Julia Ainsley obliterates Sarah Sanders report about the 4000 terrorists coming across the border

By getting the statistical year incorrect. Pretty honest mistake.
MSM would not even consider that gaffe because they wanted to push their own intentionally false narrative.
Bullshit. They deliberately lied to confuse the rubes. They have an army of fact checkers no way they got the year wrong. :rolleyes:
Since 4000 was accurate for 2017 they got the year wrong.
4000 terrorist were not stopped at the border in 2017 either. They lied on purpose. :rolleyes:

Fact Check: Did the U.S. catch 4,000 terrorists at the border in 2018?

"According to Justice Department public records and two former counterterrorism officials, no immigrant has been arrested at the southwest border on terrorism charges in recent years."
You must have a reading disability. I said 4000 total, most not at the border. The point is that the stat was accurate, the year and locations were not. But the lefty MSM propagandists had no desire to consider that context because they have a political agenda to push. You need to vet your news lest you be a complete dupe.

Oh the irony! :happy-1:
RoshawnMarkwees, you seem to think the news needs vetting, but not your president, ever.
And you want to be taken seriously? :2up:
No way, Gomer.
Are you insane? MSM rags on trump daily so any investigative critique is already there. It’s unavoidable. The next step is to vet that propaganda.
She was likely pushing a mistaken talking point. Not as mistaken as the talking point the mainstream media pushed about it.
How do you fuck up a talking point that badly? What did the MSM say that was over the top?
By getting the statistical year incorrect. Pretty honest mistake.
MSM would not even consider that gaffe because they wanted to push their own intentionally false narrative.
Bullshit. They deliberately lied to confuse the rubes. They have an army of fact checkers no way they got the year wrong. :rolleyes:
Since 4000 was accurate for 2017 they got the year wrong.

Do you have any proof of that?
Google it. Duh.
Since 4000 was accurate for 2017 they got the year wrong.
4000 terrorist were not stopped at the border in 2017 either. They lied on purpose. :rolleyes:

Fact Check: Did the U.S. catch 4,000 terrorists at the border in 2018?

"According to Justice Department public records and two former counterterrorism officiablob:https://www.msnbc.com/1bb606f0-b54f-4174-b49b-c374fbf82590ls, no immigrant has been arrested at the southwest border on terrorism charges in recent years."
You must have a reading disability. I said 4000 total, most not at the border. The point is that the stat was accurate, the year and locations were not. But the lefty MSM propagandists had no desire to consider that context because they have a political agenda to push. You need to vet your news lest you be a complete dupe.

Oh the irony! :happy-1:
RoshawnMarkwees, you seem to think the news needs vetting, but not your president, ever.
And you want to be taken seriously? :2up:
No way, Gomer.
The whole administration needs to be vetted for cooking the books on the statistics at the border; blob:https://www.msnbc.com/1bb606f0-b54f-4174-b49b-c374fbf82590
And you quoting MSNBC is slightly less FAKE NEWS than most everything you post!
I saw that, too. Was too absurd to consider reading.
4000 terrorist were not stopped at the border in 2017 either. They lied on purpose. :rolleyes:

Fact Check: Did the U.S. catch 4,000 terrorists at the border in 2018?

"According to Justice Department public records and two former counterterrorism officiablob:https://www.msnbc.com/1bb606f0-b54f-4174-b49b-c374fbf82590ls, no immigrant has been arrested at the southwest border on terrorism charges in recent years."
You must have a reading disability. I said 4000 total, most not at the border. The point is that the stat was accurate, the year and locations were not. But the lefty MSM propagandists had no desire to consider that context because they have a political agenda to push. You need to vet your news lest you be a complete dupe.

Oh the irony! :happy-1:
RoshawnMarkwees, you seem to think the news needs vetting, but not your president, ever.
And you want to be taken seriously? :2up:
No way, Gomer.
The whole administration needs to be vetted for cooking the books on the statistics at the border; blob:https://www.msnbc.com/1bb606f0-b54f-4174-b49b-c374fbf82590
And you quoting MSNBC is slightly less FAKE NEWS than most everything you post!
So what does Fox and Rush say about this, if anything?
Who linked to Rush as a vetting source?
The 4000 number is from 2017 and involved more than just the southern border so the claim was not nearly as far-fetched as some claims made by occasional Kotex.
I can't wait to watch to see how Trump keeps cooking the books of the lies about terrorist numbers going tonight in front of the American people. What CBP numbers tell us
The 4000 number is from 2017 and involved more than just the southern border so the claim was not nearly as far-fetched as some claims made by occasional Kotex.
I can't wait to watch to see how Trump keeps cooking the books of the lies about terrorist numbers going tonight in front of the American people. What CBP numbers tell us
Any mention of terrorists coming across the southern border has to be seen for what it is. Drumpfs utter contempt and disrespect for the intelligence of any human that is a citizen of the US.
The 4000 number is from 2017 and involved more than just the southern border so the claim was not nearly as far-fetched as some claims made by occasional Kotex.
I can't wait to watch to see how Trump keeps cooking the books of the lies about terrorist numbers going tonight in front of the American people. What CBP numbers tell us
Any mention of terrorists coming across the southern border has to be seen for what it is. Drumpfs utter contempt and disrespect for the intelligence of any human that is a citizen of the US.
And his retard base will eat it up.
Bullshit. They deliberately lied to confuse the rubes. They have an army of fact checkers no way they got the year wrong. :rolleyes:
Since 4000 was accurate for 2017 they got the year wrong.
4000 terrorist were not stopped at the border in 2017 either. They lied on purpose. :rolleyes:

Fact Check: Did the U.S. catch 4,000 terrorists at the border in 2018?

"According to Justice Department public records and two former counterterrorism officials, no immigrant has been arrested at the southwest border on terrorism charges in recent years."
You must have a reading disability. I said 4000 total, most not at the border. The point is that the stat was accurate, the year and locations were not. But the lefty MSM propagandists had no desire to consider that context because they have a political agenda to push. You need to vet your news lest you be a complete dupe.

Oh the irony! :happy-1:
RoshawnMarkwees, you seem to think the news needs vetting, but not your president, ever.
And you want to be taken seriously? :2up:
No way, Gomer.
Are you insane? MSM rags on trump daily so any investigative critique is already there. It’s unavoidable. The next step is to vet that propaganda.
Here's the great part about that. The vetting ain't happening. Especially from you.
The 4000 number is from 2017 and involved more than just the southern border so the claim was not nearly as far-fetched as some claims made by occasional Kotex.
So the Drumpf administration is run by idiots like we've always thought? They cant fucking read a simple report and see that it wasnt the border? :rolleyes:
She was likely pushing a mistaken talking point. Not as mistaken as the talking point the mainstream media pushed about it.
And Trump will wallow around with that talking point tonight, all over the country with fake news, and his base will no doubt come to the hog trough to slop it all up.
Since 4000 was accurate for 2017 they got the year wrong.
4000 terrorist were not stopped at the border in 2017 either. They lied on purpose. :rolleyes:

Fact Check: Did the U.S. catch 4,000 terrorists at the border in 2018?

"According to Justice Department public records and two former counterterrorism officiablob:https://www.msnbc.com/1bb606f0-b54f-4174-b49b-c374fbf82590ls, no immigrant has been arrested at the southwest border on terrorism charges in recent years."
You must have a reading disability. I said 4000 total, most not at the border. The point is that the stat was accurate, the year and locations were not. But the lefty MSM propagandists had no desire to consider that context because they have a political agenda to push. You need to vet your news lest you be a complete dupe.

Oh the irony! :happy-1:
RoshawnMarkwees, you seem to think the news needs vetting, but not your president, ever.
And you want to be taken seriously? :2up:
No way, Gomer.
The whole administration needs to be vetted for cooking the books on the statistics at the border; blob:https://www.msnbc.com/1bb606f0-b54f-4174-b49b-c374fbf82590
And you quoting MSNBC is slightly less FAKE NEWS than most everything you post!
Except here's the thing; you have no proof of that, therefore you are a liar, just like Trump will be tonight.

And of course, you do know dumb ass that the stats MSNBC provided, are from Dump asses own state department right?
The 4000 number is from 2017 and involved more than just the southern border so the claim was not nearly as far-fetched as some claims made by occasional Kotex.
I can't wait to watch to see how Trump keeps cooking the books of the lies about terrorist numbers going tonight in front of the American people. What CBP numbers tell us
Any mention of terrorists coming across the southern border has to be seen for what it is. Drumpfs utter contempt and disrespect for the intelligence of any human that is a citizen of the US.

As been stated the world's leading terrorist sponsor is the United States.
Certainly has more than enough immaculate drug conceptions to keep the USA master race an Islamidiotocracy of terrorism..
It will be interesting to see if Trump tries to keep pedaling the lie about the 4000 non-existent terrorists who are coming across our southern border, when the new state department data base produced the actual numbers of suspected terrorists who were apprehended at airports. That number was "six". They weren't even apprehended at the border. Lol! "National emergency" my ass.

Trump's going on national television tomorrow to pedal a bunch of propaganda to his cult base, by bombarding them with the same lies they've been vomiting about the 4000 illegal terrorists. Chris Wallace schooled Sanders on Sunday about the 4000 terrorists that don't exist. Then, Julia Ainsley took her out to the woodshed today with Nicole Wallace and her program and confirmed the actual number. That number of six were people of interest to the state department. Have you ever in your life seen an administration so packed full of scum bag liars? And these are the people we look to to give us accurate reporting and honesty. And they want to talk about the "fake news media". Man, get out of here. These folks are all traitors to this country, because they are all about covering their asses for themselves. People, these folks are the worst of the worst.

If people were paying attention in late 2002 and early 2003, the bush boy did the same thing with Iraq, wmds and saddam.

We all know how that huge lie and propaganda campaign worked out.

We're still paying for those lies.

Hillary and most dems were in on that, too. You’re relying on the wrong lies.

Yea? Where's your proof?
How do you fuck up a talking point that badly? What did the MSM say that was over the top?
By getting the statistical year incorrect. Pretty honest mistake.
MSM would not even consider that gaffe because they wanted to push their own intentionally false narrative.
Bullshit. They deliberately lied to confuse the rubes. They have an army of fact checkers no way they got the year wrong. :rolleyes:
Since 4000 was accurate for 2017 they got the year wrong.
4000 terrorist were not stopped at the border in 2017 either. They lied on purpose. :rolleyes:

Fact Check: Did the U.S. catch 4,000 terrorists at the border in 2018?

"According to Justice Department public records and two former counterterrorism officials, no immigrant has been arrested at the southwest border on terrorism charges in recent years."
You must have a reading disability. I said 4000 total, most not at the border. The point is that the stat was accurate, the year and locations were not. But the lefty MSM propagandists had no desire to consider that context because they have a political agenda to push. You need to vet your news lest you be a complete dupe.
4000 terrorists? Even in a different year? Trump and Sanders said 4000 terrorists. So what's accurate about that?
The wall is working ,but the established parties don't want it.

Let's not listen to what border patrol and people living near the Mexican border want.
They want the wall in certain areas.
They want more agents and more use of high tech surveillance .
We have been asking this for more than 20 years.
It's time to do it.
I'm glad Trump is demanding it of both parties, they have to stop delaying it.
Everybody is getting sick and tired of party over common sense policies.
The wall is working ,but the established parties don't want it.

Let's not listen to what border patrol and people living near the Mexican border want.
They want the wall in certain areas.
They want more agents and more use of high tech surveillance .
We have been asking this for more than 20 years.
It's time to do it.
I'm glad Trump is demanding it of both parties, they have to stop delaying it.
Everybody is getting sick and tired of party over common sense policies.
The people that live near the border dont want the wall.

Americans who live near border say Trump's wall is unwelcome

“The wall might make mid-America feel safer, but for those of us that live on the border, it’s not making us feel any safer when we know that people can go over it, around it, under it and through it,”
The wall is working ,but the established parties don't want it.

Let's not listen to what border patrol and people living near the Mexican border want.
They want the wall in certain areas.
They want more agents and more use of high tech surveillance .
We have been asking this for more than 20 years.
It's time to do it.
I'm glad Trump is demanding it of both parties, they have to stop delaying it.
Everybody is getting sick and tired of party over common sense policies.
The people that live near the border dont want the wall.

Americans who live near border say Trump's wall is unwelcome

“The wall might make mid-America feel safer, but for those of us that live on the border, it’s not making us feel any safer when we know that people can go over it, around it, under it and through it,”

YES we do.
Been wanting it for over 20years.
The wall is working ,but the established parties don't want it.

Let's not listen to what border patrol and people living near the Mexican border want.
They want the wall in certain areas.
They want more agents and more use of high tech surveillance .
We have been asking this for more than 20 years.
It's time to do it.
I'm glad Trump is demanding it of both parties, they have to stop delaying it.
Everybody is getting sick and tired of party over common sense policies.
How is the wall working when it isn't there?
It will be interesting to see if Trump tries to keep pedaling the lie about the 4000 non-existent terrorists who are coming across our southern border, when the new state department data base produced the actual numbers of suspected terrorists who were apprehended at airports. That number was "six". They weren't even apprehended at the border. Lol! "National emergency" my ass.

Trump's going on national television tomorrow to pedal a bunch of propaganda to his cult base, by bombarding them with the same lies they've been vomiting about the 4000 illegal terrorists. Chris Wallace schooled Sanders on Sunday about the 4000 terrorists that don't exist. Then, Julia Ainsley took her out to the woodshed today with Nicole Wallace and her program and confirmed the actual number. That number of six were people of interest to the state department. Have you ever in your life seen an administration so packed full of scum bag liars? And these are the people we look to to give us accurate reporting and honesty. And they want to talk about the "fake news media". Man, get out of here. These folks are all traitors to this country, because they are all about covering their asses for themselves. People, these folks are the worst of the worst.

If people were paying attention in late 2002 and early 2003, the bush boy did the same thing with Iraq, wmds and saddam.

We all know how that huge lie and propaganda campaign worked out.

We're still paying for those lies.

Hillary and most dems were in on that, too. You’re relying on the wrong lies.

Yea? Where's your proof?

Go look at the resolution passed by Congress.
Bullshit. They deliberately lied to confuse the rubes. They have an army of fact checkers no way they got the year wrong. :rolleyes:
Since 4000 was accurate for 2017 they got the year wrong.
4000 terrorist were not stopped at the border in 2017 either. They lied on purpose. :rolleyes:

Fact Check: Did the U.S. catch 4,000 terrorists at the border in 2018?

"According to Justice Department public records and two former counterterrorism officiablob:https://www.msnbc.com/1bb606f0-b54f-4174-b49b-c374fbf82590ls, no immigrant has been arrested at the southwest border on terrorism charges in recent years."
You must have a reading disability. I said 4000 total, most not at the border. The point is that the stat was accurate, the year and locations were not. But the lefty MSM propagandists had no desire to consider that context because they have a political agenda to push. You need to vet your news lest you be a complete dupe.

Oh the irony! :happy-1:
RoshawnMarkwees, you seem to think the news needs vetting, but not your president, ever.
And you want to be taken seriously? :2up:
No way, Gomer.
The whole administration needs to be vetted for cooking the books on the statistics at the border; blob:https://www.msnbc.com/1bb606f0-b54f-4174-b49b-c374fbf82590

Is that like Barry cooking the books on job reports and economic numbers? Welcome to the new normal, derp.

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