may flood in few liars and cheats but not at the level of tens of millions like in 2020. Not to mention dirty USPS tossing out certain zip codes and dumping back in returned mail now marked D. Uh yes, in DET caught on camera at Zuckerboxes making several ballot dumos per day. USPS boss says that is not allowed lol!
/----/ Can you point to how many weren't harvested to vote? And you say significant. Only one fake ballot cast is too many. How can you justify keeping them on the rolls if they died or moved?

Please explain how harvesting results in illegal votes being cast
With Mail-In, the only “hope” is with the envelope signed on the outside. They discard the envelope, but they were “required” to keep a scanned image (also the ballot)? 300K scans missing in GA. AZ Courts allowed no “re-look”. Wonder why lol! Etc.

Once a blue-haired lunatic “accepts” the dirty ballot into the pile, it can not be found. No identifiable markers. Allegedly counting multiple times is also available. But the scanned images were last line of defense but not allowed any audit. R wont fight forit.
With Mail-In, the only “hope” is with the envelope signed on the outside. They discard the envelope, but they were “required” to keep a scanned image (also the ballot)? 300K scans missing in GA. AZ Courts allowed no “re-look”. Wonder why lol! Etc.

Once a blue-haired lunatic “accepts” the dirty ballot into the pile, it can not be found. No identifiable markers. Allegedly counting multiple times is also available. But the scanned images were last line of defense but not allowed any audit. R wont fight forit.
Mail in ballots are bar coded to a specific registered voter
When it arrives the bar code is scanned and the signature on the inside envelope is verified against the one on record.

Then the ballot is accepted
None of this BS was as big an issue when you have to show up and sign in to get a ballot. Even then they may flood in few liars and cheats but not at the level of tens of millions like in 2020. Not to mention dirty USPS tossing out certain zip codes and dumping back in returned mail now marked D. Uh yes, in DET caught on camera at Zuckerboxes making several ballot dumos per day. USPS boss says that is not allowed lol!
What ALL the audits showed was they can't audit mail-in ballots the way they set things up. Democrats want to put TRUMP in jail over "bookkeeping" errors which harmed no one, yet they're okay with no chain of command/signature matching on millions of ballots.
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BS. Drag out in court years. Wash Rinse Repeat

In fact, they had to do the AZ audit without access to critical information such as the scans, envelopes, signatures etc, Imagine how bad it really was? They could look at the voter roll vs. the ballot counts. That’s how they found so many duplicate registered. Maybe the could look at ballots sent out? I know the R (FANN gang) wolud not fight the dirty MCBOS.

Just recounting a stack of bogus ballots over ten months accomplished almost nothing but stalling, appeasing.
What ALL the audits showed was they can audit mail-in ballots the way they set things up. Democrats want to put TRUMP in jail over "bookkeeping" errors which harmed no one, yet they're okay with no chain of command/signature matching on millions of ballots.
CAN’T AUDIT I think you meant? The way things were setup.

Ballots are valuable, like $20 bills. Should be treated as-such. Auditable from order, printed, damaged, discarded, boxed, sent & recieved, envelopes, mailed, deliverable? to whom, recieved? Voted? Returned? Remaining?

Does it all add up?
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CAN’T AUDIT I think you meant? The way things were setup.

Ballots are valuable, like $20 bills. Should be treated as-such. Auditable from order, printed, damaged, discarded, boxed, set & recieved, envelopes, mailed, deliverable? to whom, recieved? Voted? Returned? Remaining?

Does it all add up?
Thanks I edited my post. Completely agree.
I have no problem in cleaning up the voter rolls if it is done well in advance of the election.
Repugs like to purge voter rolls close to elections and without warning, so it's too late for a voter to correct. The affected voter would then be given a provisional ballot which doesn't get counted. Repugs couldn't win an election without disenfranchising massive numbers of voters.
Repugs like to purge voter rolls close to elections and without warning, so it's too late for a voter to correct. The affected voter would then be given a provisional ballot which doesn't get counted. Repugs couldn't win an election without disenfranchising massive numbers of voters.
/—-/ We purge dead voters and those that moved away. That’s 40% of your voter base.
In PA new Court filings show //

54,463 people voted in a county in which they were no longer living; and 8,177 people voted despite not actually living in Pennsylvania;

6,356 people were credited as submitting a mail-in ballot, but did not have any votes credited in Pennsylvania’s SURE system;

69,832 mail ballots were sent to an address unaffiliated with the voter’s registration;

18,589 people requested multiple ballots be sent to multiple addresses, with some people requesting additional ballots to be sent to up to four (4) separate addresses; and
5,492 registrations show as having two votes on record in two separate counties.
They cite Help America Votes Act (“HAVA”), the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution, “Marbury v. Madison,” the National Voter Registration Act (“NVRA”), and existing Pennsylvania election laws.

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